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Full Speeches
The Congratulatory Banquet for the tenth anniversary of True Parents’ Coronation and Entrance into the Cheon Jeong Gung (2016.7.17)
Date created : 2016-08-08/ Views : 598

Much religious conflict is going on in the world today.A few days ago many people were killed in France. Only the Family Federation can solve these problems. Not only that, but what is happening in China? The size of the coast is small compared to the vast size of the whole of China. They want to create a man-made island so they can claim more territory in the ocean. This is a national border problem. This problem, too, only the Family Federation can solve. Only True Parents can solve this. What is the point of expanding an already large nation?

Looking at the whole world and all that is occurring at this time, not even the UN system can solve these problems.

The launch of the International Parliamentarians’ Peace Association is happening at the end of July. This International Parliamentarians’ Peace Association will be in the position of the Abel UN,The UN ambassadors are mostly government ambassadors or other government officials appointed to that position.

These members were not chosen to represent the will of the people in their country. What we are doing [in the IAPP] is with members chosen by the people of their nation. Then those members must work for the sake of the people of their nations.

Throughout the world are large countries and small countries, but one thing they all have in common is that they all want to know how can we create one world as heaven on earth.

True Parents are the only begotten son and daughter of God that Heaven has waited and sought for six thousand years.

 People have the responsibility of creating a suitable environment for True Parents to be born into.

All of you who have received the blessing from True Parents, when we look at your responsibilities, you have not perfectly fulfilled it. We must be different. We must grow. We must show the world that together with Heaven we stand with True Parents. We must change. Good people's consciences will pull them toward us. I have experienced this many times.

If I go into a store, that store will make a lot of money. People gather around. Haven't you experienced this? 

The path that you take will also be like this. You are different from ordinary people.

Even if they do not know True Parents, their consciences, a small corner of them has been lonely.

 We must teach them that the people they need to meet are True Parents. The people who have been wandering aimlessly about in their lives, when they see this clear path for them to follow, is there anyone who won't follow?

They will follow. So the regional presidents, the ones responsible, must proudly boast about True Parents.

 We must reveal all of True Parents’ historical achievements.

There are many nations in the world, but each nation has a weak spot that is causing trouble.

For example, nations that are economically well, have family problems such as the breakdown of the family and high divorce rates.

The problems of the young people are also serious. We have the answer to all of these problems. That is why we need to educate the youth quickly from elementary, middle school, and high school. In this age, teachers are not respected as teachers. I am saying at this time teachers can only survive if they work for the sake of the students. The education is the problem; we must set it right.

Also there are no future leaders in any of the countries; the countries must be worried. Then if we give our youth activities and CARP activities a new focus, they will show hope to the nation. They must give hope.

Throughout the history of Christianity, Christianity spread because the king or governor responsible for that nation decided to accept Christianity.

The work that you do can bring about such a miracle. Do you think that Heaven and spirit world will stand still during this time?

We must do everything to unite all the members of the unification movement to bring about victory through the nations that we have agreed on and selected today. That is the reason you are alive at this time. That is why I told you I would give this outfit away, so that you do not lose hope, so that you do not forget the dream.I do not know if one region will receive this or one nation, but it will be historic. How happy our descendants will be when they hear the story of how you received this holy item.

If your ancestors were involved wouldn't  there be many grateful descendants? Wouldn't there be many proud descendants? This is how desperate my heart is.

There can be no retreat on our path forward. How can all 7.3 billion people of the world be brought to True Parents’ bosom?

This may seem like a miraculous feat but we must do it. With no foundation Christianity began to take form after four hundred years, about AD 300 to 400? We cannot look at our work like that.

No problem will arise if each one of you does the work of a hundred people and if our qualified people in high places do the work of a thousand people. Righteous people of the world know.

 I mean to say that in relation to our responsibilities, someone will know [the providence]. I am saying that a helpful person can appear. For that to happen we must offer devotion. Do you think Heaven will only stand back and watch if they see someone who only thinks of Heavenly Parent and True Parents and determines each day to fulfill his or her responsibility as a child and runs toward that goal?

The problem is that you must become a bowl ready to receive. If a miracle won't happen at this time, when would it?


Heaven blessed this large country, the United States. But the people of this country were unable to fulfill their responsibilities.


There are 50 states. If we think of them as 50 nations, how many states have we restored? If we think like this, we can bring the United States back [to God].

Think of a spinning top. If we find the right axis and continue to hit it, it will keep spinning.

Then we will be one. Do not think of it as something far in the future. Do not think of it as something that is difficult.

Believe that you can do it and challenge yourselves. That goes for all of you.

 What else is there for me to say. The results are the blessing that you will receive. Do your best.


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