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PTV Specials
69th anniversary of the founding of the association
Date created : 2023-07-11/ Views : 965

Prayer and devotion to an unseen Absolute have given birth to religion, a dream of humanity longing for a better life.

Throughout human history, religion has served as a beacon, lighting up eras and guiding the world. Yet, the world envisioned by the Heavens has been elusive, prompting our collective thirst for a new truth.

Clinging to heaven with burning passion, In the refuge of Busan, [True Parents] explored the principles of creation, the theory of fall and the principle of restoration through a new message,  

laying the cornerstone for humanity's salvation and the dawn of a peaceful world.

Equipped with the new message from God, the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity embarked on its mission on May 1, 1954, to shoulder responsibilities that Christianity had to fulfill.

The promise made two thousand years ago was finally fulfilled through the Holy Marriage with the only begotten daughter who came as the First Advent. Many people who realized the will of heaven and empathized with it, started their spiritual return, one soul at a time.

Our members, prioritizing original love over strength, knowledge, and power, ventured forth to communicate God's ideal of creation, putting their very lives at stake. This pioneering journey has become an immutable rock for ages and a testament to miraculous history.

In 1993, atop this foundation, the era of True Parents and the completed testament age was declared. True Parents readied the launch of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification through the establishment of the Women's Federation for World Peace and the World Peace Youth Federation.

They surpassed religious and national boundaries, and declared a new dawn towards the realization of the ideal of one human family under God.

The Unification Church moves towards the era of restoration of eldest son's right,
the restoration of parents and the restoration of kingship.

It extends beyond the unification of Christianity 

We've entered the era of Global Unification

Thus far, the Unification Church has spearheaded the movement, 

Now, the Family Federation will take the lead,

And a time is coming when the Unification Church will gradually fade away.

Humanity, tasked with eradicating Satan's lineage and becoming blessed families, has witness True Parents work day and night, to share heaven's word across the five oceans and six continents, dedicating true children and nations to heaven.

Our members have tread the righteous path of serving Heavenly Parent as their original parent through blessing marriages, unifying North and South, orchestrating inter-religious unification and reconciliation movements, spearheading scholarships, educational endeavors, and an array of service activities.

After the Ascension of True Father, True Mother, who announced the long-awaited CIG, embarked on creating a world of a one human family. She tore down barriers of nationality, race, religion, and culture, and enshrining Heavenly Parent as the true parents of humanity, cradling and uplifting His sorrowful children with love.

Even within the physical limits, thinking only of the Heavenly Parent and embracing humanity with love, True Mother, achieved victory in the restoration of seven countries, seven denominations, and continents...

Leaders worldwide have etched a history of miracles, weaving hope centered on the Mother of Peace.

At the blessed junction of the 100th anniversary of True Father's Holy birth and the 60th anniversary of his Ascension, 
True Mother declared the Heavenly Parent's Holy Community. Providing a robust foundation for the earnest establishment of the safe settlement of Cheon Il Guk.

Every individual residing on this land Must recognize the Heavenly Parent. 

They must recognize the True Parents.

I hereby announce the 'Heavenly Parent's Holy Community', 

A place where all people unite under one flag.

In the face of global disconnection due to the COVID-19 pandemic, True Mother has pioneered The One-Second Era under the broad umbrella of the Heavenly Parents' Holy Community

educating humanity with messages of hope, forging a world where grander dreams can be nurtured. These endeavors culminated in the Summit for Peace on the Korean Peninsula, creating a foundation for the unification of Korea.

We humbly pray to God seeking a world where all of humanity can relish in the joy of becoming true children, embodying the essence of filial piety.

for an environment where each of us can become owners of hope illuminating the path that leads us back to our original selves.

In 2023, on the occasion of the  80th anniversary of her Holy birth, she reorganized the organization into a new system to lay the groundwork for a Heavenly unified Korea and a Heavenly unified world, blessing us to become even more revived.

The path we've tread to realize the Heavenly Parents' ideal world of and lead an era of peace

has been humble at the outset, but is bound to be grand at the end. the foundations established with sincerity have begun to take root across the globe, striving to fulfill the vision of one human family.


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