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Providential Reports

Providential Reports
Sermon by Song Yong-cheon, Leader of Cheonwon Church
Date created : 2023-08-02/ Views : 1170

Sunday Service Sermon


If we are earnest, it will surely come to pass



Sermon by Song Yong-cheon, Leader of Cheonwon Church

July 16, 2023



Respected members of Cheonwon Church! Good morning. I am Song Yong-cheon, International President of the Family Federation.


Today, on such a meaningful holy Sunday, I am very happy to be able to share a message and a report on our world tour in the presence of the blessed families of Cheonwon Church, whom I dearly respect and love.


If you are earnest, it will surely come to pass.


I will first read a quote from True Parents' words:

True Mother offered these words at the dedication of Cheon Won and the Gung Cheon Il Sanctum on May 7.


Heavenly Parent, receive glory and rejoice with us. We are immensely grateful. We are so deeply grateful to dedicate this beautiful holy temple.

It is certain that the people of this nation and the whole world will come to know that Heavenly Parent is always with us.

We love you. We thank you. Heavenly Parent Mansei!


Most beloved Cheonwon Church members,

There have been many prophets who have received revelations that Seorak town in Gapyeong County is the capital city of Heaven. Some religions have designated it as the site of their main temple or as a holy site even today. Seorak is a place where many devotions are offered.


When True Parents set out in the 1960s to find the Cheongpyeong holy ground, True Parents blessed this holy place with the following words: “This Cheongpyeong land must become the homeland of the world and the homeland of the heart for all humankind.” It was amid much devotion that True Parents built the Cheongpyeong Training Center and Cheon Jeong Gung.


Following the development of the Cheonwon Complex where Bonhyangwon [Father’s tomb] is located, on May 7 True Parents dedicated Cheon Won Gung, which represents the culmination of Heaven's Providence and the Providence of Restoration.


Cheon Won Gung is the temple among all temples where Heavenly Parent and True Parents are revealed and are residing. From a vertical perspective, it is the place where Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and all blessed families are united. From a horizontal perspective, it is a sacred site that connects all people of the world within the Family Federation as brothers and sisters.


In the future, Cheon Won Gung will be a center for educating people about the noble work True Parents carried out throughout their lives, and about the culture of heart.


Amid the amazing work of Heavenly Parent, this will become the homeland of our hearts where all humanity will come to bow before and praise our Heavenly Parent.


Through the fourteen Cheon Il Seonghwa Artworks within the Cheon Il Sanctum, the Cheon Won Gung will serve as a place of witnessing through which visitors from around the world will gain a full understanding of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

The holy sanctum will be a place where people will be deeply touched, come to repentance, and experience a change of heart as a result of Heavenly Parent's heart, love, and the teachings and will of True Parents.


The dedication of Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum is a projection of True Mother's sacrificial life, in which she has embraced the world with a heart as desperate as if she were searching for one small needle in the middle of a desert.


Finally, on the foundation of the hard work and devotion that True Mother has invested throughout her tearful life course to discover our Heavenly Parent—the original parent that humankind lost—and to realize a permanent world of peace, a new era when Heavenly Parent can firmly settle on earth has been ushered in—an era for which we have so earnestly longed.


Beloved members, let us extend our profound gratitude and honor True Mother with a thunderous round of applause for this astounding victory.

Respected Cheonwon Church members,

In response to True Mother's instructions, I visited Heavenly Europe from June 14 to June 22. From June 26 to July 9, I toured Heavenly South America and Heavenly Central America.


This tour serves the following purposes:

The first objective of this tour was to ensure that every region aligns with True Mother's special directives and the strategies and direction International Headquarters is pursuing on Mother’s behalf.


First, it was important to carefully analyze the situation in each region and develop a strategy tailored to that region and its nations. To this end, we analyzed the current status of churches and pastors in each region, and the number of members and Sunday-service participants by country.


In addition, in order to move forward in a unified direction, we wanted to actively promote the registration of the Family Federation as a religious order. We checked the situation in each nation and identified and analyzed the situation in some countries where such registration itself was impossible, so that we could consider alternatives.


