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[English]Victory of True Parents’ Japan Rally Tour -The light of Victory to the Whole World!-
Date created : 2015-07-15/ Views : 729

True Mother’s first rally of the 5-city tour across Japan following CheonIlGuk Foundation Day!



In the midst of a subtle circumstances around the world, members in Japan, the mother nation, filled with new energy, taking the rally commemorating the 55th Anniversary of the Unification Mission in Japan as an initiative, made a firm resolution to establish Japan as a true mother nation and to become a flag bearer of victory for the vision 2020.



Hokkaido! Keeping the beauty aroused by the nature of the ancient times.

It is the natural habitat with the highest concentration of cranes, the national bird of CheonIlGuk.

Japan’s nature has been reborn as if all things in the posterior era have been recreated.

Prior to the rally tour, True Mother has offered many conditions in order to newly establish Japan.



True Mother’s Japan rally tour, commemorating the 55th anniversary of the Unification Mission in Japan, took place with great success with 40,000 participants from the five main cities across Japan, including the Northern part Sapporo, the capital area of Saitama, the middle part of Nagoya, Joshinetsu Nagano and Kobe, western Japan.


The Hokkaido rally opened the door of the Japan rally tour!


In the presence of 3200 people participating, along with five former and current Diet members, True Mother blessed Japan and enlightened the path for Korea and Japan to become externally united as one.


Japan is the nation that received Heaven’s blessing from True Parents in the center of providential history, the highly profound will which the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind struggled to achieve. If Japan simply tries to cover the faults of its past calls for unity in order to look towardsthe future, the truth will be buried. One cannot make a friend in the absence of the truth. Japan must reveal the truth.


This marked the starting point at which Korea and Japan can become united into one! All the families realized that it is possible when they internally unite into one centering on True Parents. This day, the roaring shouts of passing a resolution to lead the way of the vision 2020 spread across the Japanese Archipelago.


There was a concern about canceling the rally in the capital area, due to the typhoon Wipha, that swarmed into Japan, the largest of its kind in a decade. Due to the hard rain that was pouring 120 millimeters per hour, along with strong winds, schools and shops were closed and the roads were packed with heavy traffic congestion.


However, the very day of the rally, a colorful rainbow made its way across the morning sky.

The beautiful autumn air was fresh and clean. The sky was unusually clear and brilliant.

The scene of approximately 20,000 people filling the vast gymnasium to its full capacity was so powerful that it could drive out the typhoon.

The celebrative performances purified the venue and then True Mother entered and opened the ceremony.


The Unification Mission in Japan started in 1958 before diplomatic normalization between South Korea and Japan were established.

After overcoming death, worship started with 3 people over the next year and now the number has increased to hundreds of thousands of people with more than 300 churches across the nation.


A video was presented, which compiled the footsteps of the Japanese movement until the 55th Anniversary of the Unification Church Mission in Japan and 54thAnniversary of the founding of the HSA-UWC in Japan.



(Rev. Hideo Oyamada) Olympics being held in Tokyo in 2020, the heavenly fortune and blessing are coming with the advent of True Mother.



(Dr. Yong-cheonSong,Chairman of the Blessed Families Federation of Japan.) I would like to give a warm round of applause to True Mother, our main figure of the commemorative rally, wishing all of you to make a new start heading for the victory of vision 2020 and to light a signal fire of heavenly fortune as attending True Parents at the center.


Receiving cheers and applause, True Mother went on to the platform and prefaced as she acknowledged and appreciated the Japanese members.


She commended former presidents, elders and blessed central families very much for their dedicated efforts and devotions, which led the the second and third generation members to become the hope of the nation and to grow into leaders who could guide.



The history of the providence of restoration coming to Korea and Japan passing through Israel, Rome, the United Kingdom and America!


True Mother summed up Heaven’s chosen nations and their history. She emphasized the importance of the responsibility of the mother nation, Japan’s position and her mission.


The mother has to embrace the children from all over the world. Embrace them and educate them and introduceTrue Father, drawing them into the arms of True Parents. Such a responsibility is the blessing that Heaven has entrusted to Japan.


True Mother! Enlightening us that blessing succeeds to a grace when one fully takes its responsibility and then heavenly fortune and blessing will come along.


A storm of applause and cheering burst out like thunder as a response when True Mother called upon Japan to be born again as a true mother nation.


Nagoya, the representative industrial city, has led Japan’s economy with Toyota cars and so on!


This place, which headed up the church`s development in the initial phase, reminded us of the traditions here.


Do you all remember the three elders Matsumoto, Kanari and Hayashi, who devoted their sincerity and played a leading role of Japan in offering conditions? Please give a big applause to them with a sincere gratitude for their love, fidelity and condition for the will, which have built the foundation for us to be able to honor this event today.


“The way for blessed families to prosper, that is witnessing!”


True Mother prayed for the continuation of witnessing fever by inheriting the tradition of the first generation.


The momentum which overwhelmed even the power of an outrageous storm carried on to Nagoya.


Nagano, so-called the roof of Japan because of 15 mountains that are higher than 3000 meters!


The rally was held in the church chapel, thanks to the church foundation that is bigger than any other regions, and so the spiritual atmosphere was highly elated.


Today as I am about to think of the word hometown, how it is raining outside seems like the heavenly parents are shedding tears of gratitude saying ‘you are resolving my resentment.’


True Mother’s tears flowed from her eyes as she mentioned the original homeland! That shows the heavenly parents’ resentment and sorrow and agony, the tragic heart about the fallen mankind and the earnest will to establish God’s homeland, CheonIlGuk.


