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Providential Reports

Providential Reports
Cho Sung Il, director-general of the FFWPU International Headquarters 3 True Mother's Recent Providential Initiatives August 1, 2016
Date created : 2016-10-13/ Views : 682
Cho Sung Il, director-general of the FFWPU International Headquarters
True Mother's Recent Providential Initiatives 

R/T : 15 minutes
August 1, 2016, Cheon Jeong Gung
Recording time 15 minutes

I will report to you after we read a bit of what Mother has said recently. 

"From now on, our providence, True Parents' providence, is to restore a nation. When we face the world, we must attend God with the standard of having restored at least seven nations by 2020. In order to restore a nation, the church must progress. For the church to progress, it must have more blessed families. That is how we will become a good country, God's homeland. Day or night we must let people know about True Parents.." 
—Victory celebration of the third seonghwa anniversary, September 17, 2015

July 16, 2016
"We must face the problem as we work toward vision 2020. Depending on how you fulfill your responsibilities, God’s status will change. True Parents’ status will change."
—The tenth anniversary of the of Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony

True Parents’ Special Conference to Select the Key Strategic Nations for Vision 2020
June 17, 2016 
"We need a strategy for all the strategic nations. We must do everything to unite all the members of the unification movement to bring about victory through the nations that we have agreed on and selected today. That is the reason you are alive at this time. That is why I told you I would give this outfit away, so that you do not lose hope, so you do not give up on your dream. There can be no retreat on our path forward."

"How can all 7.3 billion people of the world be brought to True Parents bosom? This may seem like a miraculous feat but we must do it. For that to happen we must offer devotion. Do you think Heaven will only stand back and watch as they see someone who only thinks of Heavenly Parent and True Parents and is determined each day to fulfill his or her responsibilities in the position of a child and runs toward that goal? The problem is that you must become a bowl ready to receive."

We will now begin the Cheonwon special meeting. This day, August 1, marks the third special meeting, which is significant in the providence. At the June meeting, we spoke about True Parents’ providence in the past and recently. Last month, I spoke with you about the global providence True Mother initiated in the United States. 

I will speak to you today about True Mother's busy schedule during July as she led the global providence. For the fourth anniversary of True Father’s seonghwa, the purpose given to us was to make an event for all the world’s Unificationists to achieve solidarity. Originally, the returning Lord and then the True Parents should at least have had a national foundation to begin global restoration in the providence on earth. Christianity had been preparing for two thousand years, but due to Christianity not fulfilling its responsibilities, True Parents had to begin in the servant-of-servants position and begin the providence of national restoration. We should have provided Father with the foundation of at least one restored nation before he went to the spirit world, but we were unable to do that. 

That is why, during Mother's three years of mourning devotions, she deeply felt that the way for True Parents to stand in front of our Heavenly Parent is through the vision of offering God the glory of restoring at least seven nations by 2020. True Father would have been a hundred years old and True Mother will be seventy-seven at that time. After True Mother told us that, the international headquarters and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's Secretariat compiled all of True Parents' teachings on the subject and began to plan a strategy for national restoration that would cumulatively to encompass the globe. They reported their work every day to True Mother and received her approval. Then on True Parents' birthday this year, as we began the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk, the strategic plan for national and global restoration began. The strategy has three directions: witnessing, creating a witnessing environment and developing future talent. Our world began to move in those directions. With great expectation, Mother said that witnessing is important and she created a global missionary strategy office in the international headquarters. Many regional leaders have been struggling on their own. Mother established directors for Witnessing Education, Blessed Family Education and Youth Activities to provide financial aid to the field and to strengthen or provide a framework. As you know, the day after the historic tenth year anniversary of the entrance ceremony and coronation at Cheon Jeong Gung, Mother held a special conference for the selection of the key strategic nations centered on True Parents. 

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