The next step was to assist each region in developing mission strategies. In conjunction with field leaders, we discussed the key challenges each region faces, plus how to increase actual church growth by witnessing. We selected countries that will challenge to achieve national restoration, and developed growth strategies together.  


The second objective of this tour was to develop future leaders and to identify those who are capable of leading the next generation in the region. It is True Mother's greatest concern and an important agenda of this world tour to nurture the new generation and find leaders who can lead the next generation. Therefore, True Mother instructed YSP International Chair Koji Matsuda to also participate in this world tour. Mother also requested that we ensure that programs designed to raise future leaders are conducted effectively. Therefore, we discussed strategies for raising future leaders with the leaders of each region, and also met many youth leaders.


The third objective of this world tour was to gain the determination of all blessed families to unite with Heavenly Parent and True Parents in this new era in which Heavenly Parent directly governs us through Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum. In addition, we hoped to inspire everyone to fully commit themselves to actual church growth through the Holy Spirit and the Truth in order to ultimately accomplish Vision 2025 through the victorious Cheon Won Gung entrance ceremony and the realization of national restoration.

I also conveyed True Mother's filial love for Heaven through an explanation of the fourteen Cheon Il Seonghwa artworks that record True Parents' lives. This encouraged members to resolve to expand the realm in which Heavenly Parent can freely work.


As we toured Heavenly Europe and Heavenly South and Central America, we experienced many inspiring moments.


Seeing newly appointed capable youth leaders in Europe working hard to overcome the challenges they face was inspiring and hopeful. There is purity of heart and passion among Europe's young national presidents.


A young Ukrainian member who fled to Western Europe due to the war is doing witnessing activities and, though living as a refugee, is helping the Ukrainian members.
And the YSP Middle East chairwoman, who had graduated from a prestigious university, reported that she witnessed to four people in the environment of a Muslim country. She did this by always keeping a spiritual connection with True Mother.


We toured the Jardim Training Center in South America, which will be refurbished and reopened shortly. Centered on True Parents' directive, a group of Japanese national messiahs led a pioneering project to develop Leda, a completely barren land. This was without any support from Headquarters. They have now established an international training center that can accommodate up to 100 people. My heart was completely moved upon hearing their report on how they developed it. They developed a pacu farm—a fish True Father liked very much, and have become self-sufficient through it. They continue to educate the second generation.


The commitment and passion the national presidents in South America showed was incredible. While at a meeting with the national presidents, I told them that True Mother asked me while I was on the world tour to look for countries that could be restored. I also informed them that True Mother intends to visit any country that is able to increase witnessing results tenfold and achieve national restoration. I asked if there were countries interested in this challenge.


Argentina's national president, Rev. Carlos Vargas, was the first to stand up and say, "To live at the same age as our True Mother is a miracle. Argentina has recently regained the Castle after winning its legal disputes in the midst of True Parents' worldwide activities. With rental income supporting our national headquarters, we are actively engaged in witnessing activities for young people, and UPF Ambassador for Peace activities are yielding good results. By increasing witnessing results tenfold, we want to welcome and attend True Mother in Argentina."


Rev. Alejandro Betancourt, Colombia's national president, then spoke up to express his commitment by saying: "Columbia supported Korea as one of the 16 countries that came to Korea's aid during the Korean War, 70 years ago. I want to make Colombia an exemplary country in terms of substantial church growth. I would appreciate it if you would select Colombia as a country with potential for national restoration."


Then Reverend Koichi Sasaki, president of FFWPU Brazil, jumped up and said, "Brazil is a nation where True Parents invested their blood, sweat and tears. I am standing up because we have to inherit the spirit and love that True Parents gave to us." He also said, "We have no other choice knowing the devotion True Parents have dedicated for Brazil. Brazil should be the first nation to be restored in South America and we will utilize all of the material and human investments in line with the heavenly fortune to bring about national restoration." Everyone showed their support and agreement through a big round of applause.


Through this, 3 nations were decided, and the national leaders of Bolivia and Peru stood up and said they would like to take on the challenge and create a foundation to welcome True Mother, and thanked Heavenly Parent for this opportunity.


