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Special meeting with the Cheon Il Guk leaders True Mother's Message (February 19, 2019)
Date created : 2019-02-26/ Views : 1256

True Mother’s Message at  Special meeting with Cheon Il Guk leaders February 19, 2019 (15th day of the lunar first month) at Cheon Jeong Gung 

Why did God choose the Korean people and work for True Parents to appear? In Korea, today is Daeboreum, the night of the first full moon of the lunar year. As we start the year, on this day we express the greatest gratitude to heaven and earth and prepare to welcome spring. This Korean custom dates from long ago. As soon as we open our eyes at dawn, we say: "Bureom kendá" (One cracks nuts with one's teeth, believing that this will keep one's teeth healthy for a year.) Foreigners do not know what “burom” means but Korean people know... Our ancestors were scientific and wise. They followed the agrarian traditions. That's why, even though they didn't know Heaven’s providence, they revered Heaven. Our agrarian society honors Heaven and loves nature. . That is why, in the countryside, they talk about the "god of the earth." When you go to the mountains, you hear "god of the mountains.” At the riverside, they invoke the "God of the river" as a sign of respect. Korea is a country where the four seasons are well defined. Long cold winter goes and as we are preparing for spring, On this day of the Great Full Moon, we eat bureom (crack nuts) united as a family. In ancient times, it was not possible to produce a lot of edible meat. The agrarian community consumes a lot vegetable, with rice ... But the nuts that nature brings us, is exactly what the body needs. Moreover, in winter we have walnuts, chestnuts and pine nuts. If you eat walnuts, do you know what good it does for you? It helps prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). When you eat pine nuts, do you know what good it does to you? Our body needs all (produce) that comes out of nature. When we consume,fat, protein, and vitamins. boils (abscess) disappear and the body becomes healthy and strong, Going back hundreds of years, there were no dentists and no hospitals. Farmers preparing for spring walked on the frozen ground all winter. As you know, they had to get ready for sowing new seeds. So all family members would meet on the first full moon of the lunar year, a day like today. They jumped rope, played Yut games, and as they played, they stepped on the ground. When they did, they would say, we are stomping on "god of the earth.” So what will happen to the frozen ground? Won’t it melt? Won’t it get softer? This isn’t just a story I’m sharing. In reality, it is scientific, isn’t it? The Korean people’s ancestors were very wise. And then we plant seeds in the spring. and harvest in the autumn. And again, thank Heaven and nature. The Korean people practiced a life of gratitude. Finding this in other countries is difficult. It seems to me that it is a bit difficult to see such an attitude in other countries of the world, Such scientific sensibility, wisdom beautiful nature and a good attitude. Do you understand me? I am sure there is something in front of you... (nuts) Crack them with your teeth and let’s eat them now. I will eat them too. (She breaks a nut with a small hammer amid the jubilation of the leaders)

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