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True Mother’s Message at the Hyojeong Cheonbo Special Great Works in Celebration of the 61st Anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding (05.01.2021)
Date created : 2021-05-24/ Views : 2359
True Mother’s Message at the Hyojeong Cheonbo Special Great Works in Celebration of the 61st Anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding 
- May 1, 2021 (3.20 by the heavenly calendar in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk) 
- Cheongshim Peace World Center 

On this day of joy and delight for heaven and earth that will be recorded in history, as God’s only begotten Daughter and the True Mother I would like to tell you about something I dreamed of doing when I was a 15-year-old girl. That was not so long after the Korean War. The world had also fought World War 2, after which the two spheres of democracy and communism were in a state of conflict. During the period before and after World War II, many beautiful songs were written in the United States. 

Carry me back to old Virginny.
There's where the cotton and the corn and ‘tatoes grow.
[Korean: Send me to my hometown, where all the grains and flowers are in full bloom.]
There's where the birds warble sweet in the spring-time.
There's where this old darkey's heart am long'd to go.
[Korean: A place where larks soar high and warble, the hometown of this old black man.] 
There's where I labored so hard for old Massa,
Day after day in the field of yellow corn;
[Korean: There’s where I shed much sweat for my master, and harvested yellow grains]
No place on earth do I love more sincerely
Than old Virginny, the state where I was born.
[Korean: A place I played in as a young child, a place I am most fond of in this world.] 

Listening to this melody and the words, “the hometown of this old black man,” this black man was probably living in a second hometown. That time, however, was the time of the civil war in the United States. Later on there was the Second World War. Perhaps here lies the reason he had had to leave his hometown. So this is a song about someone wishing to return to his hometown before he becomes too old, and to be buried there. How could I, as a girl of just 15, love the melody of this song and the story of this old black man? As I reminisce over this, I come to realize once more that “God is love.” 
We came to stand the position of the True Parents in 1960, yet without a supportive Christian environment True Parents’ 60-year course has been a rough and thorny path in the wilderness. You will be aware of all that happened from the time I proclaimed Cheon Il Guk in 2013 to when I proclaimed the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk, where we can all live in attendance of our Heavenly Parent. At that time, I had to decide where to go for the world speaking tour, and I decided to go to Africa. Many leaders at that time expressed their concern, saying it would be better to go where we have a slightly stronger foundation. However, I chose Africa. The African continent has seen the most hardships in all of history. Though they were treated as less than human, going through indescribable suffering, I was aware that there were righteous people and prophets who still clung on to God, asking for God’s compassion. 
I went to Africa, therefore, and met many righteous people. There, I spoke about God’s providence and revealed I was God’s only begotten Daughter. They all welcomed me. In particular, many religious leaders welcomed me. Among them, I spoke with Prophet Radebe for thirty minutes about God’s providence. He accepted me as God’s only begotten Daughter and True Mother, and became True Mother’s son. 
All fallen people wish to be able to go in front of Heavenly Parent and be loved as true sons and daughters. I therefore explained to Prophet Radebe, “The Blessing does not end with you as an individual. As a prophet, it is your responsibility to bring all those who follow you to receive God’s Blessing all together, and to open the way for them to become proud sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parent.” He has fulfilled his responsibility and I will speak proudly of Prophet Radebe’s family. 
Now this will not stop at the level of one religious order. In order to guide all the people of Africa to become Heavenly Parent’s children, these 200,000 followers receiving this blessing today should fulfill their responsibility and become heavenly tribal messiahs. If they accomplish this, it will open the way for all those of African descent across the five oceans and six contents, as well as their ancestors, to be registered as Heavenly Parent’s children. I will be grateful if they can invest greater effort to help the African continent stand in a position to fulfill its responsibility. 
At the beginning of my speech, I mentioned the story of a black man. Can we deny that this is God’s tremendous grace and love? In those days, when I was young, I didn’t know so much about Africa. Yet, I am aware that it was God’s Will that I, as the future begotten Daughter and True Mother, should open the way to the grace of the Blessing first for the African continent that has suffered the most pain throughout history. 
Today, I want to say to all the blessed couples that are working to become CheonBo couples as well as all CheonBo couples that I love you. For the first time in God’s providence as well as in human history, the True Parents on earth are building a temple where Heaven’s dream is coming true, and where we can live together and in attendance to Heavenly Parent. Please do not forget that you are living in a golden age together with True Mother, God’s only begotten Daughter, a time when the fruits you bear through your devotion and effort can be recorded in your name in the Cheon Il Temple. 
What you do will be remembered in the eternal world, and you will stand as proud and honorable ancestors and a noble family in front of your descendants. Considering this, I sincerely hope that you will lead your lives so that you can return gratitude and glory for the tremendous love God has given you. I give you my blessing for this.

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