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Full Speeches
True Mother’s Speech Korea-Japan Harmony and Unity Gathering: Kick off for the Victory of vision 2020 (October 6, 2016)
Date created : 2016-10-18/ Views : 605


District pastors and leaders of Korea and Japan,


God’s dream, True Parents’ dream and humanity’s hope is to have one world centered on our Heavenly Parent! And the True Parents of humankind are the ones who can guide you toward that world. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came as the only begotten son of God carrying Heaven’s lineage, unrelated to Satan in all aspects. Mary had to create an environment for Jesus to complete the providence. Unfortunately, regardless of whether Mary was aware of the providence or not, she was unable to find the only begotten daughter of God, the blessing counterpart that Jesus so longed for.

When we look at the 2,000-year providential history of Christianity, the Catholic Church has beautifully expressed and served Mary as the Holy Mother (Virgin Mary) because they did not know the truth. Shockingly, Jesus, however, has for the past 2,000 years been associated with the cross. While on the cross, Jesus said he would come again. What did he say he would do upon his return? He said he would hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. How deep must have Jesus’ bitter anguish been! Christians could not prepare Heaven’s providence as they did not know Jesus’ unfortunate circumstances. Heaven was able to finally establish the only begotten daughter, God’s daughter, the only begotten daughter of God, who had nothing to do with the Fall, from among the Korean people, through a long providential history of 6,000 years.

Unlike Mary 2,000 years ago, Daemo nim gave birth to the only begotten daughter of God and invested her everything in creating an environment for True Parents throughout her life. She led and protected the Cheongpyeong providence on earth – something no one else could have done.

You all have gone through many difficulties as you worked on the front line to fulfill your responsibilities. During those times, you came to Cheongpyeong and experienced the healing of being embraced in True Parents’ bosom. Have we, or have we not made such an environment – an environment where you can find peace and freedom of the mind through True Parents? Just looking at this, True Parents’ providential history is a success. However, we must not forget the 7.3 billion people of the world.

Heavenly Parent's dream and True Parents' dream should have originally been achieved by Adam and Eve, without the Fall. We have the responsibility to accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven by our own hands during True Parents' lifetime. This responsibility is a blessing for all of you. Do you understand? Korea and Japan, in particular, are the parent nations to the world. Parents must become one. I sincerely pray that you can become fathers and mothers who work hard, irrespective of your position, for God’s Will and the providence, and bring great results for Heaven.

We are now in the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk. What have I shown you during this time? I compiled the three volumes of the Cheon Il Guk Scripture as educational materials that will guide you and enable you to say, “I have lived in unity with True Parents,” throughout your lives. I made the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. The True Parents, who emerged on earth, should have begun from the national level. Unfortunately, the nations, who had that responsibility, failed to accomplish it. As a result, True Parents had to rise up from the very bottom. They were then able to liberate God and open the doors of Cheon Il Guk in 2013. In order to achieve this, there are many areas that we must first equip ourselves with as a model nation to the nations of the world. That is why I established the Supreme Council, and set up the five organs. For these five organs to begin working properly, at least seven nations must be restored around the world.

There is a path that we must take. It is now time to combine all areas, such as the existing organizations, and align them under one system that advances centered on True Parents. That is why I want to make an announcement in front of all of you:

From now on, all organizations and companies must have Hyo Jeong at the beginning of their names. Last time, I said I would revive the science conference.

Many things are happening around the world. Just recently, a typhoon affected this nation, causing a lot of damage, particularly in Ulsan. Why do such incidents occur so often? The earth, which God created, was originally meant to function naturally and logically. However, the result is that human ignorance and single-minded human greed is destroying nature. Consequentially, we are witnessing the environment deteriorating to extremes under which even human life can no longer be guaranteed. Many people have been discussing the reasons and are worrying about this. Yet, there is no clear alternative. Researching and creating alternatives will ultimately require nations to give up some of the wealth they have enjoyed. As a result, developed countries, even though aware of the problem, have not been able to do anything about it.

Standing in the position of True Parents, however, I cannot just stand back and watch. Don’t we have to realize God’s dream, True Parents’ dream and humanity’s hope? I will also work so that the father nation and mother nation can have their status, both in name and in reality.

Without having to say anything more, my dream is yours. Isn’t that so?

Please advance with the determination to absolutely achieve this Will with True Mother, until your very last breath. 

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