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Youth and Family Festival to Build the Peaceful Nation True Mother's Message (November 20, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-18/ Views : 1619

Koh Pich Theater in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on November 20, 2019.

Earlier at the Blessing, I blessed Cambodia to become the Heavenly Cambodia that will attend the Heavenly Parent.

Until a historic and miraculous day like today could come to be, Heavenly Parent and True Parents had to endure indescribable difficulties. Heaven gave human beings a special grace, but those who were to become the first human ancestors could not fulfill that responsibility and this has resulted in the fallen humankind of today.

Fallen human beings are in the position of orphans who do not know their parent or have lost their parent. This is why human history has been a tragic history of war and conflict.

However, through Heavenly Parent’s hard work, it is a miracle in human history that the True Parents, who have achieved perfection, could be born amidst humankind. Heavenly Parent has given us many religions all over the world in order to be instruments who can guide fallen humankind to Heaven. However, Christianity is the only religion that speaks of an Only Begotten Daughter to bring about God’s promise of completion. This is why all religions as well as Christianity, centered on the Only Begotten Daughter, can join in Heaven’s providence to attend the Heavenly Parent and bring about joyful and miraculous days through the Blessing.

Our good ancestors from the past also must receive the Blessing through the True Parents. Without receiving the Blessing, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven desired by Heavenly Parent and humankind. This is why the Blessing is the way to liberate you and your ancestors and the way to pass on Heaven’s teachings to the young people who will become the leaders of this nation. The Blessing began in 1960, and next year will be the 60th anniversary.

Those of you who received the Blessing today are in the last position. However, if you attend Heavenly Parent and become one through True Parents’ teachings,
then you no longer will be the last, but rather you will be the first. Please remember that you are now the Heavenly Cambodia that has received the special grace to become Asia’s central nation.



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