There are still many challenges that in Heavenly South America, but there is real hope there. Just as Jardim has been renewed, Heavenly South America is dreaming of a new leap forward. The region is alive. It's moving forward. I was very happy to see the members so full of life and active, having firm hope that they can achieve church growth and national restoration! Above all, Heavenly South America is alive with a passion for witnessing.


Even since the COVID pandemic, the region has seen continuous growth of membership through witnessing, and has been investing in various methods of witnessing such as one-on-one witnessing, online witnessing, and witnessing through the Cheonbo families and we could see that the fruits are being reaped.


Regional President Dong-woo Kim said, "All of this is possible because True Mother has solved the legal challenges, and True Mother is the root of the miracle here."


The activities of UPA graduates and YSP youth leaders are also outstanding. Deokhwa Mirobal, president of YSP Peru, said that when he first took on his mission there were no second generations members around, but doing witnessing activities he was able to make 2 CARP centers with 15 full-time youths. When he visited Korea last year, he heard True Mother say we need to restore nations, and when he prayed earnestly at the Cheon Shim Won, he received a revelation to work with the government. When he returned to Peru, surprisingly he received an official letter from the Peruvian government saying that they would sponsor the YSP activities for 1 for one year. So now they are working with the active cooperation from the government, and the Deputy Minister of Justice contacted YSP and asked for lectures to be given at universities. He reported that there are miracles happening, big and small, and he expressed his goal to make Peru a global youth powerhouse.

Some 70 second-generation YSP youths from the Heavenly South America continent are devoting themselves for a one-year period, receiving training, witnessing, plus working to conserve the Amazon River ecology.


I was also very proud and happy to see the young people who attended the Heavenly South America YSP Assembly, which was attended by hundreds of young YSP members, growing into the global leaders of tomorrow.


In Central America, Junko Yanai, who serves as national president in Belize, is one of the Japanese missionaries that went out to 33 countries in Central and South America in 1996. They are the family that lost their third son during a robbery while carrying out their mission work, which Mother mentioned in her memoirs. But Mrs. Yanai still hasn't changed her heart and, together with her husband, is still walking the path of a missionary.


Remy Taupier, who is the national president of St. Lucia, is also the national messiah, born in from France. Since he was appointed as the national messiah in 1996, he has been persecuted and expelled from the country twice while doing missionary work in St. Lucia, a Christian country. Undeterred, he continued his missionary work and is now a naturalized citizen of his mission country, serving as its national president.


The Japanese national messiah to Costa Rica, Yoko Miwadachi, is a very precious person who has been working as a missionary in Costa Rica for 27 years since being appointed National Messiah. I was informed that her husband, Akira, became very ill last year—yet he followed what True Parents had said that national messiahs should bury their bones in their mission country. He did not return to Japan but maintained his mission in Costa Rica until he ascended.


Recently, True Mother gave high praise to these public servants and instructed our offices to "identify and report about those missionaries who have been steadily walking the path of public service since 1975."

There have been many missionaries who, just following True Parents’ instructions, devoted their entire lives in a country they had never been to before, and many leaders who did not stop their work even when, due to political issues in their mission nation, their lives were under threat.


In this way, seeing leaders and members around the world doing their best under challenging circumstances for the sake of God’s providence, I expressed my sincere gratitude to Heavenly Parent at the Cheon Shim Won prayer vigil. I hope that the heart of loyalty of those godly people will also manifest here at Cheonwon.


During this world tour, there were many comments from leaders in the regions that the International HQ seems to have changed a lot. It was an opportunity to build empathy with leaders in the field by listening to their opinions and what they wanted from the International Headquarters, and to have serious conversations with them, rather than just conveying instructions.


Notably, Prof. Yeon-ah Moon, Chief of Staff in the First Secretariat, participated online and listened to the opinions of the leaders from around the region, and then delivered a short speech conveying True Mother's heart and love, expressing her gratitude to True Mother for establishing a new and different system on May 9.


Beloved members of Cheonwon Church!


I came here today with the words of 1 Corinthians 1:27 in my head:

"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the strong." I couldn't get these words out of my mind.


