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PTV Specials
The 73rd Anniversary of the Korean War Outbreak & The Journey to a Heavenly Unified Korea
Date created : 2023-07-12/ Views : 1194

The Korean War - a catastrophic event that carved scars deep into our cherished land and forced many to say goodbye to their loved ones, - stands in history as one of the most brutal conflicts of modern times.

Over 70 years have now passed.

The war, however, remains inconclusive, with the chasm between the North and the South persisting. Confrontation, conflict, and tragedy are yet to end.

Amidst this adversity, a vision of beauty remains - where the wind and rivers weave a harmonious melody of peace, and migratory birds freely bridge the divide between North and South.

The distant northern land is also the sacred home of the Heavenly Parent. Seeking to end the pain of the Korean Peninsula and usher in a dawn of peace, True Mother journeyed to the northernmost part of the peninsula, offering earnest prayers.

The far-off cries of magpies, birds of good fortune in Korean legends, seem to echo a message of hope before its time, guiding us towards our collective dream - a Heavenly Unified Korea.

Our nation, once a unified land of majesty, is home to a splendid people who have shared a rich history of 5000 years. Therefore, the yearning for unification in the name of peace has persistently resonated in our hearts.

In this spirit, Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon dialogued with President Mikhail Gorbachev,

then the President of the Soviet Union, about the limitations of communism during the 1990s - a time of peaked ideological conflict between democracy and communism.

 Through their encounter with North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, they shed light on the existence of God and championed a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, anchored in theism.

In doing so, they paved the path to unification by blessing the Demilitarized Zone, the line that splits the Korean Peninsula, envisioning it as a land of peace and prosperity.

"I propose today that the United Nations and religious leaders unite and work towards creating peace zones in all conflicted border regions."

18 August 2000, UN Headquarters, New York

Unification is an imperative for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.

Nevertheless, we are faced with a maze of complex challenges.

The declaration of the end of the war and the ensuing peace agreement, which ought to precede unification, are beyond our sole will.

The Panmunjom Declaration, born out of the inter-Korean summit held in the symbolic site of Panmunjom on April 27, 2018, exposes these limitations.

Furthermore, numerous South Korean citizens, constituents of the Republic of Korea, fail to recognize the necessity of unification, viewing North Korea beyond the Military Demarcation Line as a foe.

In the present time, poverty, hunger, and calamities persist due to conflicts and disputes between nations, races, and religions across the globe.

Nevertheless, no conflict or dispute is insolvable.

By bridging severed paths and dismantling obstructive walls, the road to reconciliation and shared prosperity is revealed.

The PEACE ROAD initiative exemplifies this, striving for global peace through communication and connection.

This grand odyssey towards the unification of the Korean Peninsula, propelled by the endeavors of world leaders and citizens, seeks nothing but world peace and the unification of the Korean Peninsula.

As a people blessed by the heavens, we know that our responsibility is to become a united Korea.

When we serve you as a Heavenly Unified Korea, we know that there will be a future and hope for our people.

1 January 2019, Cheongshim Peace World Center

The dream of unification should no longer be confined to our individual hopes.

Instead, leaders and intellectuals globally are collaborating to foster the hope for unification in the name of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.

We all envision a Unified Republic of Korea, where dreams of freedom, equality, and happiness are attainable by all.

We are committed to shaping a future where weapons and conflicts can be relinquished, a banner of love and peace can be raised, and our nation can become a blessed land, serving and honoring the Heavenly Parent.

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