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Special Lectures
Lecture 9 : [Human Fall 2] The Motivation and Process of the Fall
Date created : 2014-10-29/ Views : 1594
Dr. Son, Dae Oh Divine Principle Lecture Series

Power Point Script by Tyler Hendricks: <ppt_lecture 9.ppt>

< Human Fall 2>

Note: the symbol “” indicates when an animation appears on the slide, in relation to the text. 

Lecture 9
The Motivation and Process of the Fall 


Welcome back to our series of presentations on the Unification Principle. 


In our last session we discovered that the root of sin and human suffering is embedded in illicit sexual relationships. If true, this would mean that 

 sexual immorality is the root of all evils. 


We have to admit that no human beings, no laws or religious systems, have been able to prevent sexual immorality. Every religion regards it as a grave sin, and 

 social science reveals how destructive it is of individual and societal well-being. 

 Nonetheless, society cannot free us of this problem. 

 This is because it is the very root of sin, and it is part of who we are. Therefore we have never discovered the motivations behind the Fall, and the process by which it came about. In this session, we will learn about 

 the motivation and the process of the Fall.


It is clear that Satan was the serpent who tempted humankind to fall. 

 So did Satan exist as God’s adversary from the beginning? 

 If there were a power contradicting God from the beginning, the struggle of good and evil would be everlasting. In that case, religious life seeking a universal ideal of goodness, truth, beauty and love would be futile. 


In fact, creation could not even have begun. 


Satan did not exist with God at the origin. 

 And God is a God of goodness who would never create Satan.


God created angels as good beings, but an archangel fell by his own will and became Satan.
Let us talk about angels for a moment. 


When God created the universe He created the angels first. 

 Genesis 1:26, “God says, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” God put himself in the plural. God is ‘El,’ but we have God referred to in the plural form ‘Elohim.” Why in the plural form, ‘our? 

 It refers to the angels who were created before any other creation.  


The purpose of God creating the angel was 

 to take care of Adam and Eve. Before Adam and Eve existed, the archangel was responsible for the environment in the Garden of Eden. 

 The angels were created as servants to God and human beings.

 Human beings as children of God have the qualification to 

 have dominion over all God’s creation, including the angels. 

SLIDE 10: 

The angel is an individual entity that has no concept of being ‘man’ or ‘woman,’ but it appears as a man. It does not represent either gender. 

In the Bible, angels are referred to as ‘he’ rather than ‘she,’ and all the angels appear in the form of a man when they deliver the gospel’s message, but this is only their appearance, not their essential nature.

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Just as Hebrew 12:22 mentions thousands and thousands of angels, there are innumerable angels in existence (Revelation 5:11). 

 Among the angels there is a hierarchy, at the top of which is the archangel group. 

 The three representative archangels are Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel.

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The Bible, in Isaiah ch 14 and Ezekiel ch 28, states that Lucifer, which means ruler of light, was the greatest archangel. According to Ezekiel, he was in a special group that had received an anointing. (Ezekiel 28:14)

 In addition, as a result of God’s creative power, Lucifer was one of the wisest and most beautiful beings. (Ezekiel 28:12)

 He was in God’s garden, the Garden of Eden.

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However, the Bible says he was arrogant; he tried to glimpse God’s throne and be equal to God. So he got kicked out and after the Fall he became Satan (Isaiah 14:12; Ezekiel 28:12-19, Luke 10:18). 

 And many other angels were deluded by Lucifer and they became fallen angels, called devils.
This provides a foundation to look more deeply at what happened. We look at the process of the Fall as follows.

SLIDE 14: 

In his position, Lucifer virtually monopolized the love of God. 

However, after God created human beings as His children, He loved them many times more than He had ever loved Lucifer, whom He had created as His servant.

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In truth, God’s love towards Lucifer did not change. It was the same before and after the creation of human beings. 

 Yet, when Lucifer saw that God loved Adam and Eve more than him, he felt as if there had been a decrease in the love he received from God. 

 The Archangel was endowed with desire for love, and with an intellect. Since the Archangel possessed an intellect, he could compare and discern that God’s love for human beings was greater than the love God gave to him.

 Because he also possessed desire, he had a natural yearning for God to love him more. 


Since he felt a lack of love from God, he compensated by approaching Eve as a source of love. 

 In this kind of situation, since he knew Eve was to be Adam’s wife, Lucifer automatically was filled with jealousy of Adam. 

 He realized he could usurp the position of God and Adam by stealing the love of Eve. This is why he tempted Eve.


Lucifer, who left his proper position due to his excessive desire, and Eve, who wanted to open her eyes and become like God (Gen 3:5-6) before the time was ripe, formed a common base and began give and take action. 


 The power of the unprincipled love generated by their give and take led them to consummate an illicit sexual relationship on the spiritual plane.

Through her relationship with the Archangel,

 Eve received feelings of dread arising from the pangs of a guilty conscience. 

 She also gained the knowledge that her 

 originally intended spouse was not the Archangel, but Adam.

SLIDE 19: 

Eve then seduced Adam with the hope that by uniting with him, her intended spouse, she could rid herself of the dread and once again stand before God. This was Eve’s motivation that led to the physical fall.

The power of the unprincipled love generated in their relationship induced Adam 

 to abandon his original position. 


This brought them together in an illicit physical relationship of sexual love.

 When Adam united in oneness with Eve, he inherited all the elements Eve had received from the Archangel. These elements in turn have been passed down to all subsequent generations. The sexual relationship between the angel and Eve was the spiritual fall, while the fall which occurred through the sexual relationship between Eve and Adam was the physical fall.

SLIDE 21: 

Due to the original sin, 

 humankind is cut off from God. 

 We are caught in futile desire and are unable to engage in a proper life. Human beings inherited from Satan the original sin and fallen nature.

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Because of man’s sin and fallen nature in contrary to the will of God, the world became hell, in which sin is rampant.

 The root of the English word “religion,” is “religare.” Religare means ‘recombine.’ Religion’s mission is to ‘recombine’ or “restore into one.” This means to reconnect us with God, to restore our oneness. 

 I hope you may think again about a faith that can reconnect you with God and with others, and make your life whole. 


Now, you might be thinking, God must have known about everything that was taking place in the garden. And He must have been capable of preventing it. So why did God not intervene to prevent the fall? 

 This is a most important question, and we will answer it in the next session. See you next time. Thank you. 

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