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Special Lectures
Lecture 7 : [The Principle of Creation 6] Living Well and Dying Well
Date created : 2014-10-15/ Views : 1618
Dr. Son, Dae Oh Divine Principle Lecture Series
Power Point Script by Tyler Hendricks: <ppt_lecture 7.ppt>
< Principle of Creation 6>

Note: the symbol “” indicates when an animation appears on the slide, in relation to the text. 

Lecture 7
Living Well and Dying Well


Welcome back to the Unification Principle presentation. I’m your host, Tyler Hendricks. In our last session we talked about the process of growth we go through, and that our growth depends on the decisions we make. Now we come to the question of life after death. We may live a wonderful life for a hundred years, but is that all there is? In us is a bigger horizon, a desire for life beyond life. But how can we be sure about what that life will be like? We will discuss this in this session. 


To live well and 
 to go to heaven  

 the greatest aim of our life. We assume that if we live well, we will go to heaven. 


Erich Fromm, one of the influential thinkers of the 20th century, pointed out 

 the damage done by the material abundance brought about by industrialization. 

 He emphasized giving up a 

 “life of acquiring” and adopting a 

 ‘life of being’ in his book To Have or To Be. 


The Unification Principle deals with this under the theme “The Incorporeal and Corporeal Worlds Centered on Human Beings.” The fundamental premise is based on the existence of an afterlife in another realm, the spirit world. 


God created 

 human beings with dual natures, 

 the external form as the body and 

 the internal nature as the spirit. 

 A person has 3 phases in life: 

 10 months inside the mother’s womb (by Korean counting), 

 up to 100 years on earth, 

 and eternity in the spirit world. The Unification Principle calls it the ‘incorporeal’ world.


The nutrition and prenatal education received while inside the mother’s womb prepares us for our 100 years of physical life on earth. 

 In a similar manner the physical life on earth prepares us 

 for eternal life on the spirit world. The life we live on earth is the basis of our life in the spirit world. 

 If we live well on earth, 

 we hope to go to heaven as we transition to the next life.  


What nutrients do we need to be healthy? According to World Health Organization, 

 health is a state of well-being in the physical, mental and social dimensions. So they know that health is more than a physical state.


The human being is composed of spirit and flesh. 

 The physical aspect is defined as 

 the faculty that embodies the physical desires for food, shelter and procreation. 

 The physical body maintains its health by receiving yang energy in the form of sunlight and air and yin energy in the form of water and food. These perform and give and receive action centered on blood circulation. The physical aspect of the human body consists of 

 physical body and 

 physical mind.  


Likewise our spiritual aspect consists of a 

 spirit body and 

 spirit mind. 

 The spirit mind emphasizes the original values of truth, goodness, beauty and love. As the quality of nutrition determines the health of the physical body, the quality of nutrition determines whether the spirit grows to be healthy or remains immature. 

 Among the nutrients, the yang nutrition we call the ‘life element’. This can be defined as divine love of God, the divine blessing of the Holy Spirit, universal energy, the essence of universal truth. 

 The source of the yin nutrition is the physical body. It comes from the deeds that we do and words that we speak. For example, when we overcome physical hardship and do good, we provide good yin elements to our spirit. As a result we feel elated and feel self-esteem. 

SLIDE 10: 

The elements that are supplied by the physical body to the spirit body are called “vitality elements.” 


The spirit body does not only receive from the physical body. It also feeds the physical body. When we are happy, our physical body becomes energized and healthy. When we are excited, we sing and dance. On the other hand when we are stressed, our body gets tired and in the long term becomes diseased. This proves that the state of the spirit body affects the physical body. 

In order to grow beautifully and reach maturity, the spirit body should be supplied with pure vitality elements by the physical body. How can the spirit body receive this from the physical body? 

SLIDE 12: 

The conduct of the physical body should be good. One should live a good life, not an evil life. 


Your words should be truthful, kind and polite. 

 Words of appreciation, encouragement and love should be used, while complaint, angry and vulgar words should not be spoken. 

 Your actions and conduct should be moral and ethical. Immoral, unethical conducts are fatal to the spirit body. 

 An altruistic life should be adopted, not a self-centered life. ‘Life for the sake of others, a life of true love’ definitely is the source of vitality elements for a healthy spirit body.

Also, in order to nurture the spirit body to reach maturity, it is important to provide plenty of life elements. 

SLIDE 14: 

Life element is true love derived from the heart of God and the universal source. The life element is the spirit and truth of God. Life element is the grace and blessing of God. Life elements are the teachings of truth.

 In order to receive life elements, one needs to live a life that promotes the growth of the spirit body. One needs to adopt a lifestyle of faith, prayer and worship and study the truth. Why do people pray, sing holy songs, attend services, practice asceticism and study words of truth? They do so in order to receive the life elements, which are necessary nutrition required for the maturity of the spirit body. They live a life based on teachings of truth to ensure that they receive pure life elements, the nutrition necessary for the spirit body.

 When we live without faith, give in to physical desires, expose ourselves to pornography and satanic temptation, the flow of life elements becomes clogged. Instead evil elements permeate the spirit body. 

 Such evil elements are fatal to the spirit body.


The relationship between the physical body and spirit body is akin to

 the relationship between a tree and its fruit. When an apple tree receives plenty of fertilizer, water and an optimum amount of sunlight and heat, what kind of fruit does it produce? 

 The tree produces large, shiny and sweet apples of a high quality. These apples will be bring a high price. In contrast, if the tree didn’t receive fertilizer and favorable weather, what kind of apples will it produce? The apples will drop before they ripen. 

 This illustrates the relation between physical body and spirit body. The spirit body, which lives for eternity in the spirit world, requires a physical body to grow. It follows the same principle as the fruit that can grow and ripen only while attached to a tree. 

SLIDE 16: 

It is not possible to grow or mature after passing over to the spirit world. As such, the life we live through our body in the physical world is precious. It is imperative that we repent and ask for forgiveness for deeds that call for it, repay loans and fulfill our duties. Favors received and animosity issues should be dealt with clearly while on earth. 

SLIDE 17: 

Therefore Jesus handed the keys to heaven to Saint Peter. He said that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matt 18:18)


God does not decide whether the spirit body ends in heaven or hell. The spirit body itself determines its destination. 

 Spirit world is a world of light. If a spirit body has lied and hurt others, it will feel shame and will want to run away from the light. The world of darkness is hell. 

 On the other hand if a spirit body lives a good life and received good vitality elements and life elements from above, it will move forward to the center of the world of light. The center of the world of light is heaven. We need to ponder everyday on how valuable our life on earth is, and be grateful for it. 

SLIDE 19: 

What we have talked about is God’s ideal, and yes it is very idealistic. But human beings live in a reality of grief and loneliness. Every day countless events which ought not to occur are occurring around us and we can easily witness others suffering due to such circumstances. 

I wish that you will live a life where we receive plenty of good vitality elements and life elements, and lead a genuine life in this world and the next. 

 But it is not so easy. 

 We have an evil mind that undermines our good intentions. 

 If we could discover the source of this evil mind, which no one wants to have, then we can hope to get rid of it. Our next sessions will provide surprising answers. Thank you!

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