In Nagano, where it snows frequently, the history changing Japan into a nation pure like a snow has spread.


Kobe is rising up from the devastation and sorrow brought on by a severe earthquake!


The power of True Parents, which lightens the place of darkness and cures the parts where pain resides, honored the last venue of the Japan rally tour.


True Parents has accomplished, completed and concluded the history of the providence of restoration and indemnity. Now you should guide not only your neighbors, but also the nations that do not know the God’s will to become one under heavenly parents and True Parents` will. I pray for all of you who could bring these days forward.


Freedom, peace, unification and a happy world! The ardent will praying for all mankind in the world to enjoy the grace of heavenly parents and the love of true parents, has filled not only the Japanese members, but also the whole Japanese Archipelago.


Since the first rally in Hokkaido, political relations and NGO organizations have shown a lot of interest and fervent responses.


At every rally, members of the Japanese Diet and former ministers delivered congratulatory address and hundreds of NGO organizations have sent us congratulatory messages.


(Takashi Aoyama, former Diet member)

I will accept and practice the work left by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who dedicated his lifetime for the world peace, as a first step as I attend Dr. Hak-ja Han Moon and become one with all of you.


VIPs were impressed by True Parents’ grand vision for world peace and the Victory Over Communism movement more than anything else and the church members felt the history of Heaven when they promised consistently to succeed the will.


(Osamu Uno, former Diet member) I sympathized with the mind of eliminating the walls between nations and becoming one as leading the way to World Peace. That is why I try to provide supports in various ways. Even from now on, I would like to succeed the will of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and strive for various activities and contribute my might to the movement.


As the international situation is more delicate than at any other time, numerous journalists from Korean and Japanese Press agencies engaged in a competitive battle to report the commemorative rally. They were searching for solutions from True Parents to resolve this difficult situation. Faith that the problems of comfort women, territorial disputes and distorted history consciousness would be resolved emerged thanks to the righteous Japanese people who received the heavenly fortune. 

The victory celebration Hoondokhae session was held the very next day of each commemorative rally. Hoondokhae, which started from 6:00 a.m. was such a revival.

Sunhak chorus offered a song and Jangnyun chorus inspired even more with a cheerful song. True Mother watched all these performances and pinned the wings on them to soar high by encouraging them.



Testimony of a member who witnessed dozens of people~


Testimony of peace ambassadors and VIP who participated~


It filled everyone with positive energy, which gives them new strength.


Everyone should be wealthy. You like it? Is there anyone who does not like to be rich? The fastest way to become rich is witnessing. The fallen outside world is getting desolate. But we, who attend True Parents, are getting happier and happier. Witnessing a lot in order to offer everything to True Father in the spiritual world and to the heavenly parents as their own property is the work of all the blessed families sitting right here.


The room resonated with a bright and powerful response of resolution.

One of the most fervent interests that True Mother focuses on is training second generation members to become leaders. That is because God’s will can be accomplished when the tradition of True Parents fully transcends to the descendants.


“The fact that there are blessed families, second and third generation members growing up in Japan should be considered as a pride and glory of Japan by all 120 million Japanese people and the politicians leading the nation. All the blessed families of the Unification Church should be treasured. I ask you to please understand that you are standing in such a valuable position.  


A day before the rally in the capital area, the second generation leaders’ special assembly took place. At this event, the elder blessed families of 12 couples, the root and a living witness of Japan Unification Church, were invited.


That is to gather the past and the future of the Japan Unification Church together in the present.

From the Garden of Eden to the top of the mountain of Golgotha and to the hill of Cheongpa-dong, the path of restoration founded by searching through the thorny path as shedding bloody tears for 6000 years! If we continue the path the way it is, the dream of accomplishment of CheonIlGuk will be achieved. So the second generation made a firm resolution to inherit and furthermore develop the tradition of the faith as they keep True Mother’s earnest hope into themselves.


True Mother also looked around the witnessing education facilities of the church.


Eight years ago, True Mother gave a mission to the Nagano church to quintuple the members. All the members witnessed at their maximum effort now  that they achieved multiplying the membership three times since the beginning, including the peace ambassadors, the number now exceeded the target. 


The members of Nagano set a motto that if we believe in True Parents and live up to their principles, everything will be absolutely accomplished.


Both inside and outside, you should be strong so as not to collapse even though a rainstorm hits you.

I will establish the foundation upright in order to contribute to the world~

I will make it possible to enjoy a reign of peace myriad years~

True Mother wished the prosperity of Japan.


In order to greet True Mother, who decided to visit Japan for the first official rally tour after the True Father’s Seonghwa, Japanese members offered a special 40 days condition.


Mayumi Funakoshi (Blessed family)-- Thanks to True Parents who poured their endeavors and went through suffering and hard work with much tears, sweat and blood until now, for 55 years, Japanese members could stand alongside pursuing God’s will.


Keisuke Kamijo (Blessed family)-- Like True Mother’s words, I believe that we can accomplish everything if we become one with True Mother and I made a firm resolution for a new start.


Even as the typhoon steered by as if it was overwhelmed by the power of condition.

Church members received even greater grace than the amount of conditions that they offered.


Recreated the nature of Japan


A journey where she inherited the heavenly fortune and blessings~


Japan is being newly reborn thanks to True Parents’ great love and grace.


Uniting into one with Korea, surpassing Asia and embracing humankind all over the world, Japan is standing up as a flag bearer of victory for the vision 2020 as revealing the glory of the Heaven.

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