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PTV Specials
Publication of the first issue of TP magazine
Date created : 2014-05-27/ Views : 2391

Publication of the first issue of TP magazine/ Grand Opening of the PeaceTV English Website

The first issue of the e-book True Peace magazine has been released. TP magazine will rapidly and vividly convey True Parents’ messages and the providence in this age, when everyone can connect within a second.

The magazine is being produced in five languages?Korean, Japanese, English, French and Spanish. It is being released in an e-book version with video links added to it as an online service, enabling members to easily reach more information faster, at any time or place.

The first issue of TP magazine covers True Father’s sermon on the 9th Day of All Things, True Mother’s messages and activities, the Leda Project in South America and news from mission fields around the world.

TP magazine has been created in response to True Mother hopes that all blessed members in the world keep informed of all providential activities without any restrictions from time or space and that we all align with True Parents’ hearts and providential direction.

In line with this, PeaceTV’s English website has also been created.

The Korean and Japanese websites will continuously provide True Parents’ activities and news from the field, but we will now provide members in the other countries with the same information, not only in English but also in French and Spanish through this mainly English website.

You can easily view TP magazine and receive PeaceTV services on smart phones and tablets through e-mail and the messenger app KakaoTalk.

FFWPU History Compilation Committee is working towards creating an environment that can enable the world to become one with True Parents through TP magazine and PeaceTV’s English website in this age when everyone can connect in a second.

We hope you are all greatly interested and watch our programs. 

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