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2019 Africa Continental Summit and HyoJeong Family Blessing Festival Benediction Prayer (December 7, 2019)
Date created : 2019-12-26/ Views : 1901
Mother’s Blessing Prayer

Most noble and precious Heavenly Parent! 
Until this day came, You had looked for and waited for your lost sons and daughters in tremendous sadness and pain over a long period of 6,000 years. Your ideal for the Creation begins centered on a man and woman who fulfill their responsibilities. Hence, You could not abandon fallen humankind. You conducted the providence of salvation and sent many prophets and righteous people to educate humankind. Two-thousand years ago, You were finally able to send Jesus Christ, the Messiah who could realize Your dream. And yet, the people’s ignorance resulted in them not accepting Your Will. 
As a result, Jesus ultimately went the way of the cross. He promised to return and conduct the marriage supper of the Lamb. This is because Your providence can come to completion only through the emergence of the True Parents, as the first human ancestors, to complete Your ideal of creation. 
Since You are all-knowing and almighty, You created human beings to be eternal. Fallen people have longed for Your only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, whom You can call Your son and daughter, to be born, and have offered devotions, while enduring war, conflict, suppression, and indescribable pain, to see the day they can meet You, Heavenly Parent. 
Africa, in particular, has seen been a continent of much pain to You, with its history of tremendous oppression, violation of human rights, and extreme suffering, and as “the last” continent in the Atlantic Civilization Realm. 
Hence, to complete Your providence, You established the True Parents in 1960, and ever since, You have raised Your children through the Blessing that enables fallen people to become Your children. In Africa in particular, the hope of many prophets, kings and chiefs of many nations has been to usher in the day peace reigns with everyone attending You, Heavenly Parent. Representatives from the 54 nations of Africa have gathered here today to register as Your children, and will be reborn as blessed couples. 
Heavenly Parent, how long have You endured and waited? How much have you wanted to love and bless such a day? Your long-cherished desire can now be realized through the blessed families here today. Please enable them to remember that when they fulfill their responsibilities as blessed families and as tribal messiahs, Africa will no longer be a miserable continent, but will have become a continent that attends You and receives Your blessings. 
Heavenly Parent, today You are here with us at this Blessing! Just as today’s weather expresses the tears You shed and the pain You endured throughout history, today also marks the birth of Your children, whom You can joyfully accept. I pray that You may accept every child in joy. 
This is an occasion upon which all blessed families pledge to become Your devoted sons and daughters who will never make You lonely. Please joyfully accept them. I pray and proclaim all these in True Parents’ name. Aju.”

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