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Bicentennial God Bless America Festival at the Washington Monument (1976.9.18)
Date created : 2014-09-18/ Views : 640

Bicentennial God Bless America Festival at the Washington Monument  (1976.9.18)

Today, America is plagued with problems: racism, juvenile delinquency and immorality. Christianity is declining. Communism is rising. The menace of communism is everywhere. Of all these problems, atheistic communism is the worst. It is not just America’s problem; it is the problem of religious people and the problem of God Himself. Ladies and gentlemen, at this crossroads of human history, we must listen to the call of God. God prepared America for two hundred years. This is the time for awakening. America must accept its global responsibility. Armed with Godism, America has to free the communist world, and at last build the kingdom of God here on earth. God has chosen America as the flag bearer.

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