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Date created : 2014-07-24/ Views : 647



The Grand American Journey Pushes Past the Halfway Mark!


The God’s Hope for America pilgrimage completed its halfway point completing the Civil Rights mini tour and making its way up the Pilgrim mini tour. The bus rode through Atlanta Georgia, praying at Stone Mountain and made its way up the East Coast to Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, where participants visited the National Wonjeon to pay their respects to ascended Unificationists.  


The pilgrimage then passed through some of America’s most historic states, stopping at Gettysburg in Delaware to reflect on this countries sacrifices, at Valley Forge to pray for the future of this country and explored Franklin Square Park in Pennsylvania before arriving in New Jersey which proudly claims one of the largest Unificationist communities in the states.


Then on to New York, where prayer and songs were offered in the New York City Holy Ground, the East Garden and Belvedere Holy Grounds, and on to a rally held at the 9/11 Memorial site. Manhattan Borough Deputy President, Joe Garba addressed the assembly.


In Danbury, 200 people from 22 states gathered at a park overlooking the prison and became the first signatories of a “recognition of injustice,” petition that will gather more than 12,000 signatures in all 50 states in the next 10 days and become the basis for an effort to finally gain closure on this most regrettable event in our American history. Exactly 30 years ago this week, Rev. Sun Myung Moon reported to the Federal Correctional Institute in Danbury, Connecticut, to begin an 18-month sentence on disputed tax-related charges. The #godshopeforamerica pilgrimage visited Danbury to pray and start a campaign where like-minded Americans could express their regret that such a miscarriage of justice remained unacknowledged and uncorrected. 


The wonderful Holy Ground Ceremony in Rhode Island began with a prayer given by the previous Providence pastor, Dmitry Vitchilsky, followed by a reading by Mary Giossi, a Mayflower descendant. Afterwards the participants enjoyed the company of new and old friends and testimonies were given by those who had been travelling on the bus. Charles and Clark, new Unificationists, gave inspirational testimonies of finding God, while Hannah, Unificationist-born, stressed the need to inherit all that was built.


The group then headed to Plymouth Rock where they prayed at the rock, toured the town of Plymouth and the Mayflower replica, and enjoyed an ice cream party and waterside shops. They spent some time talking to people about the purpose of the pilgrimage, reminding themselves in the process that we are all pilgrims. Many people clearly agree with the need for a God-centered revival for this nation. They heard comments when people read the bus like, “Yeah, God’s Hope for America, we need more of that!” or received a thumbs up as the bus passed by. It is truly time for a revival. It starts with each individual, family, and community. Pilgrimage participants feel more revived daily. The response from Americans is favorable. As True Father said, “Together we can make God’s presence in America a living reality.”


Over 450 people met the bus at the Boston Commons, the oldest city park In America, for a stirring event with the Boston Family Church band and noteworthy speeches. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings Jr. founder of the Imani Temple and featured as a leading African-American leader in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C., called the gathering a celebration of “God’s Hope for America, an indivisible nation under God, conceived in liberty and established on the foundation of justice for all.” He raised the questions that while America has been richly blessed by God, has America fulfilled her global responsibility, lived up to her original creed, and established one Family Under God? He acknowledged the mission of True Father and True Mother, “to call America to fulfill her greatness and to position herself as the true leader of the free world beckoning all of humanity to return to God.” He explained how True Father came to America willing to face whatever serious adversity he might encounter. “Rev. Moon was God-driven!” he exclaimed.


The bus made its way to Kittery, Maine and gathered in John Paul Jones Historical Park, a small park in the middle of a neighborhood. Jim Hughes stated that Maine is God’s country. Francisco, a new Unificationist of the community gave a heartfelt prayer in Spanish. Cars that drove by honked in encouragement. Scott Simonds spoke about the history of Maine and how it has the longest coastline. He explained that True Father said Maine is shaped like a handle; if Maine can come together under God, then it can scoop the whole country up and God can claim America. 


The pilgrimage made its way to its final stop for this part of the tour, Portsmouth, New Hampshire and ended the day. Memorial Park is a peaceful park in Portsmouth. Here, Pastor Heather Thalheimer of the Faith Fusion Family Church read from True Father’s speech encouraging us to read it over and over through many voices so that we may understand more of the nuances of his message to the world.


The Pilgrimage continues on to the Unification Theological Seminary, Niagara falls and to the states of the Great Lakes. There is still 15 days left for this incredible Pilgrimage. Visit the #godshopeforamerica website and search # godshopeforamerica on twitter and facebook to read up on the tour. 

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