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Full Speeches
Asian Top Gun’s Special Assembly with True Mother (2015.10.9)
Date created : 2015-11-09/ Views : 613

Become People Who Will Succeed


The Asian Top Gun workshop, part of a course to raise future leaders for the victory of Vision 2020, took place in Cheongpyeong from August 31 to October 9. True Mother invited the 115 participants to Cheon Jeong Gung on October 9 to conclude their Asian Top Gun’s Special Assembly. The following is an excerpt of True Mother’s message to the Asian Top Guns.


I am happy because I could hear your forty-day workshop report and see your natural, cheerful, young faces today. God had an ideal, a dream, a dream that he has waited to see realized ever since the time of the Creation; this dream could not become reality without me. Thus, I received God’s summons. How difficult has it been that it took four thousand years to establish a standard for an individual, a family and a nation that God could relate to in the fallen human world?

What happened, when after four thousand years, God sent the Messiah? As has happened so often, human beings committed an unforgivable sin that caused pain, anguish and suffering to God. However, Jesus said that he would come again as he died on the cross. What did he say he was going to do when he returns? He said that he would hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. This refers to the two-thousand-year providential history of Christianity after Jesus Christ, in search of the only begotten daughter of God.

When I was sixteen years old, I received God’s summons and immediately made a decision. If I did not do it, this wearisome providential history of restoration through indemnity, which was full of resentment, could not end. Thus, I resolved to succeed without fail. That was 1960, the year of True Parents’ Holy Wedding.

You learned this in your lectures. Isn’t that right? You probably heard about True Mother’s seven-year course in the Principle. This seven-year course was my path to prepare a foundation of victory, by which the six-thousand-year providential history that Eve had lost could be restored through indemnity. If I had been unable to complete this, God’s Day could not have been established. Do you understand? True Mother’s victory is God’s victory. No one can replace True Mother’s history. Therefore, I took initiative and set an example of fulfilling what I had to do providentially.

Foundation Day was on the 13th [2.13 in 2013 by the heavenly calendar]. You know this. We have God’s Day. Why did we establish Foundation Day on the 13th? Thirteen is an important number. Searching for the lost number, thirteen, is part of True Parents’ providential history. Because of this, I bore fourteen children, which is one more that thirteen, in one lineage, with my own body.  

In the ages of history, especially in Old Testament providential history, many numbers appear. As the True Mother, I united this. I made them one. This is also one of Mother’s great achievements. Please understand this. I was your age, twenty-four, when God’s Day was proclaimed.

Two people have come up here today and expressed their determination, but I hope that all of you become True Parents’ children who can say, I will succeed without fail!

From that point of view, you are blessed people, chosen people, and happy people. Those who have everything should share. In that way, you will receive more blessings. This means that you need to raise many people, give life to them and encourage them to be like you. Moreover, whatever mission you are given, you can become those who fulfill their tribal messiah responsibility to bless more than 430 families and take the lead in restoring your nation!

Please be aware that in the place where you take action with determination and with True Parents at the center, in this blessed time, miraculous and amazing providential deeds can happen. Though I had Father, I fought alone because I had my own responsibility to fulfill. However, you have many brothers and sisters—120 of you! This is your allied army. Take care to remember that when you unite and go forward with one goal, you have nothing to be afraid of, nothing is beyond your capacity and nothing guarantees that you cannot succeed!

You probably have many questions for me, but I believe I have answered everything. You have achieved the Four Position Foundation centered on True Parents. Among the True Children, Hyo Jin nim and Heung Jin nim are sons who have completed their duty as true filial sons and loyal subjects in front of you, in front of humankind and in front of True Parents. They are your elder brothers.

If you live on the front lines with a heart that we are always with you, we will become a wellspring that can work with you and give you strength spiritually and physically. Thus, attend True Parents every day and we will accomplish one world centered on Heavenly Parent without fail. One world is heaven on earth. Heaven on earth is the completion of Cheon Il Guk. Please become great Asia Top Guns who will bring this day quickly. Think of this with pride, fill yourselves with courage one-hundredfold and be victorious!

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