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2019 Africa Continental Summit and HyoJeong Family Blessing Festival The Heavenly Africa Declaration by True Mother (December 7, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-26/ Views : 2228

Heavenly Africa Declaration Heavenly Africa Declaration by True Mother

December 7, 2019

Today, through this blessing ceremony in which beautiful couples from 54 African nations participated, I declare this is "Heavenly Africa". which dwells eternally with God. Up until now, the history of humanity has been one of repeating wars and indescribable conflicts that prevent us from uniting. All this occurred because we had not been able to serve God, the Creator and Owner of humankind. In order to serve God, the victorious True Parents must emerge from among humankind and unless fallen human beings are reborn as God’s children through such a blessing ceremony, God will not be able to dwell with them. The long history of God's providence of salvation led to the birth of His Only Daughter, the True Mother, in 1943 on the Korean peninsula, and in 1960, the True Parents appeared. True Parents have opened the era of the Asia Pacific civilization. The Asia Pacific Union was created in unity with True Parents. In the era of the Atlantic civilization people viewed Africa as the last continent under Heaven but thanks to the True Parents, it is now in a leading position in the world. By becoming one with God and His only begotten daughter, the True Mother, let’s make the African continent a place where beautiful and healthy people live, according to God the Creator’s original design. We represent one single human family under God.

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