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Special Lectures
Lecture 27 : [Restoration] The Model Course for Separating from Satan
Date created : 2015-03-11/ Views : 1026
27 Moses and Jesus in the Providence of Restoration 1

The Model Courses for Bringing Satan to Submission
Welcome to the path to happiness. I’m your host, Dr. Tyler Hendricks. 
In our study of the Bible, we are seeing principles at work in the courses of biblical figures, creating discernible patterns of events. This helps us understand how God is working in our times and in our lives personally and as families. In this session, we will expand our horizon from the ancestral families of Adam, Noah and Abraham, to the biblical courses of Moses and Jesus, and this will give us a clue as to what to expect at the time of the Second Coming. 

Those records in the book of Genesis are not simply family histories or genealogies. Through these stories, we can understand the principle of restoration through indemnity, and God’s providence of salvation for humankind and all things from the dominion of Satan after the fall of Adam. It tells us about how we and all things separate from Satan. We see that the evil forces in Satan’s position have to surrender to Heaven’s side voluntarily, not by force. This was the course that the people of faith from Adam’s family, Noah’s family, and Abraham–Isaac-Jacob’s family had to go. In other words, this is the model course for separating from Satan. The course from Adam to the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is accounted in the Bible at about two thousand years. That was the period of separating Satan and receiving the Messiah on the family and tribal level. It then transitioned after the 12 sons of Jacob entered Egypt, centered on Joseph, to lay the foundation for the messiah on the national level. We will study how Moses and Joshua as the central figures set the foundation to receive the Messiah on a national level.
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The purpose of the providence of restoration is for humankind to fulfill their portion of responsibility and ultimately make Satan voluntarily surrender to us as masters of the spirit world as well as physical world. Jesus, as the Messiah and true Adam, came to help all people of faith bring Satan to voluntary submission. 

However, Satan does not even voluntarily surrender to God, and he certainly would not easily surrender to Jesus or Jesus’ disciples. Therefore, God took responsibility as our Creator and worked through Jacob and Moses to subjugate satan on a preliminary level. If we look at their courses, we will see God showing Jesus, and us the way to bring satan to submission. 

Through following the symbolic course laid by Jacob, Moses was able to walk the image course, and Jesus was able to walk the substantial course. These model courses show how we must walk to bring Satan to submission and fulfill the goal of the providence of restoration.

Let us study these courses and see the parallels:
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1. The first human beings should have kept God’s commandment not to eat the fruit, yet they fell at the risk of their lives. We knew we would die, yet we followed the Archangel. Because we fell risking our lives, we have to be able to put our lives on the line to resurrect. That is why Jacob had to win over the angel during their fight in the ford of Jabbok at the risk of his life (Gen. 32:25-28). Also, Moses had to overcome the Lord trying to kill him on the way to Egypt with his wife, Zipporah and son Gershom (Exod. 4:24). Likewise, Jesus had to overcome Satan at the risk of his life in the wilderness for forty days (Matt. 4:1-11), and he gave his life for us on the cross. 

2. Both human beings’ flesh and spirit were claimed by Satan, resulting in us acquiring our fallen nature. Therefore, conditions of the flesh and spirit are required to remove this fallen nature. That is the meaning of Jacob giving Esau “bread and lentils”, symbolizing flesh and spirit. In Moses’ time, the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature was laid when God fed the Israelites “manna and quail.” In Jesus’ time, the Jews had to become one with him in “flesh and spirit.” In this way, they would have fulfilled the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature. That is why Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” (John 6:53) 

3. Due to the Fall, Satan defiled even the human corpse. This is why this had to be restored as well. Jacob’s body required 40 days to embalm (Gen. 50:3), the archangel Michael contented with the devil for Moses’ body (Jude 1:9), and God claimed Jesus’ body in the tomb. (Matthew 28:12-13) 
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4. Satan tempted human beings to fall during their growing period, represented by principled numbers that have to be restored through indemnity. That is why, when Jacob began his journey from Haran to Canaan, there was a three-day period for the separation of Satan (Gen. 31:22), Moses had three days to start their journey (Exod. 5:3), and Jesus spent three days in his tomb (Luke 18:33). There were 12 generations from Noah to Jacob that had to be restored through indemnity. That is why Jacob had 12 sons (Gen. 35:22), In Moses’ time, there were 12 tribes (Exod. 24:4), and in Jesus’ time, he had 12 disciples (Matthew 10:1). In order to restore the 7 days of creation that was lost to Satan, there were 70 members in Jacob’s family (Gen. 46:27), 70 elders in Moses’ time (Exod. 24:1), and 70 followers who had central roles in Jesus’ time (Luke 10:1).

5. A staff, which smites evil, points the way, and provides support, is a symbol of the Messiah. Having this significance, Jacob walked with a staff when he entered the land of Canaan (Gen. 32:10), and Moses crossed the Red Sea by striking the waters with his staff (Exod. 14:16). Jesus is our staff, the iron scepter or rod of iron, who will guide humankind to cross the fallen world to God’s ideal world. (Rev. 2:27, 12:5).

6. Eve’s sin implanted selfishness in the lineage of humankind, which bore fruit when Cain killed Abel. Satan was able to invade humankind because of this mother and son. Therefore, in order to restore this through indemnity, the cooperation between mother and son is needed. Jacob cooperated with his mother, Rebekah (Gen. 27:43), and both Moses and Jesus, as infants, were rescued from death by their mother (Exod. 2:2, Matt. 2:13).
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7. The central figures who are responsible for the providence of restoration need to return from the satanic world to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jacob walked the course of returning from Haran to Canaan (Gen. 31-33), Moses journeyed from Egypt to Canaan (Exodus 3:8), and Jesus’ family journeyed from Egypt to Israel after the death of King Herod. (Matt. 2:13)

8. The ultimate goal of the providence of restoration is to eradicate Satan. Jacob buried Laban’s idols under an oak tree (Gen. 35:4), Moses destroyed the golden calf, scattered its ashes on the waters and let the Israelites drink it (Exod. 32.20), and finally, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, against which the gates of hell will not prevail. 
By these lessons, we can practice the Principle, seeing God’s time periods, being strong as a staff, cooperating as mother and son, maintaining our physical purity, and so forth. And we can see a lot of variability and flexibility. The course of Moses will illustrate how God’s unchanging principles fit with changing situations—like ours. 
Thanks for listening, and take care of yourself and those around you. 

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