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True Mother's address to Cranes Club meeting(2014.12.20)
Date created : 2015-03-09/ Views : 553
True Mother's address to Cranes Club members
Date and Venue: December 20, 2014 

True Mother's greetings
How much did you want to see me? Did you miss me? [Yes.]
I wanted to see how much you have grown and how healthy you are.
That's why I called you here. Was it a good decision? [Yes.]
The emcee, a second-generation member, mentioned that you are in your twenties to fifties. [Yes. That is correct.]

God's dream is the fulfillment of the dispensation of salvation and providence of restoration
What are your dreams?
When God first created the heavens and earth at the beginning of time, He did so with a big dream. We understand this through the teachings of the Divine Principle. Isn’t that so? [Yes.]
What was God's dream? God's dream was in becoming a true parent through Adam and Eve. 
Yet, Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, failed to fulfill their responsibilities in relation to God's dream. They were unable to fulfill God's dream. Since then all people have been living in a fallen world. The Bible indicates this period as six thousand years. 
In reality it is actually much longer.
The omnipotent and omniscient God did not give up despite such a failure. 
No matter what the cost, God was compelled to find a person who could work closely with Him.
Thus, began the dispensation for salvation and the providence of restoration. Do you understand? [Yes.]

The Messianic Belief of the People of Israel during the Roman Era
It is easy to say this. But providential history has continued for six thousand years. It took four thousand years to establish a foundation for the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. How difficult this period must have been! How much sorrow and grief God has had to endure! Why, then, has it taken such a long time? We have to think about this point. 
Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire, a vast empire, prospered from its base on the Italian peninsula. At that time, it was said that all roads lead to Rome. I don't know if you saw the video but I will show it to you tomorrow during the service.
In April or May, I spent some time offering devotions while climbing on twelve mountains in the Swiss Alps. I found a path that was cut through the Alps during the time of the Roman Empire. Israel was a vassal state, without even a foundation to call itself a nation, under this powerful empire. That was a difficult time for them. The Israelites fervently prayed to God to send them the Messiah whom He had promised to send to the chosen people—the people God that had taken pains to raise at that time. 
The Israelites in those days believed that once their Messiah came, they would be able to conquer and overcome the Roman Empire. That's why they prayed even harder and offered devotions. But what happened? Heaven kept its end of the bargain, but the people of Israel at the time were deaf and blind. 
Even Mary, who conceived through the Holy Spirit, did not fully understand.

The Responsibility of Knowing Jesus, God's Only Begotten Son, and God's Only Begotten Daughter
Jesus called himself God's only begotten son. Christians today believe in salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross, even though God sent him after four thousand years of preparation. Why is it that they look no further than this idea? God is not a God without compassion. God wants to embrace humankind with His love and save them. How could God, who had prepared for so long, simply send His only begotten son to die on the cross in order to bring salvation?
Yesterday, I met with some church ministers. So, I shared a little bit of what I have just told you with these ministers. They were shocked. They said that they never had thought about it in that way, even though they had read the Bible many times and were leading their lives as pastors. 
That is why, before his death, Jesus Christ promised to return. He said he was going to come again. 
Christianity began based on the belief in this promise. Providential history continued in this way for two thousand years. There is something you should remember. God's only begotten son cannot become a true parent on his own. God's only begotten son is part of the lineage untainted by the fall within the satanic world. He is like Adam, who was created by God. Then wasn't Eve at Adam's side? [Yes.] They should have recognized the existence of God's only begotten daughter. But they failed to find her. Jesus' relatives, the high priest, John the Baptist, and Mary did not fulfill their responsibilities. How can people not know the details of Jesus' birth, even after six thousand years have passed? 
Don't you remember your birthday? [Yes.] Don't your parents remember your date of birth? [Yes.] Then why was Mary silent as to the date of birth of Jesus, who was sent as God's only begotten son after four thousand years of preparation? The twelve disciples still lived after Jesus' death on the cross. Yet, why is there no record? The people of Israel who failed their responsibility were faced with indemnity. Indemnity, this is something you must understand. 
[Let's give a warm round of applause to True Parents. Thank you True Mother. (Applause)] 
I'm not finished yet. Why are you applauding? [We wanted to applaud you.]