Forty years ago, when I was a very ordinary young man, a CARP leader who knew nothing and not prominent at all, I had the rare grace and honor of meeting True Parents; it was for the first time in person, at a CARP leaders' dinner. I remember being so impressed and moved by the testimony of Japanese church president Osami Kuboki at the time. I was moved by his life, abandoning the honor and position of being one of the most trusted leaders of a large religious order to walk the path of God’s will. After that, my heart's desire was to become a missionary. His testimony changed my life.


Heaven granted my desire to become an overseas missionary. Not long after I received the Blessing, I received True Parents’ direction to go on a mission to Kenya, East Africa, where I began my overseas missionary work.


God gave my wife the responsibility of supporting our family economically and raising our children, and had me constantly working as a missionary. Heaven took away the fear in my heart and set me on a missionary path where I could only look forward. At that time, I believe I lived in the mission field with great enthusiasm and earnestness.


As I look back on those years of missionary work in Kenya and then in 14 other countries in Oceania, including New Zealand, Australia, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, the Marshall Islands, Palau, and Micronesia, I realize that I always felt the presence of God during those years.


In 2003, I was unexpectedly asked to become continental chairman for Europe. Before I began my mission, I took a look at the situation in Europe as a whole.


When I visited Europe at that time, I realized how ardent and passionate were the dreams and the longing and desire of our brothers and sisters there. Top on their minds was the final resolution of the longstanding ban blocking True Father’s entry to the UK. 

On account of the British government prohibiting Father’s entry, Father was unable to visit the UK. In the face of such circumstances, all our European members mustered their earnest dreams and burning desire to open the way for Father to visit England. They united as one, offering their absolute devotion in prayer and other conditions to overcome this situation. As a result, Heaven could work, and finally we could obtain a victorious ruling from the High Court overturning the long-standing ban. Right after that, the British Home Office announced the granting of permission for Rev. Sun Myung Moon to enter the country, and the news media also aired this report publicly, so that finally after a 27-year moratorium True Father was finally welcome to come to Great Britain once more. Now just imagine how overjoyed our British members felt on that day! I can never forget that day, the way the members were hugging one another, dancing, shouting “Hurrah!” with tears of emotion spilling over. They were crowding around me chanting “Chairman Song!” Father’s entry to the UK had seemed downright impossible! Every avenue we tried was of no use! Even the National Messiah to the UK had felt there was no hope. Yet, thanks to the earnest hearts of all the European members and their combined offerings of devotion, the long-cherished dream of the European members finally came true.


On October 25, 2005, the day we received news of the victory, I was in Romania with True Parents, just about to conduct the Founding Ceremony for the Universal Peace Federation. When Father heard this good news, he jumped up and said, “Is that so? Let’s go to England right away. Prepare for the gathering!” That scene where Father spoke those words is still right before my eyes.


Finally True Parents were able to visit England after 27 years. Father said: “Coming to England was more difficult than going to the heavenly kingdom!” He ws so happy. Then we all listened as True Parents gave their declaration. Our European brothers and sisters can never forget the thrill of that day.


And then there was another earnest hope and dream of the European members.

Deliberately misusing the Schengen Convention Act enacted in 1995 to prevent criminals from entering the countries of the European Union, Father’s name was added to the Schengen Blacklist, and the ban on entry by all 16 EU nations was to be enforced without fail.


At that time, True Parents were blocked from entering the 16 countries of the European Union due to the Schengen Agreement covering continental Europe. Because of the Schengen Act, Father had to suffer by being detained for more than 7 hours at the Immigration Office at Charles de Gaulle Airport in France, a stopover on the way to preside over a conference in Madrid, Spain. Just imagine such disrespectful treatment!


Europe at that time was providentially dark when True Father, the Messiah of the Second Advent whom God our Heavenly Parent had sent, was not permitted to enter because of pressure from ultra-conservative Christians joined by left-wing communists who claimed that Reverend Moon’s entry would stir up social disorder.


On the day when the policy to grant True Father permission to enter the UK was announced by the UK Home Office and widely reported in the media, True Mother was delighted and spoke some words to me: “Chairman Song! Remember when I said, ‘Let’s overturn Schengen at once!’?”


Thanks to Mother's words, “Turn over this Schengen at once!” I recall that all the members of our European family devoted themselves in unison with an earnest heart to welcome True Parents to Europe. Through twenty-seven 40-day conditions of utmost sincerity, Mother devoted herself earnestly to break through the Schengen barrier, and finally, empowered by True Mother’s words, we gained the victory, overturning all previous judgments with the surprising final decision of the German Federal Supreme Court.


