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Full Speeches
True Mother’s Message at the Special Meeting Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community Hosted by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind (05.27.2021)
Date created : 2021-06-05/ Views : 2727

True Mother’s Message at the Special Meeting Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community Hosted by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

(May 27, 2021, 09:30-12:00, Hyojeong Yeon)




You must not forget this moment. Reflect on it continually and keep moving forward, all right?

God chose the Korean people, yet it would have been impossible for the True Parents to have emerged among them under a monarchy. As a result, the monarchy came to an end, and this country opened into a democracy. Christianity played a tremendous role in making that possible at that time. The True Parents to come were also destined to be born on the Christian foundation.

 As you have seen from the report that has just been made, yet Islam was the first, even before Christianity, to fully accept me when I said “I am the only begotten Daughter." Their tradition / Followers of Islam cannot easily accept the idea of the Messiah, but they will accept the only begotten Daughter. The only begotten Daughter, the substantial Holy Spirit, the mother of the universe! We need to know that new life cannot come into existence without there being a mother.

However, this Christian background that could easily lead them to think that they alone are right, is gradually weakening. As was just mentioned, 37% do not attend church.

There are many denominations within Protestantism itself; for example, the Presbyterian churches, the Methodist churches, the Holiness churches, the Full Gospel Church, and so on. They are all waiting for the Messiah.

Teach them properly about the truth of the providence. Heavenly Unified Korea will not be difficult to realize. There is nothing to fear anymore. In other words, there will no longer be any barrier blocking the truth.

Heavenly Unified Korea will not be difficult to realize. There is nothing to fear anymore. In other words, there will no longer be any barrier blocking the truth.

 They are still living in the Old Testament Age. What about us? We are living in the Era of Cheon Il Guk. There is a huge gap. Then what should you be afraid of? Go out confidently.

So, we can fulfill national restoration by 2023! Or not? We can do it. Though I gave time for the restoration of one third of the world’s population, have we not seen results even just in one year? Do you know how much God has endured and waited? Six thousand years and another 60 years—we cannot make God wait any longer! That is why I emphasized the importance of the time we have on earth. Blessed families and Cheonbo families are responsible to actualize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth during their earthly lives. Will you do this?

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