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True Mother’s message at the main event of the Azalea Festival (2016.5.7)
Date created : 2016-05-25/ Views : 674

True Mother’s message at the main event of the Azalea Festival
May 7, 2016, Cheongpyeong Training Center

Loving blessed families and others who have assembled here from around the world. Here, in this place today, earth and heaven are one. However, the path we must continue to take is the one toward global restoration.
God created human beings because He had a dream for them. The Fall caused Heavenly Parent pain, grief and deep resentment, because to fulfill the purpose of the Creation, which God had established, human beings and God should have become one. However, Heavenly Parent could not give up.

Therefore, the providential history of restoration through indemnity, which sought a means of restoring fallen human beings, began. God established an individual, a tribe and a people that could understand Heaven’s circumstances and those of the fallen world. The Israelites, whom we are familiar with, were those people. They were prepared over a long period, four thousand years. How difficult must this have been?

Yet God did not give up; when the Israelites had formed a national foundation, He sent the messiah as He had promised. The messiah should have formed the True Parents, who would have achieved God’s dream and fulfilled humanity’s hope. However, the only begotten son, Jesus Christ, lost that environment. Mary, other central figures and the Jewish Israelites should have been by Jesus’ side, supporting and attending him, but they did not fulfill their responsibilities.

Jesus had lost everything; he had nowhere to go. During his three years of public ministry, he established twelve disciples, but in the end, none of them were able to unite with Jesus. As Jesus died on the cross, he left behind the statement that he would come again. He said that he would return and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Heaven would not give up. God could no longer carry out providential history through the Israelites, who had failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Therefore, that two-thousand-year stretch of providential history was one in search of the only begotten daughter of God. However, Christians of today are unaware of this.

For a long time, God had been preparing the Korean people, through whom He finally found the long-awaited only begotten daughter of God after six thousand years as calculated using the Bible. At the time of Jesus, two thousand years ago, Mary, Zechariah, and the Jewish people, the Israelites, did not unite or attend Jesus. They were unable to create the environment that Jesus was trying to make. However, with the foundation of the only begotten daughter of God, found after six thousand years, Heaven has succeeded.

Dae-mo nim literally means “great mother.” Dae-mo nim, more than anyone else, is the one who embraces all fallen human beings and can bestow on them good favor and grace, so that they can approach True Parents. Hence, centered on Cheongpyeong, the great works in both the physical world and the spiritual world could substantially begin. This was possible because she united with True Parents. Do you understand?

Since then, depending on how grateful you are and how loyal you are in front of Heaven, through this Cheongpyeong Training Center, you will have amazing growth and development in the areas of the standard of your hearts and your lives of faith. This is a place where you can actually experience Heaven working with you.
Therefore, in front of you, centering on the Cheongpyeong complex, I will build the Cheonji Sunhakwon, to be best and to be unique, so that Heavenly Parent’s dream and True Parents’ wish can be achieved and be shown in the front of the world. I plan to make it a sanctuary where in the future, your descendants can experience and feel True Parents love and give unlimited gratitude and glory to Heavenly Parent.  

Ladies and gentlemen, here today, please dream great dreams. I pray that you will unite with True Parents, unite with me, and that you become proud citizens of Cheon Il Guk that can bring the day closer when heaven on earth is realized (which Heaven hopes for) and when the 7.3 billion people of the world are one and are attending Heavenly Parent, centered on Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Now, not much times remains until 2020, the deadline of our first goal. We can be victorious. If you and those in your family, your tribe and your nation become Cheon Il Guk citizens that attend Heavenly Parent, we can be victorious. [Aju]
Please become blessed families that bring that day closer. Please align your wishes and big goals with True Parents’ wish and go forward with vigor.

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