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Providential Reports

Providential Reports
Cho Sung Il, director-general of the FFWPU International Headquarters 4 True Mother’s Recent Providential Initiatives (September 1, 2016)
Date created : 2016-10-13/ Views : 1947
I will first begin by reading something from True Mother’s recent speeches.
This is from the Seonghwa celebration:

Only by knowing about the True Parents can humanity find hope. This is the fulfillment of humanity’s wish. This is Heavenly Parent’s dream. They were sent as the only Begotten Son and only Begotten Daughter for the first time in 6,000 years, centered on the Korean people. All of you have seen a beautiful performance on this stage today. In that performance, today there were 1,200 second- and third-generation Unification Church members from around the world. They are the future leaders of the unification movement.

Even though their languages and cultural backgrounds may differ, they know True Parents, and they can unite. Therefore, we will realize Heavenly Parent’s and True Parents’ dream and all humanity’s wish without fail. Until that day, we will march forward—we must march forward.
Today, on the fourth anniversary of True Father’s ascension, let us embrace this great mission in our hearts! Let us make a firm determination that we will realize it! This is my request of you.

These are Mother’s words from the luncheon held the following day:
Yesterday's performance was surely the revolution in the culture of heart. We must advance and change each day. 
During the time of the fourth commemoration of True Father's seonghwa, our foundation has grown. There is a Korean phrase "one for a hundred.” 
When each one of you fills the role of a hundred people, then national restoration or world restoration won’t be far-fetched. To put it a different way, its realization depends upon you. You must work hard and even be willing to die for this.

The problem is within us, within our families, tribes, ethnic groups, our nations. I sincerely ask you that today, you all resolve to do your utmost. I begin to wonder how much longer I will be here with all of you. 
I want to take you all [to the kingdom of heaven.] I once again ask that you all become people whom I can take interest in, love, and remember, while I am on earth. 

These are True Mother’s words from the closing of the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly:

After the 3rd ascension memorial and from the 4th memorial we must expand our environment on earth. Also, the unification family must become the model for all humanity in all respects. We must become the standard.
Therefore, centering on the Hyo Jeong Cheonwon complex I would like to show all of humanity a model of the kingdom of heaven that Heaven has wished for and True Parents must realize.

In conclusion, the faster you can boast and let others know about True Parents the better, so when you hurry, our Heavenly Parent will be happy. 
That is why I want to report to our Heavenly Parent the good news that is happening everyday here on earth. 

True Mother is watching our meeting remotely by monitor. During this time of Chuseok we have offered a lot of devotion to our family, and for the sake of our families. One thing that True Parents have asked of us is that on the first day of the month all of the HJ Cheonwon employees gather here so that we can underatand the direction of the providence centered on True Parents. True Mother has also asked that we inquire about all of your children too.

We will organize a day on which to set up a program for our children at the elementary, middle school, high school and university levels. After seeing the education of the 1200 blessed children [at the GTGY], True Mother gave us the overall direction to educate the children and families of those who work at HJ Cheonwon to understand True Parents' providence and help them move forward together. 

True Parents gave us the message as we began the Seonghwa Festival for the fourth Anniversary of True Father's seonghwa that all Blessed Families of the Unification Movement must become one centered on True Parents and stand together in harmony. With that in mind they gave us the overall theme of "Heart of filial piety towards heaven, becoming the light of the world". That is why we began to prepare an event to stand together in harmony and create a starting point for the light of the world as we inherited the standard of the heart of filial piety that True Parents showed us towards heaven. 

I believe True Mother absolutely succeeded in this—don’t you think so? Let us give True Parents a warm round of applause to show our thanks. 

I believe I had three expectations during this time as True Parents faced the Seonghwa Festival. First, exactly 40 days ago all the directors of the institutions gathered for a meeting. At that time True Parents said, "This Seonghwa Festival will be different than any before" and "The revolution of the culture of heart will happen". When she spoke this, she had already given us the goal and direction, but she wanted to see how far we could challenge ourselves and accomplish during those 40 days. That was why she held the meeting for the heads of the institutions and gave them words of encouragement. 

Then on August 11, she called all the elder pastors in Korea and held a meeting. [Exactly] 380 elder pastors were called and all the elder pastors could unite as one with True Mother before the Seonghwa festival. It was a providential time in which the elder pastors could move forward together in harmony. Then from August 1st to the 21st, 1,200 middle school, high school, and university students who will lead the future generations gathered. I believe that we were able to approach the seonghwa festival with the foundation laid by the utmost devotion produced through the education of these students. 

We also had the pledge service for True Father's Seonghwa right here in this hall. Even though we have set up offering tables like this in the United States many times while True Father was alive, even more so during this time of the fourth anniversary of True Father's seonghwa, it was a time to unite and work in harmony as we began a new providence. 

