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Full Speeches
True Mother’s Message at Heavenly Japan Subregion 3 Worship Service of Hope (June 20, 2021)
Date created : 2021-06-26/ Views : 2291


Japan Must Keep Up the Pace


While watching today’s subregion three Sunday service, I thought to share with you a children’s song that I used to sing when I was young. This song brings to mind a beautiful image of a brother and sister by a small calm stream one warm spring day.


Splash, splash—when you throw a stone into still water,

ripples form in the water. As one ripple forms after the other,

the ripples spread out across the water.


Here is a beautiful scene of a brother wanting the ripples he makes to reach his sister washing vegetables on the other side of the stream, hoping that they will touch the back of her hand. How beautiful this scene is, taking place in complete harmony with nature!

Subregion three is at the center of subregions one, two, four and five. Therefore, just like this little brother who tried to send out the ripples of water, may your devotion and determination reach out and influence all of Japan. It is my deep hope that subregion three will make effort to implement its plans. 

By the end of World War II, Japan had become a country of war crimes. Yet, thanks to Korea, Japan has become an economic powerhouse. This is the historical truth. As an economic power, Japan is the world's best in packaging technology. The United States and many other countries have imitated Japan. When we receive a precious gift, the more beautiful the outer packaging is, the greater our interest in the gift becomes.

However, to see what the gift is, you must open the packaging. The value of a gift is not in its packaging, but in the gift itself. In that sense, looking at Japan, I sincerely hope that it will no longer try to package distorted truths about history or about the providence. Packaging is bound to come off at some point.

Subregional director Gotoda explained how Japan came to be where it is today; it is because of Korea, where God’s only begotten daughter could be born for the sake of the completion of God’s providence. Japan has been able to receive forgiveness because of Korea. This is due to True Parents being born in Korea. Fallen people cannot enter into Heavenly Parent’s presence without going through True Parents.

Looking back over the history of humankind, we have always longed for a peaceful world. Yet, in reality, we have not yet been able to bring that about. Many obstacles arose, including conflicts and wars, that prevent people from achieving oneness. Though people have tried to find solutions on their own, they all ended up failing.

We are created beings. Therefore, unless we live according to our Creator’s will, there can be no peaceful world for humankind to live in. For the past six thousand years, this has been a human-centered world, but now a new era is emerging from the True Parents, who are bringing the providence to its conclusion.

Finally, the True Parents have created an environment in which we can attend the true owner that humankind has so longed to meet, the parent who is humankind’s Heavenly Parent. Yet, we are still finding it difficult to break away from old, incorrect customs.

True Parents have opened doors wide to the new era. From a human point of view, Japan is undoubtedly a nation that committed crimes that cannot be forgiven in the eyes of the world. Then, who can remove this burden and open the way for Japan to go forward in hope? The True Parents can.

Japan should no longer be so concerned about the packaging, but let people know correctly about the underlying truth. It should settle everything that needs to be settled and pour new wine into fresh wine skins. If the political leaders and people of Japan today do not become those who can ensure Japan fulfills her responsibility as a nation blessed by True Parents in this new age and new history, Japan’s everlasting blessing will not come; Japan will not be blessed eternally.

Only when the people and political leaders of Japan join in the movement to attend True Parents, who are guiding all people to our Heavenly Parent—who is the owner of Japan and the owner of this universe—can Japan advance to a position from which to receive eternal blessings.

Therefore, subregion three must direct its activities toward educating and bringing rebirth to all of Japan. With the spirit of the rose of sharon and with an unchanging spirit, you must let people know about True Parents and bring unity in Japan. The work of completing the mission and responsibility of the Eve nation or mother nation, which carries a heavy responsibility related to completing God’s providence, must not slow its pace. Do you understand?

Director Gotoda, blessed families and peace ambassadors, the wish of all families attending today’s service is to see a heavenly unified Japan. Hence, I sincerely pray that you will all become people that can spur on this effort.


This was True Mother’s message at Heavenly Japan’s Subregion Three Worship Service of Hope on June 20.

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