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Full Speeches
True Mother's Speech : Japan Top Gun Workshop Closing Ceremony(2015.3.18)
Date created : 2015-04-23/ Views : 557
True Mother's Speech
Japan Top Gun Workshop Closing Ceremony
March 18, 2015, Cheon Jeong Gung

That you are living in era when you can hear the terms “true parents,” “blessed families,” and “true children,” is a miracle.When reflecting upon our ancestors down through history, those who can naturally realize how much effort we should invest with a heart of gratitude, with an apologetic heart and an inadequate one, are normal.I am not sure if you recite family pledge everyday, What is Family Pledge number three?Don’t you pledge that you will realize the realm of the royal family? You say this every day; yet, do you practice it, or not? You have received an incredible amount of blessings. You have received blessings difficult even to cope with; yet, the more you share them, the greater they become. You should not think of your blessings as being just for you. The situation of someone that shares his blessings through true love will expand. Being a blessed family, the Blessing itself, blesses that position; but you should not remain idle in that position; you must grow. We can express “growth” in other terms, such as “fulfilling one’s responsibility.”All blessed members, how big and how deep have your roots grown? You must fulfill your tribal messiah responsibility.That means you must witness. You must expand the scope of your enviornment.The root of an individual or that of a family can shake with the wind.However, if the roots of a tribe that centers on you grow down togetherthose roots will not budge even if a powerful tsunami were to pass over them. The remainder of your life should be dedicated to witnessing.All of humanity and the natural world looked forward to seeingand waited for the True Parents.Nature lamented when the Fall occurred. The true owner should be able to restore everything to its original state. You should become model people in thought and action and be able to change the mind-set of people your age in your surroundings, in Japan, Asia and the world. One thing your older brother Hyo-jin always said from the time he could speak was that becoming a filial son was his responsibility. In the 1960s, our church was still very poor. Hence, from his standard of what a mother was supposed to have,his mother had nothing. So he would say he would do this and that for me. He was a filial son not only in words but also in practice. When Father went on a speaking tour of all fifty US states—saying that he had come to America as a doctor, that he had come as a firefighter, in response to the breakdown of familiesthe indescribable problems among juveniles and the increasing influence of communism in the United States as a result of ideological conflicts—those at the leadership level, who were greatly concerned about the country, welcomed Father. Having lost what they considered the nearly completed job of communizing the United States, the communists followed Father wherever he spoke, looking for a chance to get rid of him. Hyo-jin, who was accompanying us at that time, saw them. Though he was still quite young, somewhere in his teens, he wanted to fight those adults.Growing up in such an environment, your older brother Hyo-jin thought that qualified personnel and time were needed for True Parents’ teachings to be accepted.Nevertheless, he also reflected on many ways to save many people at once, like a whirlwind, and in an effective manner. He thought, I have to change people’s minds through music and guide them to the church in this way. Then he wrote ten thousand songs in three years. This is impossible with human power alone.The body has physical limits. We must replenish ourselves when investing so much energy in this manner. He inherited that trait from Father. I am saying this because I suddenly thought of what he said. According to him, thoughts coming from the head usually change based on circumstances. However, what we experience through the heart lasts for eternity. He considered witnessing based on the Principle as important. Yet, he believed that it was important to make people accept True Parents’ teachings after first moving their hearts. He invested that kind of effort.Recently, you probably wondered why the children of the True Family are doing what they are doing, and perhaps felt confused.However, do not worry about it. As long as I am here, I will establish the tradition. All blessed members and the children of the True Family need to go through a growth period. In addition, they have their responsibility.If the children of the True Family cannot fulfill their responsibility, they cannot say this and that just because they are True Family members.In the future, just as it is now, there will not be any other representative of our Heavenly Parent for humankind other than True Parents. There are not two generations of True Parents. You should understand this. You are all sons or daughters, whether Cain or Abel children, in front of True Parents.Thus, if you fulfill your responsibility, you will be moving ahead. All members should unite with the newly appointed international president without confusion and steadfastly move forward together. I will make sure that the means by which this tradition is passed down is established, as long as I live.Because I am Mother, I will forgive everything I can; however, this should not exceed the limit. Why is that so? Because of our future generations.Because I am such a Mother, if you confidently move forward in unity with me, no one will dare confront you. You just need to fulfill your responsibility. Hence, I hope you become members of the second Top-Gun class whom I can remember before I go to the spiritual world. In the future, the life of a church leader must be transparent.The words coming from your mouths should match your actions; you should be able to live a life of practice. Hence, you should not lightly regard what comes from your mouths.To cut it short, you should not blurt out words that are improper for a leader just because you are angry.I sincerely hope you become virtuous leaders of virtue. True and honest… This is the model, the model. Let’s create a culture in which Top Gun members are welcomed with loud applause wherever they go. 

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