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True Mother’s Message at the Cheon Il Guk Bowing Ceremony to Celebrate True Parents’ Holy Birthday (February 6, 2022)
Date created : 2022-02-15/ Views : 1954

The Cheon Il Guk Kyeongbae Ceremony to Celebrate the Holy Birth of True Parents (True Mother's Message)

6 February 2022, HJ Garden Hall

I am so happy to see you. As we welcome this hope-filled and vibrant year of the black tiger I sincerely wish that you will raise songs of victory that Heaven will always remember. 

What if, in 1962, the last black tiger year, True Parents' Holy Wedding had been held on the worldwide foundation of Christianity that Heaven had prepared, wouldn't that have been amazing! 

The Christian realm had been awaiting the coming of the Messiah so passionately and so earnestly since the crucifixion of Jesus.

Finally, the time had come that Jesus spoke of in his final words, when he said he would come again and hold the marriage supper of the lamb.

The one that humanity, that Christianity, was waiting for, the one they had to meet, who had to be born, who is that? How would it be entering this year of the black tiger if Christianity had known of the birth of the only begotten daughter and welcomed her? Heaven has worked so hard and waited so impatiently for this time for 60 years, and now the only begotten daughter, True Mother, the Mother of Peace, the Mother of the Universe has declared the opening and the secure settlement of Cheon Il Guk so, on that foundation, it is time to reveal the conclusion of the providence before the Korean people and before the world and you must become the magnets for them! 

If you are completely united with True Parents, then whatever you do and wherever you go, like a magnet you will find the righteous people that Heaven has worked so hard for to prepare. Boldly tell everyone who you are!Do you understand? (Yes) 

When you are united with True Parents, and people meet you, you will draw them to you like a magnet. I wish that all of you will be filled with that kind of courage and that kind of magnetism.

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