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True Mother’s message at a banquet for invited Segye Ilbo executives(2015.3.8)
Date created : 2015-04-24/ Views : 675

True Mother’s message at a banquet for invited Segye Ilbo executives

March 8, 2015 

Heaven’s providential history had a cause and a goal and humankind was at the center of that providence. The first humans had to become one with God, grow well and cooperate to achieve God’s purpose for the Creation. However, they ended up losing that period of growth. We usually describe God as omniscient and omnipotent. There can be no words such as “failure.” Nothing can go wrong in front of God. However, as to human beings, whom God set at the center, God cannot interfere with their responsibility. He can only wait. That is why even though the global population has increased to seven billion, God could not see light. Yet, providential history has continued to advance. Even though fallen human beings, who have descended into ignorance, have an original mind and conscience, they are only partly attuned to them.  The Bible says that the providence has taken 6,000 years.    God could not just leave fallen human beings alone,which is why God roused the voice of our consciences,causing us to establish religions befitting each age,and guided us to look toward Heaven and move in a good direction. We can see this through history. Human beings, however, were unware that this was the providence of indemnity. In the providence of restoration through indemnity, Heaven raised the people of Israel as a chosen people,  and needed 4,000 years to send them his only begotten son.Then, only Jesus could become one with God. In those days, there was a huge “nation” called the Roman Empire, which was in the Cain-realm. You probably know the saying, “All roads lead to Rome.” If Israel had become one with Jesus and fulfilled its responsibility, the nation of Israel would have been established then. . Jesus had to become the king of Israel. Being in the position of God’s only begotten son, to have descendants, Jesus certainly had to meet God’s only begotten daughter. If that had happened, Jesus would have not died on the cross and the unified world Heaven had hoped for would have unfolded centered on Jesus’ family and the nation of Israel. What happened? Jesus died on the cross. As he departed, Jesus promised to return. This is the ideology of the returning Messiah. It took 2,000 years. Why did the True Parents’ teachings emerge from the Korean Peninsula? As the saying goes, “The beacon does not shine on its own base;” Thus, the people of this nation have regarded True Parents as heretics. A hundred years ago, when Korea was under Japanese imperial rule, and had not yet gained its independence, the poet Tagore said that Korea would become a lamp. He said it would become a light in the East. If you were to read Tagore’s entire poem, you would feel genuinely ashamed.  Under these circumstances, True Parents could not avoid conducting the global providence to complete Heaven’s will. I am saying that True Parents were in a position in which saving the world was more important than Korea. That is why we crossed over to the United States, spending forty years to arouse the American people. The United States in this era is in the same position as Rome was 2,000 years ago. After World War II, didn’t the United States form a fellowship with all nations? It fought with Japan, but forgave it, didn’t it? Why? All nations became sibling nations because it was time for the returning Messiah to come. Yet, the United States, which is supposed to stand at the center, honor Heaven’s providence and save the world, was degenerating as a result of juvenile delinquency, family breakdown and an ideologically communist, decadent culture. That is why Father said, he had come as a doctor because the United States was falling sick; he had come as a firefighter to put out the “fire” destroying familiesas he conducted a 50-states speaking tour, awakening the American people. Many upper-class people welcomed Father. They were grateful. You probably know this. Then, many people, including leaders and great scholars, Nobel laureates,took the lead in supporting us through the Professors World Peace Academy. If Christians in the United States had known about Heaven’s providence… The United States was a truly blessed nation. The United States received these blessings thanks to the Puritans. After the Greek Bible was translated into English in the sixteenth century, many commoners began to have access to the Bible. The Puritans, who moved to the new continent in search of religious freedom, first worshipped God. That is, they established a church first, where they could serve God before they established schools to educate their children and descendants. Only after doing this, did they build their own houses. This is an example humanity must follow. However, aside from Puritans, many regular Europeans immigrated to the United States. Unfortunately, they committed many mistakes. They killed many of the Indians, whose continent it had been. They killed them. This was wrong. Heaven, however, had a larger vision. God was trying to save all humanity through the United States. You must understand this. In the end, the United States also could not fulfill its responsibility. True Parents’ providential history could not take root. Furthermore, citizens of the Republic of Korea must know the truth. This people has a responsibility. Historically, the people of Israel killed the Messiah. Yet, this past is still a reality for them. How are they faring even today? As I mentioned before, indemnity exists. When there is indemnity, it must be paid. Indemnity must be paid. What I want to tell you is that there is a lot to do during the time that True Parents are still alive. As I have mentioned, the center of the word, the center of humanity and the center of providential history are True Parents. You need to learn a lot while True Parents are still living. This country will also face indemnity if it does not fulfill its responsibility. However, not you, but your descendants will pay for it. Look at the people of Israel. That is why, I would like to ask of you this:  In your circumstances, have you thought of the many lives you could save with your pen? Responsibility is important. The truth must emerge and this country’s path… If this country alone were to live well, there can be no world peace. All the neighboring countries should also be able to live well. They should be able to all become one. True Parents alone are the ones who can effect this. Can such unity be forged among these nations by the president of this nation through good diplomatic skills? That is impossible. Let us look at the problems between North Korea and South Korea.I don’t know whether you are lucky or not, but it is clear that you have ridden the main stream. You must therefore fulfill all of your responsibility. I sincerely hope that the Segye Times can teach this nation’s citizens, people in the rest of the world and take the lead in tackling environmental problems. When it came to the compilation of Cham Bumo Gyeong, I went to quiet places and prayed about it as I hiked in the Alps.                   During that time, I visited an ice cave. I was shocked to see a block of ice as high as Mt. Baekdu that will have melted completely in few years, not even dozens of years.  The ignorance of humanity has pained my heart greatly. Providential history has finally put down roots and blossomed after 6,000 years. Yet, to see the cosmos, which God created, being destroyed in this manner, greatly pained my heart. This also is part of our responsibility, newspaper companies’ responsibility. You must teach people. We must take the lead in this advancement.  The Segye Times needs to lead the people, the nation; the world from a commanding position and truly become a global (segye) newspaper. From this perspective, I sincerely hope that you can carry out extensive research and continue to develop. 

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