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The Cheon Il Guk Constitution Introduction Video
Date created : 2014-04-24/ Views : 725

The Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity (or Cheon Il Guk) is a world in which the ideal of One Family Under God is realized and all humanity, both in the physical and spiritual worlds, lives in attendance to God as their Heavenly Parent.

The First Year of Cheon Il Guk!

Cheon Il Guk began on True Parents’ victorious foundation…

And the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, the cornerstone of the era of everlasting peace, was created…

The constitution establishes the fundamental laws of a nation and is the supreme law.

The Cheon Il Guk Constitution is rooted in God’s true love and True Parents’ teachings.

Right after Foundation Day when the substantial Cheon Il Guk was proclaimed, in accordance with True Father’s words, “If a heavenly nation exists, there must be a heavenly constitution,” True Mother instructed that the Cheon Il Guk Constitution be enacted.

The legislative principles of the Cheon Il Guk constitution comprises seven main principles that include the substantiation of the Cheon Il Guk ideal, enactment centered on True Parents’ teachings, and guidelines for the establishment of vision and faith for Cheon Il Guk citizens.

In accordance with True Parents’ directions, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, vice-pre and President Hyo Yul Kim were appointed as cochairmen of the Legislative Committee, and three sub-committees were formed. 

The Cheon Il Guk Constitution and system were set up based on research done of the 615 volumes of the Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Cheon Seong Gyeong and other sources. The guiding life principles and norms of Cheon Il Guk citizens were deduced in the same manner.

In addition, representative constitutions from eight nations that are of a different nature from the Korean system and eleven constitutions of different domestic and foreign religions were analyzed and used for reference.

The draft that resulted from this period of concentrated research passed through several stages of public hearings.

The main audience at these hearings comprised national leaders, elder members from the 36- to the 124-couple blessings, presidents and executive officers of providential organizations, presidents of church businesses and Korean and Japanese church leaders.

Regional presidents, representative national leaders from each region, theologians and legal experts from the West were specifically invited for the sixth public hearing, during which 2 days of in-depth discussions took place.

During a total of nine public hearings involving 1,035 individuals from 21 nations, each and every word, sentence and line of the constitution was examined and continually revised.

Eleven chapters, ninety-two articles and 190 clauses!

The Cheon Il Guk Constitution!

Today, on this first anniversary of True Father’s ascension, we are about to dedicate the constitution, which fully encompasses Heaven’s will and word.  

The preamble to the constitution, which defines Cheon Il Guk, clarifies the goal of Cheon Il Guk.

This constitution, which comprises laws, standards and procedures that will guide Cheon Il Guk citizens to realize the substantial word that True Parents have exemplified throughout their lives, has been enacted to prepare a universal and practical life system, family system, national church system and international church system that will help us settle and complete Cheon Il Guk. 


Chapter 1 ? General Provisions

General Provisions, Section 1: God

Defines God’s nature, describes his relationship with humanity as a parent-child relationship and specifies that he is Cheon Il Guk’s supreme sovereign. 

General Provisions, Section 2: True Parents…

Specifies True Parents?who are the perfect embodiment of God?as the original ancestors of humankind and states that they have the final decision-making authority over the management of Cheon Il Guk and the sole authority over the Blessing Ceremony as the eternal Cheon Il Guk King and Queen of Peace.

General Provisions, Section 3: Cheon Il Guk ….

Specifies the fundamental principles, sovereignty, duties, public assets and official language of Cheon Il Guk and sets Cheon Jeong Gung as the Global Headquarters.

Chapter 2 - Citizens of Cheon Il Guk!

Defines Cheon Il Guk citizens as those that attend God and True Parents and follow True Parents’ teachings.

It prescribes the seven rights and five duties of Cheon Il Guk citizens, such as the right to receive education on fulfilling the three great blessings and the duty to preserve the pure lineage of Heaven. It also determines the qualifications for public officials.

Chapters three to eight of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution cover the five organs of the Cheon Il Guk organization and system, which were set based on True Father’s teachings and the Divine Principle and include laws on authority and principles of implementation. 

The Cheon Il Guk Executive will function as the executive branch, the Cheong Wi Won (the Cheon Il Guk National Assembly) as the legislative branch, and the Cheon Beob Won (the Cheon Il Guk Court) as the judicial branch.

The Cheon Jae Won will manage public assets and finances and the Cheon Gong Won will serve as the media committee.

The chairperson of the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council will be appointed from among True Parents’ family members. The supreme council will comprise 13 members.

True Parents will directly appoint the chairperson and members of the Supreme Council.

The Supreme Council shall deliberate and decide on matters related to the identity and basic principles of Cheon Il Guk and the bills introduced by the five organs.

Chapter 9 on “Regional Church Governance” states the term of office and authority of regional presidents and national leaders.

Chapter 10 on “Elections” states that all elections in Cheon Il Guk shall be held through universal, equal, direct and secret ballot, and also by lottery, based on recommendations.

Chapter 11 on “Amendments to the Constitution” covers putting forward, announcing and finalizing decisions on amendments. It also includes supplementary provisions, enforcement dates, systems and interim measures related to organizations.  

This Constitution, presented to True Parents, was promulgated on the first anniversary of Foundation Day on the 13th day of the first month, in the second year of Cheon Il Guk, and shall be effective 60 days thereafter.

Subordinate laws on the management of the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council, on Cheon Il Guk citizens and many other such laws will be enacted in accordance with the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. Five branches centered on the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council under True Parents will be formed for the governance of Cheon Il Guk.


The Cheon Il Guk Constitution is a promise made to Heaven, its citizens and the world!

It is the foundation for the development of Cheon Il Guk and reflects the fundamental spirit that will connect all of human history.

The Cheon Il Guk Constitution!


Now that this eternal promise has been made on earth and in the spirit world...

May all tribal messiahs fulfill their missions and responsibilities as we begin to take these new steps on this new path of establishing Cheon Il Guk.

Let us all march forward with all our strength until the day Cheon Il Guk?where the culture of heart is in irradiant bloom?is settled and completed on earth.


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