In 2007, after winning the final victory through a 12-year-long legal battle, the Merkl administration in Germany accepted the final ruling of the Supreme Court and approved True Father’s entry. From then on, he was free to come to Europe at any time. It was the historic moment when Europe was liberated.


This photo shows our family in Frankfurt, Germany cheering and applauding. Not only in Germany, but members throughout Europe cried, cheered, hugged each other with elated joy and overflowing emotions.


I realized more poignantly than ever that it is Heavenly Parent who will surely make things happen if we become one and invest our wholehearted earnestness.


Thanks to the Schengen victory, True Parents were able to freely enter all European countries. After the Schengen victory, True Parents visited France, Monaco, and Germany in 2009. Moreover, the Peace King Cup was held in Seville, Spain directly under the supervision of True Parents.


2011 was the year before True Father's Ascension. Members in Europe shared the historic moment of glory when True Parents held the “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind Who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word” in eight providentially important nations in Europe: England, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Greece, and Turkey. All were thrilled and excited. I will never forget that scene of joy and tears.


If the Schengen victory had not been won, Parents would not have been able to visit the providential countries of Europe and proclaim the Substantial Word of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.


In particular, the day when Jesus’ unfulfilled dream of entering the Roman Senate and proclaiming the Word, could finally be accomplished when True Parents majestically delivered God’s Word for three hours at the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. That was a historic day when the cherished hopes and dreams of Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and all the European members substantially came true.


After the competition was over, True Father asked me, "What's your name?" Father asked three times. When I said, “I am Song Yong-cheol,” he said, “No. Your name is Song Yong-cheon." I still remember vividly how Father blessed me with me with my new name.


 “A dream mustn’t just end as a dream! It must be accomplished!”

“There is nothing you cannot achieve if you invest utmost sincerity.”


Dear members of Cheonwon Church,


The path I have walked is too insufficient to speak of in front of the seniors and elders who have stood at the forefront of the providence, overcoming ordeal after ordeal, but what I have kept deep in my heart while following the path of my will so far is:

“He chooses the foolish to shame the wise, and he chooses the weak to shame the strong.”


For that reason, I have no choice but to confess that I am still foolish, weak and lacking in many ways! As I take on the enormous responsibilities I've been given, I'm acutely aware that I fall short.


Therefore, with a more humble attitude, I will always think about what the will of Heaven is that led me to be appointed International President, and Senior Pastor at Cheonwon Church here in Seorak, where True Mother lives. I will always be together with you, thinking about the mission I must fulfill without fail in these times.


I will not be a leader who imposes my thoughts, asserting my position at the forefront, but we will be victorious in Vision 2027 together through service, communication, harmony and cooperation.


Dear members of Cheonwon Church,

If you really want something earnestly, it will happen. If you pray for it earnestly and take action with an earnest heart, it will come to pass.


I confirmed this again through the world speaking tour we are conducting. The question is whether our hearts are alive with earnestness. As we observe our brothers and sisters who receive Heaven’s call and faithfully devote their lives, we should ask ourselves whether we are really living as earnestly.


Mother is truly desperate every moment. She lives with an earnest heart every day, seeking to bring Heavenly Parent's ideal to reality. Aware of Heavenly Parent's dream of finding His lost sons and daughters, Mother asks us today also to witness and achieve substantial church growth with an earnest desire for half of the world’s population to come to know and attend Heavenly Parent.


I believe that Mother's earnest wish for the restoration of Seorak and Gapyeong stems from Heavenly Parent's earnestness. And I am sure that this dream will come true as soon as there are more children who resonate with that earnest heart. Mother hopes that all of us will become as earnest as Heavenly Parent and True Mother, and work in unity to achieve our dreams.


Brothers and sisters, in order to realize our dream and be victorious in the providence, we must know the current time of the providence.


So, with reference to Mother's recent messages, I would like to point out that the current era is 1) the era of substantial attendance, 2) the era of pursuing the original essence, 3) the era of loyal heart beyond filial piety, and 4) the era of presenting the results of our witnessing.