The Significance of the Holy Blessing and the Second Advent, the Hope for All Christians
Christians hoped they would later meet the Lord at his Second Advent. They had to shoulder this responsibility during the oppressive rule of the Roman Empire. I'm sure you have heard about how some were thrown to be eaten by lions, yet still maintained their faith. For two thousand years, Christians maintained their faith despite many challenges and hardships. God's pain in watching this was indescribable. Humans in their ignorance also suffered. But they did not know why. People did not understand why they had to suffer. These Christians survived for two thousand years on the hope that they could meet the returning Lord during their lifetime. 
So, did God send the Lord of the Second Advent as Jesus promised he would? [He did.] Did the returning Lord become the True Parent? [Yes, he did.] It's amazing. Humankind fervently waited throughout history for the True Parents. Finally they were born—in 1960. 
Yet, the Christians have ended up acting like the people of Israel did two thousand years ago. How could they be so misinformed? If you lack understanding and wish to be more knowledgeable, shouldn't you make effort to learn? What do you think? [Yes.] Shouldn't you study? It doesn't make sense to simply oppose something without first studying or attempting to learn the truth. 
In any event, True Parents began to bless the world. The word “blessing” can mean abundance, and it has other meanings. But I am not talking about that kind of blessing. You do not know the hardships True Parents had to go through in the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity in order to give birth to blessed families. 
True Parents paid indemnity for everything in order to finally give birth to blessed families. You were born into such blessed families as their second generation. What makes you different from those in the fallen world? Your lineage is different. This is something you have to understand. Do you understand? [Yes.]
If the fallen world is like muddied waters, you were born as pure water. Pure water. All of you today stand in an extraordinary position, which cannot be expressed adequately with any form of adulation or praise. 

The Second Generation Must Live Within True Parents’ Realm of Love
Among those gathered here today, some of you have in your own way been attending True Parents, while others have decided to study, make a living, and be successful because of the inconveniences you felt while seeing your natural parents, who gave birth to you, work only for the church. I know there are some of you who grew up in this way. I'm sure there are members of our second-generation who grew up like this. What you should remember is that members of the second-generation were born as pure water for the first time in history. Just because you face difficulties in your environment does not mean you should return to the muddied waters. Do you understand? [Yes.]
You should remain within the realm of True Parents' love. If you depart from True Parents, you are no different from Adam and Eve who fell into the fallen world. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes.]
I'm talking about the True Parents. You have lived and breathed in the same era as the True Parents. What does this mean? It means you are placed in the position of the progenitors. You are the center. You have to become people who are not ashamed or afflicted with pangs of conscience over this. Do you understand? [Yes.]
Whatever you are doing in your part of the world, you still have the responsibility to bring new life, to meet many people and raise them. Do you understand? 
I'm saying that you have to witness to people. The True Parents are the True Parents of all 7 billion people of this world. We are living in a time when it becomes important that you can be remembered in history as being filial children and loyal patriots in front of True Parents by offering devotions and making effort as people born from those who received the Blessing from True Parents for the first time. Do you understand? [Yes.]

True Parents' Position and a Life of Attendance
Our physical life on earth is short. Even if one lives a long, healthy life, one usually does not live for more than a hundred years. Do you know how old I am? Do I look like a grandmother to you or a middle-aged lady? [You look young.] Is it good to look young? [Yes.] I'm telling you now to have hope, and to have a dream. The longer I stay with you the more blessings and happiness you will enjoy. What happens after that? You can become the central figures in firmly establishing Cheon Il Guk. Do you understand?
Whatever you do, you must be different. You have to become the progenitors of a noble family that has honor. To become that you have to make effort. I hope you can build the qualities and competencies, and broaden your experience so that I can remember all of your names. That's why I wanted to see you. Do you understand? [Yes.] Are you happy? [Yes.] I am happy too. [Thank you.] (Laughter; Applause)
Seeing all you young people makes me want to work harder so that I can embrace all 7 billion people. What happens to True Parents after that? What does that imply? They are the king of kings. Do you understand? [Yes.] As they are in the position of the king of kings, you should broaden their environment and attend them. I am very busy. I am past seventy. How much effort should you make? Any effort you make will give you happiness, joy, and glory. This is the path of becoming a proud parent to your descendants. If you know this, should you remain outside floundering, or should you come in and lead a life of attendance? [We should come in and lead a life of attendance.] Will you do that? [Yes.] I will be watching you. Let's applaud to express our promise to work hard and fulfill our responsibility. (Applause)

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