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PTV Specials
Promotional Video: Heavenly Parent's Holy Community's 2021 Peace Festival
Date created : 2021-04-01/ Views : 2194
 “You are Heaven’s Blessing”

On April 4, 2021, at 10 a.m., the dream of Heavenly Parents with the Mother of Peace, the world of one great family of humankind under our Heavenly Parent as the wish of humanity. We invite you to the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community Peace Festival.

Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 10 a.m. TV.peacelink. Sign-up then Attend

Main Program
1. Heads of State-level Leaders Hyojeong Testimonies 1: Who is the Mother of Peace?
2. Heads of State-level Leaders Hyojeong Testimonies 2: Who is the Heavenly Parent?
3. Ambassadors for Peace and Blessed Families Hyojeong Testimonies 3: Who am I?
4. Themed Performance: Musical
5. Cultural Performance: Paul Potts, the Little Angels, Insooni
Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

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