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True Mother’s Message at the Heavenly Japan TOP GUN Assembly (05.29.2021)
Date created : 2021-06-05/ Views : 2414
True Mother’s Message at the Heavenly Japan TOP GUN Assembly

May 29, 2021
Tokyo Shyoto HQ, Japan and Cheon Jeong Gung 

Thank you. You indeed are the never changing green pine trees of Cheon Il Guk, and the hope of the future. It is only you, the Hyojeongrang who can realize the dream of God’s only begotten daughter, the True Mother. 
I listened, with profound inspiration, to the reports you have prepared. Due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, human history has continued to this day as a history of war, conflict, and pain. Therefore, to see the completion of God’s providence, it is essential that victorious True Parents emerge from among humankind. Without their emergence, Heavenly Parent’s dream and the wish humanity has so longed for, cannot be achieved. 

When we look at what is happening around the world, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic, small or big countries alike have faced more than one year of tremendous difficulties. In such a time, the extreme serious circumstances of our existing environments around the world are making it difficult for humanity to look for hope.  As a result, young people, who should be growing into future central figures, are committing suicide, losing hope, and losing their lives. The world is in a critical state, particularly when it comes to religious and ideological conflicts. At such a time, you of the 2nd and 3rd generation realm, born through True Parents, are the only hope. 

In Japan until now, you have worked so hard, investing and bringing in tenfold. This, however, could not bring about national restoration. Therefore, please invest tenfold, a hundredfold more effort. Let people know that you alone are the hope of Japan. Those in the first-generation realm created a lot of problems that could not be all solved. You, therefore, must educate and awaken people. Even when it comes to the Korean-Japanese problems, what politicians of the first-generation realm think of comes from their own greed It will only be an obstruction in the way toward a world of peace wherein all live as one big family. Therefore, I hope you raise your voices, educate them, and further expand the environment so that people in all fields can work uprightly. Furthermore, the mission of the mother nation is also very important in God’s providence. 

Until now, mankind has lived for 6,000 years like orphans who lost their parents. Their parents are to establish Cheon Il Guk on earth, and from the position of having firmly established Cheon Il Guk, their parents are to create the environment wherein all people can live with, attend, and follow the Heavenly Parent as the eternal Parent of humankind. If, however, mankind does not cooperate, or falls back in supporting their parents’ work, then there is certainly no hope for the future.  True Parents are seeking to create such an environment wherein we can all live with, attend, and follow the Heavenly Parent as our Parent, here on earth.  So please make more effort to ensure you do not become like unfortunate 1st and 2nd generation members, who are not participating in this, and missing this golden time. Please solve the Korea-Japan issue. You are hearing reports on activities conducted by righteous people and prophets as well. Living in such a time, please strongly, boldly, and courageously raise your voices and reach out to those who are not participating.  I am truly happy that with you, I can return gratitude and glory to Heavenly Parent. I love you all. 

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