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Full Speeches
Let Us Stand with Dignity in Front of the Truth
Date created : 2015-05-20/ Views : 581
True Mother's Speech
Let Us Stand with Dignity in Front of the Truth

▣ You are the leaders of the unification family. You are blessed family members. Some of you have worked for the providence for fifty years, forty years, thirty years or twenty years. I am sure many of you have been here for most of that time. What I would like to ask you now is, In your entire life, what can you say you can be proud of in front of Heaven? 
Throughout your entire life, you have lived under difficult conditions, yet as you worked your mind-set was, I am grateful and I will do my best to develop what I have. However, I honestly believe that not many of you have lived like that. A few days ago, I told the leaders that from now on, we are in a new era as we enter the third year of Cheon Il Guk. All the blessed families of the unification family, everyone, must move forward with a unified will and unified determination centered on True Parents. Be healthy, be strong and grow very profound, deep roots. This is the message I gave. 
I am sure those who have been to Israel know that it is not a fertile land. In that difficult environment, for the roots of the olive tree to grow takes fifteen years.
Today, there are olive trees that have lived for more than two thousand years. While centering on the True Parents, ask yourselves, How deep has my blessed family planted our roots? 
You should not think that this is a blessing for you or your family alone. With that mentality, we cannot think about the future. This is the truth. To think in that way would be shameful. 
That caused me to think about the following: We have entered the third year of Cheon Il Guk. How should we move forward toward Vision 2020, to be victorious and obtain results that we can offer to our Heavenly Parent and True Parents? 
We actually do not have enough time between now and 2020. We should not fall behind any more. We cannot delay.

▣ There are many problems in the world. Religious problems, racial problems and more. Yet no one can solve all these problems. Can the United Nations, which is like a world government, solve them? They have tried, but they could not solve these problems. Only True Parents, whom God is with, can solve them. They are the key.
Furthermore, today throughout the world, there are the major religions, but it is true that the recent history of God’s providence has centered on Christianity.
Jesus said that he was the only begotten son of God, and he talked about the father–son relationship. Yet in order for him to be the parent of humanity, a mother is needed as well as a father. We know that. That is why the providential history of restoration through indemnity took six thousand years. You have to be aware of this. The clergy must know this. Christians today still live in the Old Testament age or the New Testament age.
We, the unification family, are living beyond the Completed Testament Age and are in the era of Cheon Il Guk. 
How great a declaration this is! You should not forgot what a fortunate position you are in. The more you share happiness, the stronger it becomes.
Democracy came from Christianity. Yet communism also came from Christianity. Nevertheless, God promised to send the Messiah, promised that the Lord would come again. God continued his preparations to send the Lord again. This started from the Roman Empire and went on to England. The British Empire was so huge that it was said that the “sun never set” on it. The Bible played a role in its expansion. It created a Christian cultural sphere. Its purpose was to receive the Lord when he came again.
What we have to understand is that we are fallen human beings that could not align with God. We did not have a clear center. We have many hidden stories. Still, God prepared for and sent the returning Lord. Amid many difficulties, finally he was born as the True Parent. 

In these last days, more than seven billion in the world are living away from God. Will God simply sit back quietly and watch? He will do something about this, won’t He? However, the people that can resolve this on his behalf are his only begotten son and only begotten daughter who are free of the condition that allows Satan’s accusation. We are in dire need of the True Parents right now. You, therefore, must know the truth. You must be bold in front of the truth. You cherished your dreams for the future and dreamed of world peace, a united world centered on our Heavenly Parent. Our ancestors also had such hopes in their lives.
The problem was that they did not know how to overcome Satan's accusations. You should be grateful for the fact that you are within True Parents’ realm. Therefore, you are all happy people. True Parents have victoriously concluded the providential history of restoration through indemnity for the first and last time in history and have opened Cheon Il Guk. In light of this, that some people remain unaware of the True Parents is our responsibility. 

You should be in the mainstream, centered on True Parents. If your beloved children are in a tributary, you should support them so that they can enter the mainstream. I am saying that you should not just keep on observing; I am asking you not to become mere onlookers. 
As we work toward opening the Cheon Il Guk era, you must be able to find your perfected, original mind while carrying out your own responsibilities. You must find your original mind by yourselves. You should be able to edify yourselves upon the standard of absolute faith in, absolute love for and absolute obedience to True Parents. 
I am saying that you should offer your sincere devotion. Just as Dae-mo nim did, you should devote yourselves completely and be able to edify yourselves. 
You must become one with True Parents through the Holy Spirit and the truth, through the true teachings and through the three main scripture books. 
Therefore, if you live in accordance with the way True Parents lived, you can automatically attend True Parents. You will also end up going to places where True Parents go.

▣ You need to change your way of thinking.

From the moment that your elder brother Hyo-jin nim was born, he grew up saying, I must be a son that exemplifies filial piety. 
Hyo-jin nim thought that many people and time were needed in order for these good teachings to be accepted. 
He also thought a lot about effective ways to save people all at once, like a whirlwind. 
That is how he decided, I have to change people’s minds through music and guide them to the church.
After making this decision, he wrote ten thousand songs in three years. 
This is impossible by human power alone. 
According to him, thoughts coming into our head usually change based on the situation. In other words, people tend to betray others.
However, what we experience through the heart lasts for eternity. So he would say that though witnessing through the Principle is important, for him, he would try to first move people’s hearts and then guide them to accept the word. That is the kind of effort he invested. 
You must broaden your environment. The wind can shake your individual root or the root of one single family easily, but they are rooted deeply along with the roots of your tribe, they will withstand anything, even a strong tsunami. The path through which you can survive is the path of witnessing.

I will say that we must reveal the truth. Looking at the world today, have you thought, Who is the owner of the world? 
There is no owner. Is it the democratic world? Is it the communist world? Are the prosperous nations the owners of the world? No. The true owner must appear. The true owner is the one that perfects God's providential history. That person is the True Parent.
You must reveal that the True Parents of your neighbors, your tribe and your nation are the true lords. That is the only way for you to go today if you want to receive the crown of glory, the only way to prove that you lived in this era with True Parents. Please engrave this in your hearts. 
All the blessed family members here today and also those participating via the internet throughout the world should proclaim True Parents to all four corners of the world and fulfill their responsibilities as tribal messiahs practicing true love according to True Parents' teachings. Human beings are suffering and dying amidst the destructive force of religious conflicts, racial problems and border disputes that are causing tragedies in the world today. Can you just observe them without doing anything?
We must teach everyone and raise everyone as True Parents' children. That is the only way to go in order to bring about the one united world that Heaven, all humankind and we ourselves have longed for. I sincerely ask that you engrave these goals in your hearts and do your best. 

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