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Full Speeches
True Parents’ Special Meeting with the Japanese Sisters Missionary Association of FFWPU-Heavenly Japan (August 10, 2019)
Date created : 2019-08-24/ Views : 1387

True Mother spoke on August 10 at the HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center’s Main Hall to Japanese women, most of whom have Korean husbands, and to a few Japanese men—all of whom have the status of missionaries in Korea. This is what she said that day.


How long will you continue applauding? I will show to you all the fulfillment of providential history, the fulfillment of history itself. You’ve just heard of the providential work and the global providence. After listening to this, can you now see in your mind the work we will conduct to complete the providence? Can you picture it?

If Jesus Christ, who was born as God’s son after four thousand years, had completed his mission, you and I today would not have a relationship, would we?.. The Israelites lived as God’s chosen people, yet from God’s point of view, they did not properly understand God. They did not know why Jesus Christ had to be born. Finally, after paying tremendous indemnity and sacrificing for two thousand years, Jews founded the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. Israel’s land area is only as big as Gyeongsang Province and 60 percent of it is desert. It is undeniably true that they have achieved miraculous things in an area like that.

Jerusalem is a holy city where both Jews and Muslims live. They share Abraham as their ancestor. God’s providence has gone through the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age. And today, True Mother, God’s only daughter, has opened the doors of Cheon Il Guk. We are already in the seventh year of Cheon Il Guk. Meanwhile, a movement to accept True Mother, God’s only daughter, is arising among Muslims. If humanity had not fallen, Heavenly Parent’s providence of salvation would not have had to take place. Messianic thought would not have existed either. According to God’s principle regarding the Creation, he created man and woman to live with him on the foundation of having fulfilled their responsibilities. You could say that True Parents are such a man and woman, completely victorious in that respect. Jesus came two thousand years ago to form the True Parents. Unfortunately, the prepared environment did not welcome him…. As a result, Jesus died, leaving a promise that he would return.


The current age

God’s only daughter, whom God could not send two thousand years ago, must also emerge with the advent of the returning Messiah. In other words, the returning Messiah can fulfill his responsibilities only if God’s only daughter emerges on earth. Given that I have continually spoken of and revealed the truth about history, you will all be familiar with this. When you look at the problems that the world and Korea must solve today, have you felt that Heaven is somewhat mysteriously yet profoundly working on the side of his only daughter, True Mother?

At the rally held by Sub-Region 5, I said, “I will complete the Divine Principle.” It is not complete. I said that the Divine Principle must explain Heavenly Parent. The Divine Principle shouldn’t have simply tried to address the issue of the Second Advent but should have included True Parents’ theology. From this perspective, we are now ushering in the seventh anniversary of True Father’s Holy Ascension. As the Mother, I am seeking to fulfill the responsibilities we had not yet completed when Father was alive. Am I wrong for doing that? The reason I must speak about this today is because you must clearly understand who Heavenly Parent and True Parents are.


The universal dream

Only True Parents can achieve Heavenly Parent’s dream…. Even the True Children have responsibilities. Their responsibility is to become people who can receive True Parents’ blessings in the end…. Who launched Foundation Day and the first year of Cheon Il Guk? Only those who become one with True Mother, God’s only daughter, can emerge victorious in this Cheon Il Guk era. You are all wise and your assessments correct. Right? The longest time a person can live is about a hundred years. Compared to the eternal world, this is just like a speck. Hence, how precious is your time on earth, particularly this time spent with the True Mother, God’s only daughter? There will only be one set of True Parents for eternity within providential history and human history.

Vision 2020 alone is not my entire plan. Heavenly Parent dreams of having one big human family under him. The same goes for fallen humanity. To achieve that dream, we need to consider that there are more than two hundred nations today. And Korea, the homeland of our faith, has still to become a central nation in the world. Even if the 7.6 billion people from the two hundred or so nations around the world are unaware of Heaven’s providence, they all wish for a world of peace. Yet, human history until to this day has been filled with wars, conflicts and endless discord.


Much depends on you

Even today, I can clearly see what the superpowers, such as the United States, Japan, China and Russia, are doing. At times, it is quite a sight to behold! When will you let them know God, our Creator and Heavenly Parent? You, the blessed families, who have received True Parents’ blessing, are the only hope.

During the Chungcheong rally, I used the term, “chosen blessed families.” The Israelites, who were the first chosen people, did not fulfill their responsibilities. Christianity was also supposed to move into the position of a chosen people, but they did not fulfill their responsibilities. Now, all blessed families, who have received True Parents’ blessing, must fulfill their responsibilities as God’s chosen people. To do that, you must complete your responsibilities as heavenly tribal messiahs. As blessed families who are registered in Cheonbowon, shouldn’t you be going beyond your nations and heading toward the world? Will you do that?


Looking to the future

How old am I? Forty-six! That would be great if it were true. I have prepared a token of my appreciation for you all today. Initially, I prepared seventy-six of these because I am seventy-six years old, but I decided to provide twenty-four more to make it a hundred.

Why did I do that? Don’t you want to know the reason? Or did you simply regard it as something True Mother always does? This time, however, it is a bit different. To prepare for our eternal future… I have taken into my hands the task of raising those in the third generation. We need to put them in the central position. To do that, however, I need your commitment and cooperation.  

That’s why I will be making an exceptional declaration during this seonghwa anniversary. If I do it today, the declaration may lose its allure. I hope to be able to transition everything to the third generation, at least within my lifetime, in a state of good health. To do that, I must remain in good health until I am a hundred years old at least. This is not for me, but for you. It is for your future descendants. I will make the announcement in 2020, and I will bless True Grandchildren in 2023. Unlike in the past, I will raise them myself. My hope is to raise—into people who are better than I—spouses for the True Grandchildren, those who can establish the eternal foundation of Cheon Il Guk, upon which Cheon Il Guk will prosper for eternity. If among your children, you have sons or daughters who can meet my expectations, please apply.

I am God’s only daughter, the True Mother. I am the mother of the universe. The mother of the universe! Hence, I hope that you can raise your children well with such hopes and dreams…. How many people are celebrating their birthdays today? Those whose birthday is today please come forward.




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