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Commemorative Gyeongbae Ceremony Celebrating the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (August 24, 2021)
Date created : 2021-08-28/ Views : 2863

Commemorative Gyeongbae Ceremony Celebrating the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

August 24, 2021, Cheongshim Peace World Center



Dear blessed families throughout the world; Cheonbo couples of whom I am proud.

God, the Creator, had a dream to become the Heavenly Parent and, with the victorious True Parents and His children on earth, to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth as a substantial reality. However, due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, the dark history of humankind—in which the dream of our Heavenly Parent cannot be realized—began as it has remained today.

The omnipotent Creator began everything and must see it through to the end. The word “failure” is unacceptable to our Creator. Thus, through the history of the providence of salvation, He has been educating humankind. How difficult this period has been; and it has lasted 6,000 years.

Though Heavenly Parent found the True Parents who could realize His ideal of creation on earth, 60 years have passed by because the right environment could not be created. Truly, it has been an indescribably long and dark providential history.

Through the course of making many declarations in stages over the past 60 years, True Parents finally proclaimed Foundation Day in 2013. The founding year of Cheon Il Guk was the beginning. However, True Mother, the only begotten Daughter, was alone in ushering in that beginning.

Knowing Heavenly Parent’s dream, I worked for seven years amid indescribable circumstances with the determination to realize, without fail, an environment in which we can attend the Heavenly Parent on earth. In so doing, I restored seven countries and seven religious groups. I let people know that the day humanity has been seeking with hope is coming, and through the process of restoring a continent, I came to proclaim the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk. This way, we have finally created the environment in which we can dedicate the Cheon Il Temple that Heavenly Parent can directly preside over. 

Now, True Father, who has entered the heavenly realms, will conduct the providence to attend Heavenly Parent with God’s only begotten Daughter, True Mother, on earth. Only the victorious True Parents and people that are attending Heavenly Parent, [God], will, in attending Him, realize Heavenly Parent’s dream, the kingdom of heaven on earth that we have yearned to see realized for so long. However, to bring this about, the responsibility of the Cheon Il Guk Cheonbo couples is important. Through you, only the beautiful environment of the heavenly kingdom will remain, an environment in which our second and third generation will naturally attend the Heavenly Parent and return love, joy, and glory to Him. Therefore, the responsibility of the Cheonbo couples, who are to realize Heavenly Parent’s dream, is a weighty one.

As a result of man’s ignorance, the earth’s environment today has been completely devastated. And due to the Covid pandemic we cannot see far into the future. There are so many obstacles blocking the way to the world of peace all people have so dearly desired to see. It also falls to us to clear away these obstacles, one by one, before it is too late. We must restore the earth to the original state that our Creator had initially created for the realization of a beautiful dream.

We were created as eternal beings. The unfallen world of all creation is moving according to the original order of the creation. If humankind does not destroy the natural world, it will exist for all eternity. However, due to global warming in many parts of the world caused by human activity, forest fires continue to occur because of drought, and torrential rain has resulted in many casualties. We cannot simply stand by without doing something.

You, the blessed families attending Heavenly Parent, must become one with True Parents on earth and work to solve these problems. Our dream is to have one family of 7.8 billion people attending the Heavenly Parent, as children receiving His love and living according to the original ideal of creation. You must educate and guide all people so that they can do so. Shouldn’t those who already about this be the ones to act? You must never again take the path of unfilial children who bring pain and sorrow to our Heavenly Parent. 

I sincerely pray and bless us to all become genuine Cheonbo blessed couples who realize Heavenly Parent’s dream, and that we will all complete our dutiful path as truly devoted sons and daughters and loyal patriots. I bless all of us to become people that create the environment for God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk that shines brightly into the future.


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