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Full Speeches
Message at the 55th Anniversary since True Parent’s Holy Marriage (2015.4.27)
Date created : 2015-06-23/ Views : 548

Message at the 55th Anniversary since True Parent’s Holy Marriage (2015.4.27)

When you were suddenly notified to dress nicely and come, were you excited these past days? Were you happy? 

I think you would have been excited. Whether it is someone you know or don’t know, an intelligent person or not, you need to be able to adjust to that environment. 

What do you think life in the Kingdom of Heaven will be like? 

It is a place we should go to after learning and knowing a lot on earth. 

That is why, as one of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, 

I plan to show you, through many opportunities, how we are to act and live in the Cheon Il Guk era. 

Are you hopeful? Are you happy? [Yes!]

Heaven is where everyone lives in harmony and practices true love under the heavenly law and order. 

It is a place where one lives with hope for the future. Do you understand? 

The preparations to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk have just begun. 

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