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True Mother's Speech at the Hyojeong Special Assembly for FFWPU-Heavenly Korea Public Personnel, Which True Parents Hosted (September 5, 2018)
Date created : 2018-09-29/ Views : 1022
True Mother's Speech at the Hyojeong Special Assembly for FFWPU-Heavenly Korea Public Personnel, Which True Parents Hosted

September 5, 2018 - Cheon Jeong Gung  
After hearing you read aloud the resolution, I should gain back some energy and strength, right? 
Before I speak, I have a piece of good news. After Jesus’ crucifixion, where did Christianity begin according to the disciples? It started on the Italian peninsula, didn’t it? Early this morning, True Parents' youngest daughter, Jeong Jin, gave birth to a daughter.  Because 'shin' is the common Chinese character in all the names of those in our third generation, her daughter's name is Shin Bi. “Bi” means “soaring” or “exceptional.” 
You're telling me to sit down by bringing me this chair. Christianity’s beginning! The Holy Spirit and the Apostles started it. The Italian peninsula was its center and Greece was in that region too. The Bible was compiled there. It came from the regional unit Corinthia.  Corinth is in the southernmost area of Greece. It was Peter’s or the Apostle Paul’s missionary area. For two thousand years, Christians had developed the area as a holy place and build a big church there.  They expanded the faith, but their faith did not convey Jesus' original nature. Moreover, they did not know God, the Creator’s characteristics. Who was able to bring completion after six thousand biblical years? In conclusion, the only begotten daughter saw the completion of True Parents. God's only begotten daughter’s birth can occur only after Eve's responsibility of establishing all indemnity conditions has been actually fulfilled.
 Once she [Eve] has accomplished those things and is in a position of having completed them, the only begotten daughter will be born as God’ daughter. However, not one of you knew this. You did not recognize who I was. God’s ideal at the time of the Creation were parents. Parents do not mean only the father. If a mother is not present, a child cannot be born. Because of this, in the history of the providence of restoration based on indemnity, a figure must appear to complete fallen Eve's mission. The returning Messiah cannot come and chose anyone by saying, You are the foundation stage, and you are in the growth stage.
Only with the birth of the begotten daughter can the returning Messiah's actions commence. When you look at that point, I am sure you are in a fortunate and lucky position. You are extremely lucky. Several people have suffered and worked harder than you here have. However, they have not met me. Nevertheless, you did. [Applause] It has not been many years since you have been certain of me, right? Be honest.  I will forgive you. Now things have to be different. All of you know the truth. In that case, what should you do? You should become true filial sons or daughters of True Mother, the only begotten daughter.  Do you understand? Have I provided you such a place where others can honor your efforts and achievements permanently and where your descendants can receive praise and respect and love you?  You are responsible for whether or not you advance to that position. I have taught you everything. You must swear to invest and commit your lives completely to reap high results. Do you understand? 
I spoke to the director of Subregion 5 about how their sincerity and enthusiasm should expand across South Korea all the way to North Korea for the creation of a new, unified, Heavenly Korea. For example, in the 1970s, there was an American TV show entitled, “Bonanza” about pioneering the West. In the opening scene, a map burns from the bottom toward the top. It catches on fire.  Catching fire does not mean everything disappears. Those pioneers worked hard, and according to their efforts, the territory they were aware of grew larger as well. So, did Subregion 5 resolve to do the same thing? If that's so, can the rest of you just piggyback on Subregion 5's results? You should take the lead and not follow, right? If you want to do that, everyone in the Republic of Korea, even three-year-old children, must know the only begotten daughter, True Mother. That is the only path for this nation and people to fulfill their responsibilities toward Heaven.  Do you understand? 
Today I heard the news about my youngest daughter and was so happy.  My son-in-law is Italian. However, my daughter's mother-in-law truly loves me. She respects me. Thus, the history of the providence at the end of the day is truly extraordinary. Even so, Christianity spread from that place. Heaven will remember those who worked hard. God wants to bless them because He is grateful and happy. We must right the wrongs immediately. Isn't that so? 
While I am still alive on earth, you must reach the position in which you have accomplished your responsibilities. Furthermore, God protected this country and people for this time. This nation has experienced many difficulties in its history. External forces constantly invaded it. Korea was unable to spread its wings even once.  However, at this time, due to True Parents, this country is able to spread its wings before the world. Do you understand? So that's why my granddaughter's name is Shin Bi [‘soaring advancement’]. 
There's no need to say anything more. It's up to you to resolve any problems. You're going to do that, right? Okay.  Thank you. 

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