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True Mother’s Message during the Chuseok Holiday (September 28, 2015)
Date created : 2015-11-10/ Views : 622

True Mother’s Message during the Chuseok Holiday


You saw the super moon, the full moon, didn’t you?

When I say “moon” for some reason I want to express my heart. It’s like that for you too, isn’t it?

Did you make a wish [to the moon]?

When I asked my grandchild what he wished for he said that he cannot say because the wish is too big.

Those were the words of my small grandchild.

The Chuseok moon is the type of moon that makes you at peace, and the type that you want to depend on, want to talk to, and want to lean on. 

I do not know what you have wished for,

What is like an even greater moon than the moon which grows every day thought phases is the purpose of our life, our life on earth, which is to fulfill our responsibilities on the individual, family, church, and nation levels for the completion of the providence.

As I looked at the moon, I wondered how long I would be able to see that

ancient moon until the day that happens while True Parents are still on earth.

Ladies, and gentlemen, what did you think?

First, we can do this if we align our wishes to [Vision] 2020 and True Parents.

Your responsibility is to show what you are capable of. Can you do it?

Thus, we should head toward the joyous day where all seven-billion people of the world attend

Heavenly Parent and share in gratitude, celebration and love just as we have today.

Please try not to invest too much of your hard work and devotion on a full moon,

but by fulfilling our responsibility starting from the individual to all our families and church members,

let us show the people on earth with one heart, one will, and one devotion,

a united world, heaven on earth, where we can all feast with our Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

I think most of you here are over fifty…Is this correct?

The CARP members are young, but do we have thirty years left or twenty years left?

Do we have ten years left? What is it like for you?

Is ten years to see the [Chuseok] full moon, the days that we can celebrate, long or short?

What are you going to do? Are you going to shorten it?

Thus, we all must become one. One with no high or low. We must run towards one goal with one heart and one will. Do you understand? May you have good fortune. 

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