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Special Meeting with True Mother in the Heavenly Nation of Gyeongsang for the Victory of 2020 Vision True Mother's Message (25 July, 2019)
Date created : 2019-08-02/ Views : 1598

The Value of Christian Roots

True Mother gave this speech at the Family Church in Busan on July 25.


I am truly happy to meet you all. I have some good news: My autobiography will be published this November. A particular scene comes out on the first page of the book. True Father once said that God’s only daughter, the one to become the True Mother, must come from a family in which three generations followed Christianity. When the Independence Movement arose in 1919, my grandmother, Jo Won-mo, took part in the movement that shouted Mansei for Korea’s independence, while carrying my mother Hong Soon-ae (Dae-mo nim) on her back. I was born in 1943 and Korea’s liberation came in 1945. Then again, Grandmother Jo Won-mo carried her granddaughter on her back and shouted mansei for Korea’s liberation. Isn’t that somewhat odd? This is because ours was a family Heaven had prepared.


Christianity and God’s only daughter

Two thousand years ago, God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to become the first victorious human ancestor and True Parent. However, neither Mary, who gave birth to him, Zachariah’s family, nor Judaism recognized him. God had finally sent the long, long-awaited Messiah to the Israelites whom he had worked so hard to guide and raise for four thousand years. If those Israelites failed to recognize Jesus, how should we view that?

Though the Bible does not fully express it, Jesus brought up the issue to Mary of him needing to get married several times during his thirty-three years of life. Mary did not fulfill her responsibility. How could she have many children between her and Joseph? She married them all off, yet did not fulfill her duties toward Jesus. Jesus, who had lost all environments, had no place to advance to anymore. But at least, he was able to open the way to spiritual salvation through the cross. That is why he promised to return as he died on the cross. He clearly taught that he would return to have the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The two-thousand-year history of the Christian faith begins in earnest after Jesus’ disciples received rebirth through the Holy Spirit. For the Bible to come out took some time, and this resulted in many mistakes being repeatedly committed.

The Bible became available to the laity after it was translated from Hebrew into English in the seventeenth century. This gave rise to a movement advocating religious freedom.

A good representation of this movement is the United States of America. It was through the United States that God made preparations for the returning Messiah. The path Heaven took to find humanity after humanity had become lost was tremendously difficult. The course was deeply painful. For God’s only daughter, who was to have become Jesus’ partner in marriage at the marriage supper of the Lamb, to have emerged through the two-thousand-year Christian providence was essential. Without the birth of God’s only daughter, the returning Messiah could not emerge as a True Parent, despite his having returned.

I was born in 1943. Korea received its liberation in 1945. Back then, True Father was in southern Korea. God, however, told True Father, while he was in the south, to go north. Do you understand what that required? It required absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. This was the process of firmly establishing the position of God’s only son. 


God’s only daughter completes the providence

Heaven had to give me a period of growth, the period during which I became mature. Back then, Korea was in an environment from which the nation could easily have become communist. When Korea was liberated, I was living in the north, because our family believed the Messiah would return in Pyongyang. We were members of a group that offered tremendous devotion, guided by the Holy Spirit and the truth. We were waiting for the returning Messiah, well aware that he would return in the flesh and not on the clouds.

Many men headed south; they would be forced to join the North Korean army were they to remain in the north. Our family did not consider going to the south until we heard news of my uncle. He was studying pharmacology in a Japanese university. After Korea’s liberation, we thought he would return home. Instead, we received news that he had joined the army in South Korea. Since we believed that the returning Messiah would return to Pyongyang, we were not even thinking of going south. However, upon hearing that my uncle, who was also the only son in the family, had entered the army in the south, all three women in the family, including my grandmother (Daemo nim) and I made the southward journey, moving only during the nighttime throughout the journey. Many dramatic incidents took place during that journey.

Two years after I moved south, the Korean War broke out. God’s only daughter, who can rise to the position of a True Parent and is to restore lost humanity, was born after six thousand years. Hence, she had to be protected. Heaven had to protect me until I became mature enough to speak on my own volition. Not many among you went through the Korean War. We experienced the miracle of having God with us amidst those circumstances. Though I was young, I felt it was not right to make Heaven wait for much longer, so I decided to take action, thinking, “I am the only one who can do it.” Hence, no person needed to educate me.

When you look into the Bible, Adam and Eve were able to speak with God, one-to-one. I did so too. No person taught me the Principle or anything else. Even Father did not. I made my own decisions.

The Principle is not perfect. The section on the Second Coming in the second part of the Divine Principle had to be about the True Parents’ ideology. Don’t you think so? The Principle of Creation must also be rectified. The Bible says God conducted the Creation for six days and rested on the seventh day. It is also mentioned that evening passed and morning came, and that was the first day. This, however, does not refer to an actual concept of time.

As you all know, when a couple marries and conceives a child, the child is in the womb for ten months. The baby is born after those ten months. Likewise, God’s creation didn’t appear simply from God’s verbal command. There was a process. Furthermore, life is not born from man alone. A man alone cannot give birth to life. That is why God created a man and woman. However, it isn’t that way in the Bible.

Following True Father’s holy ascension, I waited and waited before I declared in front of American pastors, “I am God’s only daughter.” The religious leaders all applauded upon hearing it, saying, “Why didn’t we know of something so reasonable and right?”

Catholic priests aren’t literally brides. It is God’s only daughter that must emerge in front of the returning Messiah. In other words, a woman must emerge. Sadly, women have been ignored. That is why the providence could not be completed. The completion of the providence begins from God’s only daughter.


May Shin Gyeongsang advance

Before coming here today, you were able to offer devotions again at the Busan holy ground. It must now be revealed that Father began his course here and prepared to meet God’s only daughter. Did you know that, or not? In 1960, we emerged as the True Parents. The first thing we did after that was conduct the blessing ceremony. Heavenly Parent’s dream and humanity’s wish is for us, humanity, to interact with Heavenly Parent as our own parents; that is, become beloved children who can enter their presence. The Fall, however, blocked that path, and it is True Parents alone who can re-open that way. 

As the True Parents, it is embarrassing that the True Children do not know how True Parents emerged. God’s creation is the same. After Adam’s and Eve’s births, God gave them a period of growth. That was a period of education. If they had grown and attained perfection, focusing only on God in absolute unity with God, not looking to the side, and listening only to the word, from God, that place of perfection would have been one with God. That place would have been one in which Heavenly Parent and True Parents attained unity.

Heavenly Parent, who remained in spirit for a long time, wanted to embrace and love his children as true parents of this visible, physical world. However, that tremendous grace was lost through the Fall. And it is True Parents who restored that grace!

There are no second or third True Parents. There is only one couple, True Parents. Your second- and third-generation children also call us True Parents, True Mother. It is essential for the long-time members to digest this well. True Parents were established for eternity. Hence, if you refrain from looking elsewhere and become one with God’s only daughter, the True Mother, you will be victorious!

You have responsibilities as blessed children in front of True Parents, in front of Heavenly Parent. You must achieve national restoration. The Heavenly Gyeongsang nation needs ascend even faster. Will you do that? [Yes] I’ll put my trust in you. I love you.


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