After all of this preparation, finally the celebration began as we just saw on the video presentation. You all must have felt it too. The revolution of the culture of heart that True Parents have spoken about could be felt by all the participants there and also by the 50,000 people who watched through the live internet broadcast. It was the beginning of a new providence in which we could all feel the revolution of the culture of heart. 

And the key point was that we could see directly and experience ourselves from the beginning of the celebrations that our Heavenly Parent and True Father in the spirit world and True Mother here on earth were completely united and became one as they led the providence. Truly through this celebration we could feel that on the foundation of our Heavenly Parent, True Father, and True Mother uniting as one, we could experience that lastly all the blessed families in the world also united as one to begin anew. 

True Parents gave us instructions on the Seonghwa festival, one or two months before the event. Mother said, "To be frank, the Seonghwa Festival should be a 24-hour long festival. So on that day, for the entire day, we must give glory to our Heavenly Parent and True Father, and we must start anew”. 

That is why the direction to have the first part be the celebration ceremony and the second part be the cultural performances was given two months ago. While we were preparing for the celebration, we worried if things would proceed well, but heaven already prepared and moved spirit world for us.

As you saw, the cultural performances of the United States, Japan, and Korea appeared to have had a lot of preparation put in. We could witness directly the embodiment of the culture of heart and offer it to our Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Our group Apple Heaven truly showed us the culture of heart with their performance with the True Grandchildren. Through all of this we could stand together and create one united celebration. 

After the [first] event was finished, a moment that moved all the members of the world and created much interest and also touched everyone here, was the sharing of a Bibimbap festival. The True Mother of humankind, the True Parents, the only begotten son and daughter of God, in the position of completely becoming one stood together with the 13 regional leaders and mixed the bibimbap together directly…

…Mother tied back her hanbok and directly scooped out the rice and served it to three members. We created a program in which not only the 30,000 members participating at the event, but all the members of the world could feel the heart of our mother. Then throughout the whole afternoon in the 2nd session, Asia, South America, Africa, and the Greater China regions gave their cultural performances truly exhibiting each region’s specialties and offered them up to True Parents. 

Afterwards, the Little Angels who have been on the leading edge of the culture of heart since [their founding in] 1963 gave an hour-long performance. I could once again feel how large a role the Little Angels fill as all our members watched together. Then through the performance of the songs loved by True Parents, we could express our heart of missing True Father in the presence of True Mother. One thing that was very novel, was that 1200 workshop participants were sitting on the left and right side. They did not know the words to the songs…

…but during Jo Hang Jo's song, just because they knew it was a song that Mother loved, they were jumping all over the place. They were all celebrating with such spirit I was worried that they might fall down the stairs. This was the kind of Hyo Jeong Festival we had. Next, was the special work of True Parents bestowing holy items and also through the sponsorship of the Tongil Business foundation in Korea: True Parents were able to directly give gifts to members.

From 7:30 in the evening there was the Hyojin Music Festival the new Hyo Jeong Music festival established by True Mother was held. This special performance was aimed toward the 1200 youth participating in the 21 day workshop. Maybe because I have aged but there were some parts of that culture that were difficult for me to adapt to. They had a DJ and break dance team, but at the same time their performances were all based on Hyo jin nims songs so everyone was drawn together. For the last performance around 11 o'clock the True Grandchildren Shin-chul nim, Shin-heung, and Shin-yeon nim came on stage and sang.

But what was even more surprising was that True Mother watched the whole event in the sky box and was with us until the very end. Twice, the performers gave a round of applause in thanks to True Mother. Through all of these 7 events we were able create new surprising spiritual good works and harmonize together for a new start.

Other than this, there were many important aspects of the providence. There was the dedication of the Sunhak Institute of History Building. Prior to the dedication ceremony Mother had visited that building no less than eight times. That is why we could see what an important role the Sunhak Institute of History will play in the future. There are other institutions in the building, the Cheon Il Guk judicial offices, Peace TV, etc. but centered on the Sunhak Institute of History we will now organize our history. True Mother gave us new aspects on the providence and as soon as the dedication was finished, a celebratory banquet was held, not only for the Seonghwa Festival but also for the dedication of the Sunhak Institute of History. During the celebratory banquet mother specially asked western leaders to give their testimonies [of the events].

International UPF President Dr. Thomas Walsh, East Africa regional leader Bakary Camara, and Europe regional leader Jack Corley gave testimonies. Each spoke in their own distinct manner and honored True Parents through his good testimony. From that I could feel how not only Korean leaders, but also how leaders from overseas follow True Parents' providence. 

After an hour’s break and setting up the chairs again, the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly began. I mentioned this last month but the 13 key strategic nations each shared their strategy for national restoration by 2020, which they have been developing over a month or more.

