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True Mother's address at the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation (2015.2.28)
Date created : 2015-04-20/ Views : 590
True Mother's address at the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation on February 28, 2015

Distinguished guests from home and abroad, Dr. Hong Il-shik, chairman of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Dr. Kim Min-ha, chairman of Segye Ilbo, and all volunteers and recipients gathered here for the third scholarship conferment ceremony! I welcome you in the name of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Thank you. We cannot avoid thinking about the many unanticipated problems that are occurring around the world today. We must ask ourselves why such events that defy our imagination are happening in all parts of the world.  Today I would like to briefly explain about the providential history centered on God, the absolute being. Human history was not carried out solely through human endeavor. The same can be said about the history of human civilization. We know that an absolute being was at the center of it all; the Creator has been carrying out providence all this time. Yet, something went wrong. Human history did not unfold according to the model of the Creator and absolute being. In the Unification Church, we describe this as human beings failure to uphold their promise with God, the Creator.  God told them not to eat of the fruit, to wait because he was going to give them the greatest gift. Yet, they did not know there were in their growing period. Ultimately, they ended up creating a fallen world. However, God, the absolute being, could not leave this world as it was and thus guided the providential history. Through the incredibly long years, God had to suffer indescribable pain. In the meantime, the fallen world expanded to all parts of the world. In order to educate them, God gave humankind religion tailored specifically for each region. I'm sure Christians are aware of this, but through the Biblical years God raised a race of nation as the chosen people. He did so not for one or two days but for four-thousand years. In this way, as promised God sent Jesus Christ, his only begotten son. But what happened? God sent his only begotten son whom he promised to the people he prepared but they did not accept him or attend him. Humankind's ignorance, once again brought heaven grief.  While he was dying on the cross, Jesus promised to return, thus planting the seeds for the belief in the second advent. He promised that he would hold the feast of the lamb when he returns. But to hold the feast of the lamb, we should not wait for the second advent on the clouds, as the Christians claim. We can hold a feast only if he comes in the flesh. Yet, what is the reality that we see today? It is full of chaos. Two-thousand years ago, when the messiah first came to the earth, the great roman empire had control of the Cain-type world. It was said that all roads lead to Rome at that time. God had externally prepared everything in this way but the people of Israel, the Jewish people and those close to them failed to fulfill their responsibility. Today I want to emphasize about responsibility. When the chosen people failed to fulfill their responsibility, they were burdened with terrible indemnity beyond their imaginations. I'm sure you are aware of the situation in the Middle East today. Why do you think such tragedies are happening? It is because the nation and people who were chosen failed their responsibilities. God has told us this: When he chooses a central figure or nation and gives them responsibilities, and if they fail to fulfill their responsibility, he does not give them another chance. These are fearful words. In the beginning of my address, I welcomed you all in the name of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. God is omniscient and omnipotent. He is the alpha and omega. Failure is not an option for him. The reason God has waited for many years is because he had given humankind their portion of responsibility and was planning to have them join him when they fulfill their portion of responsibility. He must achieve what he had planned. That is why the six-thousand Biblical years, the six-thousand years of providential history, was a history of a painful providence of restoration through indemnity. To our surprise, God chose this nation. Although the expert doctor is here with us today, this nation was founded under the spirit of promoting the benefit of humankind throughout the world and creating a world that is in harmony with all the laws of nature. Is there any other nation that has proclaimed such founding ideals? Over the course of history, Korea has also been called the white-clad race and chosen people. This is not a coincidence. At the end of days, there are more than seven billion in this world who are living away from God. Would God simply sit back and watch? He will do something about this. However, the person who can resolve this on his behalf is his only begotten son and only begotten daughter who are beyond Satan's accusations. We are in dire need of the True Parents right now. You, therefore, must know the truth. You must be bold in front of the truth. You cherished your dreams for the future and dreamed of a world of peace, a united world centered on our Heavenly Parent. Our ancestors also had such hopes in their lives. The problem is that they didn't know how to overcome Satan's accusations. However, all of you have been born as second- and third-generation members through your parents who were blessed by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Is that correct? Then, you too have responsibilities. You should be grateful for the fact that you are within the realm of True Parents' indemnity. Therefore, you are all happy people. You must know that happiness grows when it is shared. True Parents are the True Parents of humankind. True Parents have victoriously brought to a conclusion the providence history of restoration through indemnity, for the first and last time in history, and opened up a new Cheon Il Guk. Based on this reality, it is our responsibility that there are still people who are not aware of the True Parents.  Wherever you find yourself, you should tell people about True Parents and remember that you are in an environment where you stand as victors who convey True Parents' will,  and stand in the position of a filial son, filial daughter, and patriot of Cheon Il Guk in providential history. You still have a lot to learn so please do not neglect your studies or be negligent in making all necessary preparations for that day when you can fulfill your dreams. Once again, I congratulate you all. 

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