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True Mother’s Message at the Heaven G Burger Festival Victory Luncheon (October 30, 2015)
Date created : 2015-12-21/ Views : 621
Where the World Can Experience True Parents’ Love

True Mother spoke to an audience at Cheon Jeong Gung during the Heaven G Burger Festival Victory Luncheon on October 30 about her earlier distribution of hamburgers to members that were attending workshops at the Cheongpyeong Training Center. 

When you think about the providence, about our members or about the future, you realize that food, clothing and shelter are important to people living their day-to-day lives. Other than the Great Works, Cheongpyeong holds two large events a year. Many people from around the world come here, so eating is important. Moreover, because the weather is cold around Foundation Day, they will need warm food. In the past, we would do things within the training center, but I thought about raising the level a bit. 
A lot of space is available for our use in Cheongpyeong. Cheongpyeong may not be as large as True Father had planned; the land it occupies may not be large enough to build a large grocery store on, but I am thinking to make something by which those who come to train here can buy or be supplied with everything they need. That is why I released the Heaven G Burger, as a demonstration. If you have any words of encouragement, helpful opinions or wish to participate, please tell me. When we look to the future, I want to make Cheongpyeong a sanctuary that lacks nothing, that has all of everything. That is the beginning.  
Thus, please tell me your ideas to make this place one where the people of the world, all people, want to come and live, a place about which they will say, “I get sick if I do not go there three or four times a year.” I want to accomplish everything that True Father thought of, one by one, on as high a level as possible. Hence, I am hoping to make this a place where all our members from around the world, as well as all of humankind, can experience True Parents’ love when they come here. 
When we look at the whole, as I said last time during the Great Works, when compared to a human body, Cheongpyeong is in the location of the womb. When you look at a map of Korea, it is exactly in the place where the womb would be. Therefore, many lives are born here and those lives grow here. Through experiences such as separating from spirits and ancestor liberation, your spirits grow. Here, you are the problem. 
In the song that the team Apple Heaven sang earlier, the lyrics went, “I threw away my greed and a flower of happiness bloomed.” Many problems arise because of love. Yet when he came to his senses and laid down his greed, he was happy. That is why I like that song. That is why I said to learn it. 
It is the same for our own lives of faith. Our circumstances, our positions, are not what are important. You have blessed families and have received the blessing through True Parents, so you have no connection with the fallen world. However, while you are alive, what should you do in order to prepare to ascend? How can you die well on the last day of your life? The most important thing you should think about is throwing away your greed. 
From True Parents we have learned what kind of lives we should live. When you know your place and act accordingly, good fortune will come if you put down your greed. When you are satisfied, you can be more grateful in front of God. Will God ignore you if you live a life of gratitude in front of him? He would give you great blessings. We have probably already experienced this on many sides. Isn’t that right? You need to live such a life. Therefore, as you support this with a heart to participate, please tell me of your experiences if you have any. 
You need healthy food and you need to save time. You need more time to fulfill your responsibilities as tribal messiahs, so you should not take one or two hours to eat. Some people need two hours to eat. There are those who say that. Yet it was not so with Father. He would finish everything in five or ten minutes and go. 
You should resemble True Parents. Isn’t that right? You need to live a life resembling your Parents. By doing so, more of you will be able to expand your influence and advance toward being an owner.

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