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Grand Cheonbo Festival Celebrating the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
Date created : 2021-10-15/ Views : 3316

Grand Cheonbo Festival Celebrating the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind 
9.5 by the heavenly calendar in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk (October, 10, 2021)

True Mother’s Message

Is today a happy day for you? Is it a day for which to be grateful? God, our Creator, created all things in pairs, and He then created a man and a woman to become our first ancestors. He saw that they were good. Still, despite God's blessings, the first ancestors fell and created a world of evil instead of one of goodness. 

For six thousand long years, God the Creator, our Heavenly Parent, had to live through so many days of sorrow and suffering, waiting eagerly for the appearance of the victorious ancestors—that is, the True Parents—who would be able to fulfill His ideal of creation. How difficult indeed was that course, for the Old Testament tells us in much detail that Heavenly Parent had to go through four thousand years of anguish and anxiety—being dependent on whether the central figures He had set up fulfilled their responsibilities or not—until He was able to send his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

What would have happened if, at the time of his coming, the people had created an environment where Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, could have attained the position of the True Parent? Yet they were unable to do so. Jesus went to the cross yet promised to return and hold the Feast of the Lamb. After that, the Christian faith emerged, but today’s Christians do not know the true nature of Jesus. Furthermore, they are unable to explain about God the Creator, our Heavenly Parent. 

The Creator cannot entertain failure. Once He has begun, He must realize His Will. Finally, in 1943, through the Korean people, He was able to bring about the birth of His only begotten Daughter. This in turn led to the advent of the True Parents in 1960.

Christianity, however, was unable to provide the right environment. So they had to begin from the bottommost level, with individuals. True Parents have the responsibility to give rebirth and resurrection to fallen human beings, to give them new life as God’s children. It was for this reason that the Blessing Ceremonies began in 1960. Over sixty years, many blessed couples have been established throughout the world. Even so, to create the environment in which Heavenly Parent’s dream can be fulfilled, True Parents must show that they have achieved it.

In 2013, True Parents proclaimed Foundation Day and the founding year of Cheon Il Guk. After that, True Mother, the only begotten Daughter, traveled the world with a heart of life-or-death determination and achieved the actual restoration of seven nations, seven denominations and a continent, on the foundation of which she proclaimed the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk. Cheon Il Guk! Since Cheon Il Guk has been established, it should be overflowing with the citizens of Cheon Il Guk. For this, the registration of Cheonbo families—blessed families that have fulfilled their responsibilities—is necessary. That is why I began this undertaking. And today, more than five thousand couples being registered as Cheonbo families means you have achieved the feat of quintupling the number of Cheonbo families in one year. 

Your responsibilities do not end here, however. Cheonbo families are the Cheonbo flowers that will never wither or change. In particular, it is the responsibility of Korean Cheonbo families to place Korea in the position where it can claim to have fulfilled its responsibility as the homeland of our Heavenly Parent. To bring that about, the effort and devotions you offer will have to move Heaven and open the eyes of the Korean people—and pave the way for them to become a people that can hear Heaven’s voice and receive Heaven’s blessings.

I have already said that now the age of the Asia-Pacific Civilization has dawned with the Korean Peninsula at its center. When Asia unifies; when you, the Cheonbo flowers, blessed families registered as Cheonbo, spread throughout the world; when all the beautiful, shining Cheonbo flowers in the seven continents and in all nations come into full bloom—on that day when we celebrate the 60th Heavenly Parent’s Day in 2027, on this earth all blessed families registered as Cheonbo around the world will gather in attendance of the Heavenly Parent, together with True Mother, the only begotten Daughter, in this nation. We will sing songs and have a festival to offer gratitude and respect to our Heavenly Parent. May every one of you become families that realize this day without fail, and thereby become prominent and noble Cheonbo families of the era of Cheon Il Guk, of whom everyone can be proud. I also pray that as Cheonbo families, most beloved of our Heavenly Parent, you will all shine brilliantly forevermore as beautiful Cheonbo flowers. I pronounce this benediction in the name of True Parents.

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