Also Korea, Japan, and the United States presented how they would help the providence to achieve national restoration for the sake of world restoration. This meeting was a precious time for us to attend True Mother and once again feel conviction as we shared what we have been working on and what is possible for us to work towards. Then UPF, WFWP, the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation and the International Martials Arts Federation for World Peace gave reports on how they will help the 13 key strategic nations.

Through this we could feel that we are one movement. Korea, Japan, US, and International Head Quarters gave reports on the Seonghwa culture of our movement, how we deal with transition into the spirit world. 
During the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly we made time to address false rumors in order to accurately distinguish them from the positive truths of the providence as we move forward. 

Once the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly was finished the Inauguration of the Cheon Il Guk Academy of Arts and Sciences began. There was great meaning behind this. True Parents gathered scholars from our movement around the world and held an initiators meeting last Christmas. This time at the inauguration three very important presentations were given.

Among the three was Yejin nim. The thesis presented by Yejin nim was titled "Understanding God through Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother". She sincerely explained about God's dual characteristics and the importance of True Mother's work in the providence during this age. At the end, she confessed that she was still lacking in areas but she almost came to tears as she explained what kind of heart we should have as we attend True Mother. The leaders were moved by her message and they resolved to start again.

Also, in keeping with the providence that Mother has been unfolding since True Father's ascension, a presentation was given by Dr. Thomas Selover on the significance of True Parents' Holy Wedding Ceremony. Next a presentation by Dr. Andrew Wilson addressed True Mother's activities since Father’s ascension and compared it to the Pentecost at Jesus' resurrection 2,000 years ago, showing us the significance of the providence at this time. It was very surprising content. Through the presentation "Administrative methods of Cheon Il Guk for the sake of establishing the Ideal World" by Kim Jinchun, Director of the judicial offices, all the scholars were drawn to unite as one and begin on their precious journey. 

10 days after the Seonghwa the Inauguration of the West African chapter of the IAPP was held in Burkina Faso. Spirit world truly and surprisingly moved at this time. Among 25 nations, 24 sent representative Parliamentarians. This is something that not even the UN or any organization was able to do. It was an amazing work of the spirit world that only we could have accomplished.

From those 24 nations, 122 parliamentarians, 5 Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the National Assembly, 10 Former Presidents and other heads of state, 6 ministers, and 6 village chiefs (who each preside over more than 30,000 people) convened. 7 national TV stations also came. A total of 300 people participated and the event was hosted by the President and the Chairman of the National Assembly of Burkina Faso. It was a wonderful inauguration of the IAPP in West Africa. 

If we look at the reports that came in this time, the event was not organized as a UPF International Leadership Conference, but a nation’s government was the main organizer of the event, and UPF went to the government offices to prepare. As I look at all the reports coming in, I am reminded of 2006. At that time Elder brother Hyojin-nim attended True Mother as they toured Africa. The leaders they met recalled what True Parents’ message had been at that time and their messages now. The leaders also shared their views on the many problems in their nations and problems such as global warming. The event was a time in which leaders could share and refocus their effort. 

Also it seems that Peace Road has completely taken root now. 140 nations around the world prepared and so far 50 nations have participated. This time 1200 young students gathered at Imjingak [Just outside the DMZ, close to the Joint Security Area] and participated, surprising the nation. They even went inside the DMZ in this hot weather, and through our children we were able to set a foundation.

Also through the University Student Symposium at the National Assembly we were able to create an impact in society. On top of all this foundation, True Mother told us as she established the IAPP to also do the Peace Road at the same time so they can tell people about True Parents, and reveal the progressing providence. 

Also another topic of interest is the True Parents' Special HJ Workshop. True Mother during the whole 21 days of the workshop for the Global Top Gun Youth, presided over the opening ceremony and also the closing ceremony. During the workshop Mother gave much love to the participants. For the first time the completion certificates were given in True Parents' names.

This is something that the students will keep forever, but it is also something that moved their parents to have a fresh start. During the closing ceremony mother gave us the message, " You are the heroes who can understand True Parents’ heart and accomplish the desire that Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and humankind are longing for" Now these students have become heroes in Mother’s eyes. And they are going forth to restore the 7.3 billion people of the world. They set off to the field with the vision of becoming the best in each of their areas. 

Through this Seonghwa Festival, Heavenly Father and True Father in spirit world, and True Mother here on earth, united as one to move providence. Now as mother has said in her messages, we must expand our environment. With that concrete vision that Mother has given us, let us fully and without cracks expand our activities. Let us offer devotion for the progress of the HJ Cheonwon and also all things including Cheonji Sunhak Won.

Let us keep in mind our True Mother who devotes herself and worries about each and every family, and even our children, as we begin anew during this month of September. I will finish my report on the Seonghwa Festival as we pray that we can be victorious. 
Thank you very much.

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