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News from the Field

News from the Field
New Zealand – July 26, 2014 Peace Bicycle Report
Date created : 2014-07-28/ Views : 525
New Zealand – July 26, 2014 Peace Bicycle Report
By Andrew Halim

On the 26th of July 2014, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification New Zealand (FFWPU-NZ) together with Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) and the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP) participated in the “2014 One Korea, Peace Bicycle World Tour”. The event was organized with the following purpose:  Hope for peace and unification between North and South Korea, for the realization of the DMZ World Peace Park and for the completion of the International Highway Project. Members in New Zealand were able to display their endeavors through this event, contributing a modest distance for the sake of the many purposes that the Unification movement aims to achieve, in conjunction with the coming commemoration of the 2nd Universal Seonghwa Anniversary of its founder, Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon.

The event in New Zealand covered a total distance of 18.4 kilometers from Parnell Peace Embassy, down St Stephens Avenue to Tamaki Drive, cycle through Mission Bay to St Heliers Bay, and return. It was a wonderful opportunity for many members and guests to come together, and participate in a relaxing group activity for the sake of a greater purpose. Participants were especially grateful for the beautiful weather that surrounds the day brightly; covering everyone with sunlight’s warmth in spite of the cold, rainy week; and a gentle breeze that produced a cool, comfortable air for us to breathe and be enveloped in, as we cycled through the event.

The event started casually at 11am. Participants gathered at Parnell Peace Embassy backyard for a briefing by the Event Coordinator, Mr Leon Pogoni on the safety guidelines to be observed along the day and an introductory statement by Rev Julius Gicole, Director of FFWPU-NZ on the aforementioned purposes of the event. After that, participants took their turns to sign on the Peace Bicycle World Tour banner, as a proof of their dedication for the event. After signing, Rev Julius Gicole offered a prayer and the event started officially the moment Mr James Prentice, vanguard of the group, pedaled down St Stephens Avenue. Mr Leon Pogoni was the rearguard of the day, while Mr Peter Holdem was always ready to provide assistance and first-aid treatments, should they become necessary during the event.

Participants then slowly made their way together to St Heliers Bay, stopping momentarily once or twice to link everyone together, while enjoying the simple ride together with a smile. The perfect weather and the picturesque scenery were more than enough to sustain the journey to their destination, filling the gaps naturally between the casual and friendly interactions among the participants. As they reached St Heliers Bay, we took a break and a group photo to commemorate the event. The scenic beach was available for everyone to enjoy, and the participants were able to take the opportunity to know each other better. Not long after, we pedaled back to Parnell Peace Embassy, aiming to complete the cycling event without any hindrance.

At the end of the ride, we were greeted by a heartful refreshment prepared by Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP); bringing the ride to a close while nourishing the participants with a delightful lunch under the sun. A plethora of brightness filled up the backyard with warmth, in a spirit of togetherness that represents peace and harmony among the participants; as though the day was created for us to come together and generate an echoing wave of goodness that would hopefully spread and reach out to many people around us; as we hoped to resonate the goals and ideals of this event, joined by many of our brothers and sisters around the world.

As the event came to an end, we gratefully wrapped the day with hopeful farewells; that we may be able to come together again to celebrate the kindred spirit of humankind; hoping that even a simple gathering and activity such as this, small as it may be, may resound bountifully in an orchestra of peace held all around the world.

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