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Full Speeches
Closing Ceremony of the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly True Mother’s Message (August 22)
Date created : 2016-09-30/ Views : 688

True Mother’s Message at the Closing Ceremony of the Cheon Il Guk Leaders’ Assembly 

On 7.20 by the heavenly calendar in the 4th year of Cheon Il Guk (August 22)


Thank you for your hard work. As blessed family members and people in charge of the providence living in the same era as True Parents, have you thought about how you would like to lead the last phase of your lives? Until now, the powerful nations in modern history and the history of civilization were in Europe. So was England, France, Germany and even Russia, which rose later. However, there is a reason for the rise of these super powers. Peter the Great, the last Tsar of Russia, traveled to Europe incognito and experienced Europe's developing civilization as a laborer. He then returned to his country and put what he had learned into practice.  The motive behind that led to the existence of the Soviet Union. What about the United States? Even though the United States does not know it, it is certainly a nation called by Heaven into the providence. That is why Heaven blessed the United States. The United States rose to a position upon which it could become a central nation in the world. But none of these world powers knew of Heaven's providence. Great Britain eventually focused on colonial expansion. It had dominated the world to such extent that it left behind the phrase, “the sun never sets on the British Empire.” Yet, because it sought its national interests first, neighboring nations ended up becoming estranged. God’s providential history strove to guide the misguided fallen world toward unity. Conclusively, the Christianity, which was supposed to play a central role, failed to fulfill its responsibilities.

God’s dream, Heavenly Parent’s dream and True Parents’ dream, is one big family centered on our Heavenly Parent; a dream of every person on earth being able to say God is my father and mother. Even though Heaven opened all paths going in this direction, human beings could not fulfill their responsibilities. I spoke about the Swiss Guards last time. Before Switzerland became a neutral nation, it was a very poor country. Being very mountainous, Switzerland gets a lot of snow. So they exercise a lot, which means they are very healthy and strong. In comparison to the leading European nations in those days, it was a bit backward. When Switzerland became a neutral nation, the Swiss Guards led the way in reviving their country. They fulfilled their responsibility of safeguarding Louis XVI and his family. The 700 or so guards fought to fulfil their responsibility until the last moment of their lives. That is why the Swiss Guards are remembered in history.

Through True Parents, we know Heaven’s providence and what our responsibilities are. Yet when we think of the status of the world with its 7.3 billion people in comparison our status and power are greatly lacking. How difficult must it have been for Heaven, as He took the long period of 6,000 years to find the fallen world! The True Parents, who are to accomplish Heaven’s Will, had to emerge. That is why Heaven chose and establish the people of Israel 2,000 years ago. Heaven raised them in a difficult and disheartening environment. It took 4,000 years for Heaven’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to be born. How then can the sudden crucifixion and death of his son, whom Heaven sent after a long period of restoration through indemnity, be the means of salvation for humanity? The truth must be revealed in this unenlightened age and end times. Heaven’s providential history continued through True Parents.

Heaven then chose the Korean People until the emergence of the True Parents, the birth of Heaven’s only begotten son and daughter. Just as in the time of Jesus, 2,000 years ago, the environment was not ready. Nevertheless, True Parents were victorious. The emergence of the name ‘True Parents’ among the human race is the source of humanity’s great hope. Blessed family members are people reborn through True Parents. Aren’t you proud of this? If that is the case, how often should you testify about and be proud of True Parents to the whole world? You are in the golden years of your life. This is the happiest moment. Why is that? ‘I worked with True Parents.’ This historic record alone will greatly move your descendants. You must be proud of it. But if to that your descendants could add, ‘we are the proud descendants of so and so, the noble family which followed True Parents’ Will, and fulfilled their responsibilities in accordance with True Parents’ teachings’ . Then, your descendants will honor you for generations. They will proudly sing your glory for eons and eons. Until the day you ascend, you must without fail uphold and raise the stature of Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Heavenly Parent is the true owner of the world. Around the world are many large and small nations, but people there do not know their national assets originally belong to Heavenly Parent. We must help people understand this. We must become experts in every respect. After the 3rd ascension memorial and from the 4th memorial. we must expand our environment on earth. Also, the unification family must become the model for all humanity in all respects. We must become the standard. Therefore, centering on the Hyo Jeong Cheonwon complex I would like to show all of humanity an image of the kingdom of heaven. True Parents must realize without fail that unified world for which Heaven has yearned. Just as True Father said, the line of people and large boats coming across oceans to visit this place will have no end. People will come from Busan, will come through the airport. People will yearn to come here, the place of hope for humanity the place where God dwells, the place where True Parents live and breathe: Don’t you think people who know this would want to visit? Do you think people will wish to ascend otherwise? They will yearn to come here, no matter what method they have to use. Hence, we must create an environment to welcome them. First, this nation must fulfill the mission for which it was called: Be God’s homeland. Aju. What should Cheon Il Guk heroes do? These heroes must risk their lives to build God’s nation and realize one family under God. Therefore, all of you here must become historic figures. The more you testify to and teach about True Parents the better. Please invest yourselves wholeheartedly and work quickly. In so doing, you will bring happiness to Heavenly Parent. Hence, I would like to report to Heavenly Parent happy, victorious daily reports from around the world. “Today, such and such activities took place. Today and tomorrow, these activities will take place in Africa. Heavenly Parent, please gladly accept these reports. These [results] were originally yours.” To do that, we must educate [as many people] as possible. We must testify to True Parents and simultaneously educate people through our daily lives. Also, this disordered, fallen world has already destroyed so much of the environment. It will take time to restore the environment to its pristine state, just as God created it; but we must do that. We must do it right now without fail for the sake of our second and third generations. Do you understand this? This is why I spoke of reviving the Center for Scientific Studies. This center will bring together the best researchers and scientists. I would like to heal each facet substantially; to do so, I would like to support the necessary research and teach methods that can bring about good results.  This task is urgent. This is also the reason I established the Sunhak Peace Prize. Therefore, let us become one and march forward towards one objective!  


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