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Full Speeches
Victory Report Celebration to Mark the 61st Anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding (05.10.2021)
Date created : 2021-05-15/ Views : 2499

Let’s Move Forward


This was True Mother’s speech on May 10 at the victory celebration to mark the sixty first Anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding, which she gave at the Cheongshim Peace World Center and worldwide via the Internet.


Beloved leaders and members around the world, I am glad to meet you again and I love you! We have gained confidence that without fail we can fulfill what we promised to Heavenly Parent, haven't we?

Christianity is unaware of the truth about Heavenly Parent and the Jesus’ true essence. Christianity has spent the past two thousand years waiting for the day Jesus will return. Hence, as the True Parent, I must show Christianity once again their destination, and how to live. People are to live in attendance to Heavenly Parent during their earthly lives. You must answer the call and listen carefully to what True Parents say.

With the sincere desire that every human being receives the Blessing, you must “put on new clothes” [Galatians 3:27] in this new age. It is also written in the Bible that "new wine must be put into fresh wineskins" [Luke 5:38] Throughout its two thousand years, Christianity became very human-centric, and because of that, it made many mistakes.

Although the time has come for Heavenly Parent to be able to carry out the providence on earth through True Parents, it is as if they [Christians] are still living in the Old Testament era. Therefore, let's create the opportunity for Christians to open their eyes and ears and thus participate in True Parents’ providence and receive the Blessing all together! I say this in the hope that you will no longer stand in positions blocking the completion of God’s providence, but in a position from which you take the lead, doing your best to accomplish Heavenly Parent’s dream, during this period. Therefore, it is a good idea. It is a blessing.

I say this with the hope that you all become leaders and blessed families around the world who can guide at least a third or more of humanity to come to know Heavenly Parent and to live lives of attendance on earth. You may know that following the declaration of Foundation Day, the seven-year course that I trod was truly a difficult path that no one could understand. However, through your hard work and devotion you have become one with me and created the environment in which people can receive Heaven’s Blessing and attend God. This is a great blessing and joy for all of us.

So I hope that not only until 2023, but up until 2027, you will increasingly invest strenuous efforts to advance toward the day when you can create an environment in which you can embrace all the people of the world. That said, please work hard in all aspects of your work. Up until this event, all our organizations united centered on the headquarters, and accomplished this result. I am happy! Let's therefore move forward toward to the day when Heavenly Parent’s Day is celebrated in 2027!

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