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True Mother's Message in East Garden at Hoondokhae(2015.5.23)
Date created : 2015-06-26/ Views : 878

True Mother’s Message in East Garden at Hoondokhae

2015 4.6 on the Heavenly Calendar (May 23), East Garden


Particularly this time in Europe when I met elder members, truly I was very grateful, but also very inspired. On many occasions I have felt they are so precious, because over a half-century they have lived their lives for True Parents. I was thinking about these profound matters during my tour of several nations in Europe. 

I thought about how hard Christians had tried to attend Heaven. Even though they were fallen people, they tried to follow Heaven; they led lives of faith, trying to hold on to Heaven. They truly invested themselves in building churches. I do not know if you have ever visited the Vatican, but if you go to the Vatican, you will see it is grandiose. I also visited the second most beautiful cathedral, the Cologne Cathedral. Finally, you have heard of Notre Dame, haven’t you? I also visited the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which is more than eight hundred and fifty years old. Building these holy churches took three or four hundred years of continuous work. Yet, what remains today is just an empty shell. 

The outer building is beautiful, but inside the content may be lacking. What is the essence, or center, of faith? People are unaware of this. Even in Europe, where the Christian faith flourished for two thousand years and the Christian cultural sphere flourished. I observed this culture. As I did that, I thought a lot about all of you. Today, even here in the United States are people that have worked as Unificationists for forty or fifty years. So what future are we working to create? The Christian cultural sphere may be losing its innermost essence, but at least it can show certain external cultural achievements. However, our Unification movement is different. Isn’t that true? God’s wish, humanity’s wish and Christians’ wish… What is their common wish? It is to meet the True Parents. 

It took six thousand biblical years for True Parents to be born on earth. I mentioned that we will soon mark the seventieth anniversary of Korea’s independence. Christians, notably, do not know that the two thousand-year history of Christianity was to prepare to welcome the only begotten daughter of God. Christians do not know how Heaven has prepared things. When the Messiah comes again, what is his wish? It is to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. He comes as a man and wants to meet a woman. Jesus was born as the only begotten son of God, but he came to meet the only begotten daughter of God. To do that, he said he would come again. I am sure you did not know all of this in depth. 

For two thousand years, Christians offered conditions. This is the outcome of their offerings: the True Parents, and the only begotten daughter of God. The only begotten son of God and the only begotten daughter of God were born in Korea, which is why Heaven had to protect Korea. The Roman Empire was at least able to expand the Christian sphere. What did America do? After receiving the True Parents, what should America have done? However, all of you have received the blessing; you have blessed families. You have received many blessings and have given birth to many children. Yet, this alone is insufficient. We all have responsibilities. 

Even though Christianity does not have the essence of faith, for the past two thousand years it has expanded all over the world. However, all of you have the True Parents. You are blessed members with blessed children that have received the blessing from True Parents. You are not the same as the Christians of the past. All of you have a root. That is the difference. We must create a Unificationist culture that goes beyond Christianity’s two thousand-year cultural history; Are you just going to be people that wait for time to pass by, or are you going to be united with True Parents, receive the blessing from True Parents, and, as blessed members, become the pure water the world needs, and give birth to children who are that pure water? 

True Parents have given you everything. True Parents have opened Cheon Il Guk for you. That is why, in accordance with Cheon Il Guk, all of you must take action as well, in a way that differs from the Christians, who for the past two thousand years tried to attend God and built great cathedrals as symbols of their faith. What do you need to do to show your faith? You need to create something that will remain forever, something that has not been here before. So that your descendants can walk in one direction in the future, you need to open the gates to that path for them. 

When I was looking at European nations, I cried profoundly in my heart. Please become people who can be proud, not ashamed, of European culture and Christian culture, and leave behind your history and culture, How much are you thinking about this? What should I tell you so that you can feel the way I feel? I hope you can become children that can do twenty or thirty things according to one of True Parents’ statements. I’m making a lot of effort at this moment. What I know, I would like to teach all of you so that you understand what I know, how I feel. 

True Father must be very sad right now. True Father must feel that you are making True Mother go through hardship while she is trying to complete the final providence of restoration when you have not been able to complete your responsibility while he was on earth. I think he may have such a heart which is why tears keep coming. 

I can summarize my message today in one sentence: For two thousand years, Christianity has established a culture. We need to move forward, we need to be better. We must think about how we are going to educate those in future generations, how we are going to testify about True Parents and how we are going to lead future generations to love True Parents. We have practiced true love, we have tried very hard to embrace all of humanity and save all of humanity as our own children. 

The True Parents have given all of humanity the path to eternity. Thank you True Parents, for opening the gate to eternal life. Those in future generations have reasons to lament having been born in the future, instead of as one of you, their ancestors, who lived in True Parents’ time. They may say, If I had lived together with True Parents, I would have done better than my ancestors did. Please awaken, everyone. From now on, you need to be different. You must no longer be bystanders. You must all take ownership, stand in the center and become leaders. 

Is it okay for the blessed nation of the United States to betray True Parents three times? The United States put True Father into prison, right? How did this country treat the True Father and True Mother who came to save the nation and humankind? By not fulfilling your responsibility you will have to go through the course of restoration through indemnity. If you don’t, your descendants will have to go through more hardships. You are all parents; are there any parents who wish to see their children go through difficulties because you didn’t fulfill your responsibility? Something else you should also know is, don’t speak casually about the children of the True Family. Do you understand? I also have to hold the 1st generation Blessed families responsible. Thus, they also need a period of growth. Please be patient. 

Your elder brothers Hyojin and Heungjin are your two proud elder brothers. If you go forward united with your elder brothers, Hyojin and Heungjin, centered on True Parents, all will go well. [Aju]

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