1. True Mother's Activities
- Special 57th Anniversary Gathering of the 430 Couples with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
2. World News
■ Heavenly Korea
- Tongil Group Executive Workshop
- CIG Witnessing School Instructor Training
- Gwangjin Church Pilgrimage Service
- Movement for Korean Unification and Peace March commemorating the 106th anniversary of the March 1st Movement
■ Heavenly North America
- Special Hyojeong Cheonbo 3-Day Workshop in the Southeast United States
- Ilshim Program Graduation at New Jersey Family Church
■ Heavenly Asia Pacific
- Thailand: Special Grace Holy Wine for the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum Entrance Ceremony
- 2025 1st Hyo Jeong CheonBo Special Event-Philippines
■ Heavenly Latin America
- Brazil: Holy Wine Ceremony for the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum Entrance Ceremony
- Brazil: 21-Day Character Education Seminar for Pure Water
- South American UPF Webinar: ILC South America 2025
- UPF-Peru Held UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Event
■ Heavenly Africa
- Zimbabwe: "Pure Water Wave" Cheon Il Guk Youth Assembly
■ Heavenly Europe and Middle East (EUME)
- France: Hyojeong Cheonshim Cheonbo Spiritual 7-Day Workshop
- France Held Interfaith Dialogue Event