In keeping with these four points to be aware of in this time, our attitude needs to also have the following five characteristics.

The first aspect of our attitude is maintaining our center. This means becoming completely one with True Parents who are guiding the present era.


The second aspect of our attitude is <spirituality>. We must listen to the voice of God wherever we attend God. We must allow True Father to work freely. This is also the reason we should go along with Cheon Shim Won.


The third aspect of our attitude is <relationships>. We need to communicate. We need to communicate and share.


The fourth aspect of our attitude is <substantial growth>. Mother has been speaking of genuine church growth.


Real growth, I think, is both quantitative growth and qualitative growth. There are two sides to it. Numerical, quantitative growth is an unquestionable increase in the number of our church members.



But qualitative growth is a little different. If someone who used to attend the service once a month comes to the service twice a month, that's a qualitative doubling in terms of growth. If we offer twice as much for our tithe, that's a qualitative doubling in terms of growth. If each member of our family becomes one with True Parents' heart, if our understanding of the providence increases, if our love and the love of the church expands, that's all qualitative growth. We need qualitative growth.


We at Cheonwon Church, must pursue qualitative growth as well as quantitative growth. Only in this way can we advance toward genuine church growth through real witnessing success.


The fifth and last aspect of our attitude is <sincerity>. We need to let people feel that we sincerely love Seorak town, Gapyeong County, and our nation.

Our church will change if we truly and earnestly move forward with these five aspects of attitude while being aware of the four points about this time.

Dear Cheonwon Church members!

Lastly, I would like to talk about collective intelligence. Whether smart people get together and make a foolish group, or ordinary people get together and make an excellent group depends on how collective intelligence is exercised.


It is easy to break an arrow in half. But you cannot so easily break a tightly bound bundle of arrows. That is the great power of collective intelligence. Collective intelligence will get you far.

On the front line of the providence, we always encounter challenges and obstacles on our path. How can we overcome these challenges? We can do it through the power of collective intelligence.


I hope that in the future, Cheonwon Church will unleash its collective intelligence through sincere communication and sharing ideas back and forth, in the spirit of service and harmony, and that you will establish transparent and efficient decision-making and approval processes rather than sticking with conventional practices bound by the laws of inertia.


Thus, I hope that pastors and blessed families will put all their efforts into witnessing so that they can harvest the very best fruits of that investment.


In the future, the International Headquarters will continue to communicate and share with the field, rather than give unilateral directions. We will ensure that accounting processes are transparent for all organizational operations and events. We will systematically organize budgets, approval lines, and post-implementation audits for all events and operations to increase operational transparency, thus to be an international headquarters and Family Federation that is worthy of members’ trust.

Dear members of Cheonwon Church, we have hope as we enter this new era. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have the only begotten Daughter, our True Mother who has become one with Heavenly Parent.


If we become one with True Mother, pray earnestly, and work diligently, and unite through collective intelligence and effective organizational power, then explosive growth in witnessing, substantial growth in our church, the restoration of the Seorak township and Gapyeong County, and furthermore, the miracle of a heavenly unified Korea will no longer be just a dream but will become a reality. Aju!


If we all work in unity, praying earnestly and devoting ourselves in order to bring our Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ dreams into reality, God will surely bring our dreams and hopes into fruition. Aju!

Mother's footsteps never falter as she walks the path of the Providence. Why is this? It is because Mother knows that when she is facing difficulty, Heavenly Parent is facing even greater difficulty. That's why we must determine ourselves now!


With life-or-death resolve, we must determine never to be a burden for Mother, but instead to become mature sons and daughters. We must attend Heavenly Parent and True Parents in substantial ways and fulfill our responsibilities in order to create a proud record of real qualitative and quantitative growth!


Once again, let us not be unfilial and disloyal people who make True Mother lonely, but instead become filial sons and daughters, loyal patriots of Cheon Il Guk. Let us offer reports of results expressing joy and victory, and march forward toward the victory of Vision 2025 that Heavenly Parent and True Parents so much desire to see.


Brothers and sisters, if you agree, if you can determine yourselves, I would appreciate it if you could honor True Parents with a big round of applause!

Let’s pray together.

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