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Full Speeches
True Mother at the 2016 Conference on the Hopes and Dreams for One Korea Leader's Meeting (August 23, 2016)
Date created : 2016-09-29/ Views : 599

Thank you, everyone. What should I talk about with you today?

God created heaven and earth as well as Adam and Eve, who are humankind’s ancestors, and gave them responsibilities.

They should have united with God in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.

However, during their growth stage, they fell as a result of self-centered thought and behavior.

One the other hand, God had a grand dream. God wanted to achieve that dream with Adam and Eve.

Nevertheless, Adam and Eve, who were supposed to fulfill their responsibilities, fell.

Therefore, Almighty God became a miserable, sorrowful and lonely God.

God’s heart never gives up on fallen human beings, so God started the providence of restoration through indemnity in order to restore humankind. Therefore, Heaven selected the chosen people and raised them. Accomplishing God’s dream requires a man and a woman that can fulfill the necessary responsibilities. Through this man and woman, the gate to bring fallen people to Heaven’s side can open and the providence of history can move forward. How difficult it must have been to raise the chosen people! The tribes of Israel had been prepared for four thousand years in order to send the Messiah, the Savior, Jesus. The tribes of Israel, the Jewish people, especially the people around Jesus—Mary, Zachariah's family and Joseph’s family—should have fulfilled their missions.

In a word, they failed. God had prepared for so long and sent the only begotten son, but the people of Israel crucified him. They believed that they brought salvation, which is senseless. The two thousand years of Christianity has just been an empty shell.  There was no center. They did not understand God’s providence nor why God sent the only begotten son. Man cannot do anything by himself.Therefore, the two thousand years of Christian history constitute the providence to find the only begotten daughter. However, Today’s Christians are unaware of this. Nevertheless, Heaven has moved forward through providential history. You would see that if you looked in the Bible.

Heaven never used a central figure who had failed his or her original mission. It is the same with countries. How? Heaven had been longing for the only begotten son and only begotten daughter to become True Parents and save humankind, but that dream had been frustrated once again.

I have told you this before: Without indemnity, fallen people cannot go back to the Heaven’s side. You must understand this. Distinguished leaders who are meeting here today, when Jesus, the only begotten son, was on the cross, he said he would return. He said that when he came back he would hold the marriage supper of the Lamb.Christians still do not realize what this means. The only begotten son and only begotten daughter are the True Parents who must come to earth for the sake of God’s providence in human history. Korea has the responsibility to prepare the foundation of the only begotten daughter and the True Parents in this providential history. In the same way that Heaven selected the Jewish people as the chosen people two thousand years ago, the only begotten daughter who did not appear two thousand years ago was born on the Korean Peninsula.

Because of that, the chosen country is on the Korean Peninsula. This place must become be the homeland that God lost. Standing in front of this immense blessing, you have responsibilities.

Two thousand years ago, the Israelites failed their mission.What was the result of that failure?

This is a blessing, but also it is a truly fearful position to be in. The Korean people must awaken.

Heaven's providential history… God finally sent True Parents after indescribable hardships throughout six thousand years. Without True Parents, it is impossible for fallen human beings to be the children of God. The Korean people should not live in ignorance of True Parents and the blessings they bring.This country has an important responsibility. Yet, they are still unaware of this. So, blessed families have to let people know about the incarnation of True Parents and teach people the direction they should take. You must achieve victory through action while I am on earth. All of you understand indemnity.Do you understand? I hope all of you can achieve victory and be in the position in which the need to pay indemnity no longer arises.

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