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We long for you even in our dreams ~The First Anniversary of Universal Seonghwa~
Date created : 2013-08-24/ Views : 1155

True Father!

Beloved Father!

It is already the first anniversary of your seonghwa!

While we were unaware, time flew, like an arrow…

Just like a thousand year old rock, we have remained steadfast, longing for you even in our dreams. We usher in this day with this heart.

True Father was the way, the truth, love and life.

We met God through you.


We felt true love through you.

We could grow in wisdom and have firm courage to win the world through you.

More than anything else, you have pricelessly given us the precious gift of the Blessing.

Father, you were the manifestation of the word and loved the word more than anyone else.

When conveying the word, drops of perspiration kept falling as you dedicated yourself completely with the heart to save even one person.

The teachings you gave us after staying up for nights not only awakened us but has also become the standard in our lives and is becoming the scripture of humanity.

True Parents

completely devoted themselves to open a new era.

Under the vision of “One big family under God,”

Leaders around the world, including world top leaders, are participating in the peace movement.

An inter-faith movement that has contributed to the holding of hands by exclusive religious leaders and the suppression of religious conflicts.!

A big step that brought the Cold War to an end

and opened a new horizon for the unification of North Korea and South Korea …

Educational institutions fostering world citizens…

Mass media organizations forming the right public opinion

Aim at reducing the poor-rich gap between the east and west through the standardization of technologies used in industries around the world.

Contributed to the development of sports, the culture and arts that sublimates the spirit of humanity. 

The Women’s Federation for World Peace and the Universal Peace Federation, which are NGOs in special consultative status with the economic and social council of the United Nations, are suggesting new world alternatives.

Last year late in the summer was the most sweltering ever!

Our shocked hearts still tremble even today.


Thinking you would always be as healthy as a youth, the regret we felt was even more intense.

Father… you completely dedicated your life and tried to give everything..

Just as Jesus redeemed the sins of humanity by shedding blood on the cross...

You had to indemnify the sins of the world by enduring the pain the numerous hospital equipment inflicted on your body during your fight against this disease for about a month. 

The entire Unification community prayed and prayed for your recovery.

However, ….

Father who proclaimed, “I have accomplished everything,” went to the original homeland leaving this final prayer behind.

7.17 by the heavenly calendar

True Father’s ascension

You ascended after completing and concluding the providence of restoration; however, your ascension was a bolt from the blue to us.

We could not believe your sudden leaving;

No matter how many tears rolled down from our two eyes,

It did not alleviate our yearning and miserable hearts.


The queue of leaders from around the world and righteous people who came to pay tribute saw no end for thirteen days.  

The Universal Seong-hwa Ceremony! 

The day you went to the beautiful spiritual world holding Mother’s love and determination to accomplish the great works you have left behind.

We have engraved you in our hearts with eternal love.

On the way to Bonhyangwon, Cheonseong San

Father, you had to leave the cries of members who had come for you behind and had to move forward with lingering heavy steps; how difficult your heart must have been!

The more we shed silent tears, the more we long for you. We sincerely beseech you to come into our hearts at any time.


We pray that

Your love,

Your hope,

Your teachings

Vividly revive for eternity at all times.


A noble life and accomplishments that cannot be all inscribed within the heavenly scroll

The path you followed has become the way of life;

Your accomplishments have become the cornerstone of peace;

The teachings you left behind have become the light of love.


True Parents,

You made the thorny path of restoration into a broad and level path;

You enlarged the narrow door of the Kingdom of Heaven;

And overcame all ordeals and painful persecutions with your immense heart.





After the ascension,

True Mother became one with True Father in heaven.

True Mother has been investing everything at the front line of the providence in order to accomplish God’s will.

Following the publication of Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeonghwa Gyeong, we dedicate the Cheon Il Guk constitution in front of Heaven today. World leaders and law experts based the making of the Cheon Il Guk constitution on True Parents’ teachings; the constitution could be completed through their complete dedication and wisdom.


A new age has been opened now that we have the teachings and laws needed to establish and rule the ideal world.

Alongside this constitution, we also dedicate all public assets around the world to You.

With this, we have established the Cheon Il Guk eog mansei frame.


Beloved Father! On this first anniversary of your ascension…

Please open the pearl gates of heaven and bring down spiritual wonders in all might on earth!

Please help us realize the big ideal of the completion of Cheon Il Guk as we attend Mother on earth.

The Returning Lord resolved all of God’s 6,000 year resentment!

True Parents gave us born again lives!


The True Emperor of Cheon Il Guk with Holiness and Virtue, the Emperor of Absolute Victory over the Whole opened the new era after the coming of Heaven!

Please govern the cosmos and allow the whole earth to enjoy a reign of peace. 

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