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News from the Field

News from the Field
Weekly Update #48 6/13/14
Date created : 2014-06-21/ Views : 528
We’d like to wish a happy Father’s Day to all the dads who work hard and guide their children to know our Heavenly Parent! We all can reconnect ourselves to our Heavenly Parent this summer with these events and initiatives:

Take a look at True Father’s speech “God’s Hope for Humankind” to understand the closeness of the relationship that God desired to have with us, His children.
A week away from the start of the God’s Hope for America road trip, we encourage everyone to sign up to participate in a mini-tour, lasting from two to six days and highlighting a historical theme of each region.
This week we reached out and invited people with whom we had lost touch over the years. Try your hand at reconnecting with people and opening the door for them to participate in this summer’s road trip.

The video and explanation comes from the FFWPU USA website.

Also avaialbe at http://vimeo.com/unificationchurch

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