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Special Lectures
Lecture 34 : [Moses and Jesus 8] The Third Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan (Jesus)
Date created : 2015-04-29/ Views : 1543
The providence of return centered on Moses and Jesus 7

Chapter 34: The third worldwide journey of return to Canaan (Jesus)

Welcome to the path to happiness, an introduction to the Unification Principle. I’m your host, Dr Tyler Hendricks. 
In our last sessions we saw how complicated the Messiah’s course is when people don’t accept him, and how he is the one to suffer the most! Especially the religious leaders stuck with their institutions, because all the people looked up to them, and they could not risk everything to follow the Son of God. The Messiah was kind of a trouble-maker, who had different things to say and even judged them for being children of Satan. They felt very justified to oppose Jesus, and when they did, they probably thought that was the last they would hear of him. In this session, we will see that God had a different idea in mind. 
Because the people of Israel and the disciples betrayed Jesus, Jesus wasn’t even able to stand in the position of John the Baptist, much less the Messiah, and he was crucified. 
So the second worldwide course of the restoration of Canaan failed, and the foundation of faith that Jesus established by fasting for 40 days in the position of John the Baptist was claimed by Satan. 
But Jesus did not give up. He lost his physical body to Satan, but he established the spiritual foundation to separate from Satan by the 40-day resurrection period, still in the position of John the Baptist. This fulfilled the spiritual foundation of faith needed for the third worldwide course to restore Canaan. 
The Acts of Apostles shows that after Jesus passed away on the cross and was resurrected, for 40 days he gathered his scattered disciples on earth, and asked for them to conduct missionary work to prepare for his Second Coming.
The original purpose of God sending the Messiah was to save all of humankind, and God wanted to save all humanity even if it meant allowing Satan to claim Jesus’ physical life. God always sacrifices those He loves for the sake of his enemy. 
On his part, Satan, wanted to kill Jesus, the Messiah, not thinking that through Jesus’ pure self-offering he would make a condition for all of humankind that were now on Satan’s side to go back to God. 
Because Satan used his maximum authority and killed Jesus, God could exercise His maximum authority and resurrect Jesus, bring him back to minister to his followers, and make the foundation to bring salvation to all humankind by engrafting to Jesus. (Romans 11:24) 
Therefore, the third worldwide course to restore Canaan was a spiritual course, to restore Canaan spiritually, centered on the resurrected Jesus. The second Israel, the Christians, established the resurrected Jesus as an object of faith, and began their spiritual course. 
After the cross, Jesus established the spiritual foundation to separate Satan during the 40-day resurrection period, in the position of the spiritual John the Baptist. 
That is how the spiritual foundation of faith was restored for the third worldwide course to restore spiritual Canaan. 
The resurrected Jesus restored the spiritual foundation of faith through the 40 day period of resurrection, and established the position of spiritual Abel that was needed to establish the conditions of indemnity and remove fallen nature. 
Therefore the Jesus-followers accepted Jesus in the position of spiritual John the Baptist. By believing in and following the resurrected Jesus in the spiritual position of Abel, they were able to establish the spiritual foundation of substance and create the spiritual conditions of indemnity for forgiveness, ________________________________

How did this happen? After Jesus died on the cross, the remaining eleven disciples scattered. 
The resurrected Jesus gathered them together and the disciples repented and returned to him. 
His mother and brothers also restored their faith in him. 
They chose Matthias instead of Judas Iscariot to complete the twelve disciples, and followed, trusted the resurrected Jesus with their lives. 
Thereby the spiritual foundation of substance was established. 
Accordingly, the spiritual foundation for the Messiah was created. 
Therefore Jesus, on this foundation, from the position of the bearing the mission of spiritual John the Baptist established the position of the spiritual Messiah and returned to heaven as the Lord and True Parent. 
Thus, as it is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, that the saints became one spiritually, the Holy Spirit came to them, and they started a new chapter in the history of the providence.  
”Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:2-3)
This gave the saints power over Satan, spiritually.
This is how the primitive Christian church began. 
The primitive church shared all things in common, it was a family-like community. 
 “All the believers were together and had everything in common.  They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47)
But due to the nature of the spiritual salvation, we are liberated spiritually from Satan’s intervention, as individuals, but our flesh is still full of sin, and there is no distinctive Christian teaching about marriage or family life. 
This is the spiritual providence of restoration through Christianity from the time of Jesus until now, 2000 years later. 
Therefore the Christian saints believed in and followed Jesus as the spiritual Messiah on the basis of the spiritual foundation for the Messiah, and completed only the spiritual return to Canaan on the worldwide level. 
The bodies of the Christian saints were in the same position as Jesus on cross, so they were invaded by Satan and inherited the original sin. (Romans 7:25)
Therefore, no matter how faithful Christian saints are, because they still have the original sin, they are part of Satan’s blood lineage, and are same as the saints of the Old Testament Age. This is why Jesus and Paul called for celibacy, and to live as siblings, not spouses. 
So the saints had to walk the course to separate from Satan again, to make the foundation for the Second Coming of Jesus. 
We learned previously that the course of Moses was the model course that Jesus would take. 
Because Moses’ striking the rock twice became the condition for Satan to invade, Moses only spiritually entered Canaan, and his body was buried in the wilderness. 
Joshua succeeded in Moses’ mission and completed the substantial return to Canaan. 
Therefore, just as Joshua inherited the mission of Moses, the second coming Messiah has to inherit the mission of Jesus. He has to complete the worldwide restoration of Canaan by walking the course of the principle. 
The Messiah has to establish heaven on earth, as it was meant to be established at the First Coming. Therefore, he has to be born like Jesus, as a man in the flesh. 
Now, if the second Israel, the Christian believers, do not accept Jesus when he returns, he will have to restore the spiritual course by indemnity, through suffering, so he will have to go through many hardships. (Luke 17:25)
But no matter how difficult that course, the Messiah will fulfill the providence.  
That is because the providence has to be established on the third attempt, starting with Adam as the first and Jesus as the second. 
Also, the second coming benefits from the spiritual providence of Christianity for 2000 years, which introduced the age of the separation of church and state, and freedom of religion. So, no matter how much he is persecuted and called a heretic or bad person, the institutions of the Christian world will not be able to put him to death. 
Therefore, the Messiah, based on the Christian foundation, must complete the foundation for the Messiah on the substantial global level, by creating the foundation of faith and of substance. He, with his bride, will stand as the True Parents of all of humankind and turn us into the true children of God, as couples, having discarded our original sin. 
He has to restore the foundation for the Messiah on the level of the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. He has to transcend religion and race in terms of politics, economics, and culture, and establish heaven on earth with God as the Parent of humankind. 
But just as Jesus raised up the second Israel to stand in the place of the first Israel, if the second Israel—Christianity—does not accept the Messiah, he will have to work with those who do believe as the third Israel. 
I will discuss this more in the sessions on the Second Coming. 
So now we understand why Christianity could establish a global culture but only on the spiritual level, and why it has not been able to unite the mind and body, our spiritual ideals with physical reality, religious striving with material needs. Since Jesus on earth could not transcend race, religion or nation, we still have wars between nations, races and religions, and a vast struggle between left and right in terms of governance. It came from the course of Jesus. 
But we also have hope… just as Joshua brought Moses’ foundation to substantial reality, God will send the Son of God again. Jesus will call his successor just as Moses called Joshua, and he will bring Jesus’ foundation to substantial reality—following the same principles of restoration that we have seen in the Bible. 
I look forward to sharing this with you. Thanks for listening, and may God add His grace to your studies. 

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