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Full Speeches
Moon Sun Jin, President, FFWPUI HQ, Commemorative Address
Date created : 2016-08-29/ Views : 586
Beloved True Parents [True Mother].  Distinguished Leaders from around the world. Blessed Central Family Members. Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a great privilege to stand before you today on the occasion of this sacred Seonghwa Festival in honor of the 4th Anniversary of our True Father’s Ascension.

We have gathered here today in a spirit of oneness, unity, harmony, eternal love and solidarity centered on our Heavenly Parent and our beloved True Parents.

We gather in oneness of heart with our precious True Father, who is always with us when we practice True Love and live with joy in our hearts. Father, thank you for your love! 

We are honored to be here with you and our beloved True Mother and our worldwide family. We are grateful for all the abundant blessings, everlasting hope, infinite grace you have given us, and we pledge our absolute resolve to carry forward your legacy of love. Aju!

Thank you brothers and sisters!!!  Your presence here and your sincere love, faith, dedication and hard work keep True Father’s dream alive! You are all the beloved sons and daughters of our True Parents and Heavenly Parent! Kamsahamnida. Thank you! We love you! Salanghamnida!

Whenever I reflect on the depth and significance of our True Father’s life and legacy, I can only conclude that his life was a miracle. From such humble beginnings in North Korea, he rose to cover the entire globe, continuously traveling the world to share his message of God’s True love and hopes for eternal peace. He was as his autobiography is titles, a peace loving global citizen. As an absolute center point, an axis, he embodied the principle of living for the sake of others, going to every corner of the globe, loving all God’s children as his own and raising them up in love, grace, truth and peace.

When I think of True Father, the image that is forever emblazoned in my mind is one of an indomitable force of True Love. I always see True Father’s unforgettable smile, expressing his loving heart. I see him hugging, forgiving, and loving even his enemy.He crossed every border and boundary with principled compassion, generosity and an unchanging commitment to God’s Will. 

Our True Father lived and walked this earth for 92 years, standing squarely at the center of God’s providence. He had been called by heaven, and by Jesus himself, for a mission that was beyond ordinary comprehension.

Squarely facing every challenge and difficulty, he prayed and worked without ceasing, gathering disciples one by one, even in the face of continual opposition.

Although the course of restoration was torturous, he endured. And, he prevailed. And, yes, he emerged victorious. What for us is a divine spark, was for True Father a roaring fire of passion for God and for the restoration of humanity.

Each and every thing he did over the course of his amazing life was for the sake of unity, harmony and peace centered on True Love, True Life and True lineage.

He taught us the meaning of the word cheonilguk, a world where “two become one,” as in a “unified nation of peace.” The central themes of unification and oneness were applied by True Father to the relations among religions, nations, races, ethnicities, cultures and civilizations, for the sake of establishing “one family under God.” Every organization and project that True Father and True Mother established had this vision in mind.

True Father strove every single day of his life to love, care for, and support those in need. He devoted every moment of his life to education, continually teaching, many times throughout the night, going without sleep. All his earthly possessions he donated to humanity so that all the people of the world could realize their true divine potential.

At the core of his teaching was a desire to guide each and every person to achieve complete mind-body unity, centered on God, a divine balance of the self as a son or daughter of God. From that point, he taught of the next stage, the Blessing, where two come together as one married couple, in complete harmony and love. 

The eternal love and unity of the Blessed couple then expands to the family, tribe, nation and world, eventually establishing one universal family under Heavenly Parent. Until his last breath, this was his glorious dream, one that I pray we all can fulfill.

Today, as one global family can we pledge to fulfill this legacy of peace for all humankind and creation. Yes? Aju!

For the past four years since True Father’s Ascension, True Mother has worked tirelessly to carry forward True Father’s dream. Throughout this time, she has single-handedly led our movement toward the realization of Cheon Il Guk, one global family under God. This is no longer just a dream; it is emerging as a glorious reality.  Every day we are witnessing victorious results from around the globe!  The seeds planted over the past decades are now bearing fruit.

Here in Cheong Pyeong, True Mother is preserving and immortalizing our True Parents’ amazing legacy of true love, grace and peace. She is building Heavenly Parent’s true garden here on the earth, creating a sacred space of heaven on earth.

At the center of this garden will be the Cheonji Sunhak Won, and the HJ Training Center, where the people of the world will be reborn, Blessed, and engrafted to the true olive tree as the restored sons and daughters of Heavenly Parent. 

In 1960, at the time of their Holy Blessing, our True Father and our True Mother formed an eternal partnership. Their 52 years of marriage have opened the path for all of humankind to be Blessed.

As one absolutely united and victorious couple, they are our blessed eternal True Parents, they have given us the Blessing, the word, the true path to follow so that couples all over the world can form true families.

The greatest tribute we can offer our True Father on this day is to unite together, centering on our True Mother, with an absolute commitment to building on True Father’s foundation, emulating his life of daily devotion through hoondokhwe, and working each and every day, with an absolute filial heart, to transform this world into the heavenly realm of  cheonilguk.

Will you do this? Yes! Thank you!

I would like to close my remarks today with a brief Hoondokhwe reading True Father’s words.

Please listen carefully to this passage, which comes from the Cheon Seong Gyeong chapter entitled, “the world culture of heart.”
1. The heart is the mind of emotion. Our deepest feelings belong to the realm of heart. God created human beings; therefore, the flow of God's heart is internally connected to that place. The electricity of God's love flows in the realm of the heart. Experiencing this is like feeling electricity flow through you. How powerful that is! Through this you gain a sense of what goodness is. The realm of heart contains the substance by which we connect to everything. Because there is nothing that does not belong to this realm of heart, the electricity of God's love can flow everywhere. (112-013, 1981.03.15)
Everything True Parents have taught us points to this culture of heart and true love for all of humankind and creation. It is the essence of our Heavenly Parent, and the only pathway for peace, unity, and harmony for all of living beings.

When we live each moment with this true heart, all things can be restored and returned back to God. Only through this eternal connection of the heart can we realize one family under God and have complete peace and freedom in this world.

My deepest desire is that we all come together, on this day and every day, as one global family, letting the “electricity and light of God’s love flow everywhere?” When we live with true love in our heart, Heavenly Parent and True Father can dwell within us.

I would like to read one more passage.

CSG 8,17
Love is the mind’s source of energy. Accordingly, if we connect to God and generate colossal energy through the action of giving and receiving, we can increase our unity a hundred or a thousand times. We can also realize humanity’s cherished hopes, live together for eternity, and take ownership of heaven. The secret to this is love. Love is the elevator leading to unity and the secret to its absolute achievement.


May you always choose love!

Please take this time to cherish each neighbor that brightened your light today and share a big Hug of gratitude, a true loving embrace.

For each one of you is the key to world peace, ultimate oneness and eternal unity. Keep in mind that H is for harmony, U is for unity, and G is for goodness, gratitude, and God. As you embrace, feel your hearts unite; feel the joy and harmony in your union, and send that loving energy of gratitude and goodness to our Heavenly Parent, to True Parents, and to all of creation.

Please say Kamsamnida, thank you, and Salanghamnida, I love you to each other! You will feel True Father smiling, loving, and hugging you back. His legacy remains alive forever as long as we practice true love and come together as one family under our Heavenly Parent.

Please never forget Heavenly Parent’s divine light that dwells within you. You are the embodiment of the hopes and dreams of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

All together let us, today and everyday, pledge our eternal love and victory to our Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and the whole human family around the world! Let us give three cheers of Sungli! Victory! (Sungli!, Sungli!, Sungli!) AJU! Namaste.

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